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Images of 'Propulsion' found, 685

Robert Fulton's steamboat.
The March of Humanity in Latin America: The Atom, relief painting on the Polyforum Cultural Siqueiros, built 1964-71 (mural)
Laing MS III 283, fol.201r, Wind powered wagon in Holland, from the 'Album Amicorum' of Michael van Meer, c.1613-48 (w/c on paper)
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The Rocket, steam locomotive designed and built by George and Robert Stephenson in 1829 for the Liverpool-Manchester railway (engraving)
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Mars Express probe - Artist's View - Mars Express artist's view - The European probe Mars Express leaves the Earth propelled by the upper floor Fregat. This probe was launched on 2 June 2003 and began its observations in early 2004. Mars Express left Earth for Mars on 2 June 2003 when the positions of the two planets made for the shortest possible route, a condition that occurs once every twenty - six months. The european spaceprobe began its March observations in 2004. Mars Express was mounted on the Fregat upper stage. Most of the energy needed to propel Mars Express from Earth to Mars is provided by the four - stage Soyuz/Fregat launcher. The Fregat upper stage separated from the spacecraft after placed it on a Mars - bound trajectory
Asteroides threaten the Earth - Artist view - Asteroids threatening the Earth - Artist view - Title: Space Situational Awareness - Near Earth Objects Picture caption: The SSA-NEO system is based on syndicating and federating observation and tracking data provided by a large number of European and international sources. The key components include: -Observatories and astronomers with telescopes of various sizes, both professional and amateur -A central SSA-NEO data centre, the 'Small Bodies Data Centre', which uses astrometric measurements collected by the Minor Planet Center (USA) -An analysis capability to predict possible impact locations and assess dangers -Analyses related to risk mitigation, including the possible deflection of an asteroid -A system for issuing warnings and alerts to civil authorities in Europe Data on NeOS are collected from telescopes and radar systems worldwide. Each of these submit observations to the Minor Planet Center (MPC), operated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, which acts as a central clearing house for asteroid and comet observations. The measurements collected there are retrieved by the European Small Bodies Data Centre; orbits and miss distances are computed. In case of high-risk impact predictions, the data will be cross-checked with NASA's SENTRY system, operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California, before issuing alerts
The First Class Lounge of the Ocean Liner 'Mauretania', c.1906 (b/w photo)
Three children with goat cart, c.1620 (oil on canvas)
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Munitions factory -  America 19th century
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The Rocket, steam locomotive designed and built by George and Robert Stephenson in 1829 for the Liverpool-Manchester railway (engraving)
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Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the Great Eastern
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Spaceship propelled by a solar sail - Spaceship propelled by a solar sail - Artist view - Artist view of a ship using solar wind and photons emitted by the Sun as a means of propulsion
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USS Nautilus (b/w photo)
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First dandy-horse
View of the high-pressure steam boiler in the engine room of the battleship Bismarck, 1940 (b/w photo)
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Commander Coutelle at the siege of Mainz, 1795, c.1895 (engraving)
Afterburner of an F-119 engine from the Lockheed Martin X-35 (photo)
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The Dawn probe near Ceres - Artist's view - Dawn approaches Ceres - Artist view of the Dawn probe near the dwarf planet Ceres. In February 2015 the unmanned Dawn spacecraft is scheduled to arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres. The 65 foot long, 2.5 ton probe was launched from the Earth in 2007, passed March in 2009, and went into orbit around the protoplanet Vesta in July 2011 where it stayed until September 2012. Once in orbit around Ceres, Dawn is expected to operate for about a year making observations of this largest object in the asteroid belt. In this image Dawn's three xenon electrostatic ion thrusters can be seen emitting ionized xenon's characteristic blue/magenta glow, gently propelling the probe toward Ceres. While the ion engines have relatively low specific thrust (about equal to the weight of a few sheets of paper), they can operate continuously for long periods making efficient use of the approximately 1,000 pounds of xenon propellant onboard. The wing - like solar arrays produce about 1,300 watts for probe's propulsion and other electrical systems. While no close - up observations of yet been made of Ceres itself, here it is rendered as appearing similar to a much smaller version of the Earth's Moon, heavily cratered with the addition of surface water ice and hypothesized plumes of ice crystals from water geysers on its surface
Valier in the rocket sled, 1929 (b/w photo)
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Venus, 1991
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St. Francis holding up the Lateran Church (tempera on panel)
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The Nautilus, the first atomic-powered submarine
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Cover of american magazine "Mechanix Illustrated" february 1946: jet propelled racer
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The USS Enterprise (CVN-65) was the world's first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
The three men responsible for the success of Explorer 1, America's first Earth satellite which was launched January 31, 1958. At left is Dr. William H. Pickering, former director of JPL, which built and operated the satellite. Dr. James A. van Allen, center, of the State University of Iowa, designed and built the instrument on Explorer that discovered the radiation belts which circle the Earth. At right is Dr. Wernher von Braun, leader of the Army's Redstone Arsenal team which built the first stage Redstone rocket that launched Explorer 1.
Admiral of the Fleet Sir George Cockburn (1772-1853), 1820 (oil on canvas)
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Development Of Transportation
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Not For Conquest 1of3
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Space rocket
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