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Images of 'Perm' found, 156

Earth at the end of Permian - Ring arcs over the Permian Earth - A ring of rocks and dust is orbiting the Earth. The massive continent below is Pangee and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is what Earth was supposed to look like at the end of Permian, about 260 million years ago, before the first dinosaurs appeared. This ring around the Earth was of earthly origin, constitutes debris thrown into orbit by collision with a meteorite or comet. Over time, these debris have either fallen or fallen back to Earth in a meteorite rain. A dusty ring arc orbits four thousand miles above Earth's equator. The massive continent below is Pangea and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is how the Earth may have appeared during the end of the Permian period, a time just prior to the appearance of the dinosaurs, when continental drift was pulling Pangea apart into the seven continents we know today. 260 million years ago the Earth may have been host to ring arcs similar to the incomplete rings that currently circumscribe the planet Neptune. Unlike Neptune's rings, the ring arcs around the Earth were of terrestrial origin, debris thrown into orbit by a collision with a large meteorite or comet. The debris consisted of tiny pebbles that were once molten droplets of ejecta, long since cooled in the vacuum of space. The orbit of the ring arc would eventually decay, returning the debris back to Earth as a shower of meteorites. This debris is found on Earth's surface today in the form of dark, glassy objects known as tektites
Perm, Siberia, USSR 1943, Interior of Barracks for Prisoners Working at Panyshevsky Corrective Labor Camp (Part of Gulag) Working on Panyshevsky Electric Station.
Perm, Siberia, USSR 1943, Barracks of Corrective Labor Camp (Part of Gulag) for Builders of the Panyshevsky Electric Station.
A ring of rocks and dust is orbiting the Earth. The massive continent below is Pangee and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is what Earth was supposed to look like at the end of Permian, about 260 million years ago, before the first dinosaurs appeared. This ring around the Earth was of earthly origin, constitutes debris thrown into orbit by collision with a meteorite or comet. Over time, these debris have fallen or fallen to Earth in a meteorite rain - A dusty ring arc orbits four thousand miles above Earth's equator. The massive continent below is Pangea and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is how the Earth may have appeared during the end of the Permian period, a time just prior to the appearance of the dinosaurs, when continental drift was pulling Pangea apart into the seven continents we know today - 260 million years ago the Earth may have been host to ring arcs similar to the incomplete rings that currently circumscribe the planet Neptune . Unlike Neptune's rings, the ring arcs around the Earth were of terrestrial origin, debris thrown into orbit by a collision with a large meteorite or comet. The debris consisted of tiny pebbles that were once molten droplets of ejecta, long since cooled in the vacuum of space. The orbit of the ring arc would eventually decay, returning the debris back to Earth as a shower of meteorites. This debris is found on Earth's surface today in the form of dark, glassy objects known as tektites.: La Terre à la fin du Permien - Ring arcs over the Permian Earth
Fossil of Seymouria Bayolorensis amphibian reptile from Texas.
The 'Curly Locks No. 1' hairstyle by Pierre and Michel is a frame 'do with a perm that curls only the ends, 1974
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Dimetrodon among Alethopteris - Dimetrodon among Alethopteris - Artist's view of a dimetrodon among seed ferns (Alethopteris). Dimetrodon is a mammalian reptile (Therapside), carnivore living in Permian. Dimetrodon was the apex predator of its time and likely had few enemies save for other Dimetrodon. They came as large as 11 feet long, 4 feet tall, and weighing as much as 300 pounds. Their reptilian hide, a relative novelty for that period, ensured their survival out of water. The large sail may have helped them to regulate body temperature, a survival advantage during the extremes of hot and cold during the Early Permian. Given that Dimetrodon is more closely related to mammals than dinosaurs, it could be that our own body's ability to regulate temperature had its origin in this ancient beast. Alethopteris was a seed fern that populated much of the world during the Carboniferous and Early Permian periods. Long extinct, fossilized leaves from the Alethopteris are commonly found today
Demonstration Sketch, 1951 (charcoal on paper)
Press photo for 1933 (b/w photo)
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Richard Lyle and Rocco Rienzi show off their perms at Crimpers Salon, New York City, 1974
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Carla Bley, Portrait, circa 1980's
Juliette de Saint Cyr, c.1925 (lacquered wood, eggshell)
Hairstyle, 1930s
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Young woman listens to the radio-advertising shot (b/w photo)
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Edwardian portrait, woman in a lace cap
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Hairstyle, 1928
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Russian peasant woman braking dried flax in a scutcher, to remove the flax's woody outer lay, leaving only the fibers. 1910 special process color photo Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii
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Sergei Prokudin-Gorskii, 1910
Grand ball of the Muenchner Illustrierte, 1958 (b/w photo)
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Interview with the Wilkinson family, Well Cottage, Foxearth, Essex, 22nd June 1988
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Hairstyle, 1920s
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Perma Tieda perm material for hairdresser circa 1950
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Recent file picture shows Russian President Boris Yeltsin attending a news conference during a cam.., 1996-06-28 (photo)
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A barber waits for customers behind Chinese characters advertising haircut and perm services in Shan.., 2003-11-18 (photo)
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The latest hairdrying technology at a hairdressing school, 8 July 1937
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Olympic gymnast Dominique Moceanu whips a tear during a court hearing in which she is seeking a perm.., 1998-12-09 (photo)
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Dish with pastoral scene, Roman work, perhaps brought to court of barbarian chief from Russian province of Perm, Copy from Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg
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Self-Portrait, c.1910 (oil on canvas)