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Images of 'Plate 156' found, 30

Tailleur de ratine verte, Costumes Parisiens, plate 156 from Journal des dames et des modes, 1914 (coloured engraving)
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Reseda lutea
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Sturnus vulgaris
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Corvus brachyrhynchos, American crow, Plate 156 from John James Audubon's Birds of America, original double elephant folio, 1827-30 (hand-coloured aquatint)
Apocynum , 1737 (engraving)
LS Plate 156 from the John Reeves Collection
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Plate 156, from 'A Curious Herbal', 1737 (coloured engraving)
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A message signed 'Father Christmas', with a coat of arms. The card is from a Mr & Mrs Thomas Heath.
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One bird. Colour Illustration by Audubon; American Crow.
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The Snow Queen. She is fat - she is pretty - she is fed with nut-kernels!
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Tailleur de ratine verte et velours noir. Gilet de taffetas fraise. Woman wearing a tailoured outfit of green and blackk silk, with a strawberrry silk waistcoat. Person in a trench coat with an umbrella and a dog in the background. Costumes Parisiens.
At the table sat Mr. Tupman, looking as unlike a man who had taken his leave of this world as possible.
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Albert Meyer was the penultimate spy executed at The Tower of London during World War One. Meyer claimed to be a Danish citizen, despite his Turkish birth. If it could be proven that Meyer was a Dane and not a Turk (England had by this time declared war on the Ottoman Empire), then he could not be considered as an enemy alien and so could not be subjected to a court-martial or the imposition of a sentence of death. The Danish embassy did not "recognize him as a Danish subject." No documentation could be found to prove that, beyond the inquiries made into Meyer's nationality, any serious reexamination of the evidence given in his court-martial was made. The execution date was rescheduled for the morning of 2 December 1915.
Th east end of the Cathedral church of St. Pauls church.
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Castles Sinclair & Girnigo off the shore of Caithness. The coastline and landscape of Great Britain. Drawn and engraved by William Daniell.
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Gymnotus electricus. Der zitteraal. L'anguille tremblante.
The electric eel.
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Rocks of Suli
Photograph of the Egyptian landscape monuments and archaeological sites. Taken in 1858.
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