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Images of 'Precambrian' found, 40

The Earth 600 million years ago - Artist's view - Ediacaran Earth - The Earth seen about 600 million years ago after an important period of glaciation. This is how the Earth may have appeared 600 million years ago following the Cryogenian “” Snowball Earth”” period. The worldwide glaciers have melted and the ocean is largely liquid again. During this, the Ediacaran period, it is hypothesized that all of the Earth's landmasses had merged into a single supercontinent known as Pannotia, also known as the Vendian supercontinent. Surrounding this massive landmass is the vast Panthalassic Ocean, also known as Panthalassa. While the ocean was home to a variety of evolving multicellular life forms including the ubiquitous Dickinsonia costata, it is not believed that life had moved to dry land with possible exception of bacteria and other microbial colonies
Archean stromatolites - Illustration showing the shores of an ancient sea 3 billion years ago. In the foreground, stromatolites, aggregation of sediments and cyanobacteries. Stromatoliths have undoubtedly contributed to our dioxygen-rich atmosphere and the ozone layer that allowed the development of a more complex terrestrial and oceanic life. Dome - shaped stromatolites, averaging three feet high and four feet wide, populate the shallow shore of an ancient sea 3 billion years ago. The Moon looms near the horizon, much closer to the Earth than it is now and therefore appearing considerably larger, but otherwise looking much like the moon we know today. 3 billion years ago the first macro evidence of life on Earth may have appeared in the form of large aggregations of microorganisms and associated sediments known as stromatolites. Cyanobacteria (AKA blue - green algae) were likely one of the primary contributors to these aggregations. During the Archean Eon the Earth's atmosphere contained very little oxygen. Cyanobacteria would have thrived during this time as they employ photosynthesis to combine water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to create their food, while the byproducts of this process are oxygen and calcium carbonate. Billions of years of photosynthetic processes by cyanobacteria other living organisms are likely the primary source of the oxygen we breathe. They also provided the oxygen that forms the protective ozone layer, filtering the shorter wavelengths of ultraviolet light from the Sun that are harmful to most forms of life. Varieties of stromatolites still flourish to this day with well - known formations in parts of Australia, Brazil, and the Bahamas
Moon Formation: Hypotheses of impact giant - Moon Formation: Giant impact hypothesis: The hypotheses of impact giant suggests that the Moon was created from material ejecteated by a collision between the young Earth and a body the size of Mars named Theia, 4.5 billion years ago - The giant-impact hypothesis, sometimes called the Big Splash, or the Theia Impact suggests that the Moon formed out of the debris left over from a collision between Earth and a body of the size of Mars, approximately 4.5 billion years ago
Fragments of the Turin Map, (papyrus)
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Moon Formation: Another Hypotheses of Giant Impact - Moon Formation: Hit-and-run Giant Impact Scenario: The hypothesis of giant impact suggests that the Moon was created from material ejected by a collision between the young Earth and a body the size of Mars named Theia 4.5 billion years ago. This scenario is widely accepted, but analyses of lunar samples have shown a major problem with this theory: the Moon should be composed mainly of Theia materials. The elements of the Moon and the Earth show remarkable similarities. Researchers explored a new collision geometry, changing the impact configuration. Their simulation also integrates a more energetic impact (called “hit and run”) that could tear more matter from Earth and make the pre-lunar debris disc dominate by terrestrial matter - The giant-impact hypothesis, sometimes called the Big Splash, or the Theia Impact suggests that the Moon formed out of the debris left over from a collision between Earth and a body of the size of Mars, approximately 4.5 billion years ago - Unfortunately, samples taken from the Earth and from the Moon show that the ratio of the Earth's and the Moon's oxygen isotopes is almost identical. And a fresh analysis of lunar samples taken by the Apollo missions show that the Moon and the Earth share a very similar isotope ratio of the metal titanium... All which should not be the case, if the Big Splat theory is correct. Researchers (A.Reufer et al.) have proposed a variation on the Big Splat. They have suggested that instead of a collision with a slow-moving body like Theia, a much larger and fast-moving body hit the earth a glancing blow. Unlike Theia - which would have been largely sacrificed in the creation of our Moon - this new body would have lost only a small amount of material in the collision. After smacking the Earth, the pla
