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Images of 'Naval Encampment' found, 45

Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Add. 5415A Map, illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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'The Englishe victore agaynste the Schottes by Muskelbroghe' 1547 (engraving)
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Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Admiral The Hon. Edward Boscawen (oil on canvas)
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Add. 5415A Map, illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Add. 5415A  'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
Illustration from the 'Queen Mary Atlas', 1558 (pen & ink with w/c on paper)
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Sixteen Views of Plaves in the Persian Gulph Forces Against the Arabian Pirates, 1813 (aquatint, coloured)
A portrait of Major-General Arthur Tooker Collins of the Marines in his full dress uniform, 1786 (oil on canvas)
Naval Brigade races, 1869 (engraving)
A military encampment by a walled town; large ships in a harbour to the right; a castle nearby; large ships and boats on the sea in the middle ground; a rocky shoreline in the distance
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Captain Markham's most northerly encampment, 19th century (oil on paper)
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