The First Life Forms on Earth - Eoarchean Earth - 3.8 billion years ago, 770 million years after the formation of the Earth, the first life forms appeared as a unicellular organism. Bacteries and archeobacteries (archaea) began to populate the Earth's surface while the atmosphere was still filled with volcanic gases and probably without oxygen. In this illustration, these micro-organisms came out of the ocean to attach themselves to the rock remains of a caldera, bringing colour to this monochrome landscape. 770 million years after the formation of the Earth - - 3.8 billion years ago - - the first life may have appeared in the form of simple, single - celled organisms. Bacteria and archaea may have even found a way to populate the otherwise sterile and inhospitable surface. The atmosphere would likely have consisted solely of gases vented by volcanoes: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, methane, hydrogen, methane, ammonia, and water vapor. In this image, a variety of single - celled organisms have ventured out of the ocean and onto the rocky remains of two volcanic calderas, adding color to an otherwise bleak and monochromatic landscape. While the lack of breathable oxygen would be anathema to complex life forms like ourselves, this primitive atmosphere was a rich source of sustenance for these terrestrial vanguards
Impact on the Moon - Moon Little splat: 10 million years after the Moon's surface has cooled, an impact with another small body formed from the ring surrounding the Earth probably occurred. This could explain the two very different faces of today's Moon - 10 million years after Moon's cooling: Today's moon was not the only one formed from the ring. There were several others, orbiting at the Lagrange points. The orbit of one was not stable and it eventually drifted into the larger moon in a slow-motion impact that caused the smaller satellite to pancake, spreading itself over an entire hemisphere, creating the mismatched sides the moon has today. An unlucky witness to the “” little splat”” would have seen a tsunami of molten rock roaring up over the horizon
Primitive Earth - Artist's View - Ancient terrestrial landscape - Artist's view of the Earth about 4 billion years ago. Volcanoes dominate the landscape. This is how the surface of the Earth may have appeared beneath its clouds about 500 million years after its birth. Massive volcanoes and lava fields still dominate the landscape. In a few million years rain will begin falling, further cooling the crust. In about another 200 million years the first living microbes will call the Earth home
Impact on the Moon seen from primitive Earth - Asteroid Impact on the Moon seen from primitive Earth: An asteroid hits the Moon forming one of the largest impact crateres of the solar system, the Aitken Basin, at the southern pole of the Moon (2500 km in diameter, 13 km in depth). The date of this impact is uncertain, probably just over three billion years ago. On Earth, the first algae grow - An asteroid impact, perhaps the largest endured by the moon since the little splat, created the South Pole Aitkens Basin, one of the largest impact structures in the solar system. The date of the impact is uncertain: it might have occurred only a little over 3 billion years ago. If so, from the earth - where primitive algae would have been the only witness - the impact would have been an impressive sight
Moon Formation: A ring of debris around the Earth - Moon Formation: ring around the earth: 4.5 billion years ago, the planet Theia collided with the primitive Earth. For a short time, a ring formed around the Earth. Soon, these debris will merge into the Moon - 4.5 billion years ago. After Theia collision and for a short time, the earth is surrounded by a ring of debris. The ring is only temporary, however: it soon begins to coalesce into a solid mass. Only a few years might have been required for it to form into a moon
Precambrian volcano
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Anglian ice sheet
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Impact on Early Earth - Primitive Earth Impact - Artist view - An asteroid hits Earth 4.5 billion years ago. An asteroid shatters the thin crust of the forming earth 4.5 billion years ago
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Early Precambrian Earth
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Precambrian volcano
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