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Images of 'Moving Image' found, 896

Moving Image, Series 1, 2012 (graphite on paper)
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Speed, c.1922 (linocut)
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William and the Werworlf
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Scenes from Charlie Chaplin's 'The Gold Rush', Buster Keaton in 'The Genera'l and Harold Lloyd hanging from the clock in 'Safety Last', 1920s
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Juan Sebastian Elcano and his Crew, painting
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Royal Aquarium
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Lava flow on Mt. Vesuvius, 1771
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Animation of 'The Horse in Motion', 'Animal Locomotion' series, c.1878 Eadweard Muybridge
Moving Image, Series 2, 2013 (graphite on paper)
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Shooting of the film "Condottieri", 1937
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Expulsion of Adem and Havva
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Italy, Tuscany, Carrara, Work in a Marble Quarry (b/w photo)
King Victor Emmanuel II, Cavour, ministers and court descending staircase of Palazzo Madama in Turin after inauguration of fifth subalpine term, December 19, 1853, by Carlo Bossoli (1815-1884), gouache on paper, Unification era, Italy, 19th century
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Praxinoscope, 1878
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Jack climbing the beanstalk
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Temptation; Mirror of Conscience
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Charlemagne oversees the construction of the Palatine Chapel, miniature from the Great Chronicles of France manuscript, France 14th Century.
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European cinema: scenes from 'Metropolis', Ernst Lubitsch, 1920s
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Mail train approaching railway station platform
Assumption of Virgin, dome, 1526-1530, by Antonio Allegri, known as Correggio (1489-ca 1534), fresco, Detail, Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Parma, Italy
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Photograph of Calcutta.
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Shikotan island seen from space - Shikotan island seen from space - Shikotan island (Shikotan) is one of the largest islands of the Kuril archipelago, located in the Pacific Ocean between the Kamchatka Peninsula and northern Japan. In this image obtained by the EO-1 satellite on 14 February 2011, this volcanic island is surrounded by ice forming spirals in the wind. Ostrov Shikotan (or Shikotan - to) is a volcanic island at the southern end of the Kuril chain. Shikotan lies along the extreme southern edge of winter sea ice in the Northern Hemisphere. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA's Earth Observing - 1 (EO - 1) satellite captured this natural - color image of Shikotan on February 14, 2011. The island is surrounded by sea ice - - swirling shapes of ghostly blue - gray. The ice in this image may have formed in a matter of several days, and it is prone to moving with currents. North of the western end of Shikotan, eddies have shaped the ice into rough circles. The eddies may result from opposing winds - - winds from the north pushing the ice southward, and winds from the southwest pushing the ice towards the northeast. Part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, the island is seismically active
Old Vennel, off High Street, Glasgow, 1868.
Ghostly moving figures populate Scottish photographer Thomas Annan's study of Old Vennel, off High Street, Glasgow. Annan was commissioned by The City Improvement Trust to document the inner-city slums which were scheduled for demolition and reconstruction by an act of Parliament in 1866.
"From High Street and about midway between the College and the Cross the Old Vennel branched eastwards, and turning to south beyond the Molendinar burn made straight for the Gallowgate, which it joined immediatly to the west of Little St. Mungo's Church." Extract from William Young's introduction to the book 'The Old Closes And Streets Of Glasgow'.
Unedited HD footage 1950's America: of the School Classroom, Modern Farming and the Full-Service Gas Station
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A suffragette in prison
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Venus seen by the Venus Express probe - Venus seen by Venus Express spacecraft - Faux-colored image obtained on July 23, 2007 by the Venus Express probe at a distance of 35,000 km from the planet. Venus presents here his southern hemisphere, from Ecuador, on the right, to the pole, on the left. This is a false - colour image taken with the Venus Monitoring Camera on board ESA's Venus Express. It shows the full view of the southern hemisphere from equator (right) to the pole. The south pole is surrounded by a dark oval feature. Moving to the right, away from the pole and towards the equator, we see streaky clouds, a bright mid - latitude band and mottled clouds in the convective sub - solar region. This image was taken in the ultraviolet at 365 nanometres on 23 July 2007 as Venus Express was 35,000 km from the surface of the planet
Praxinoscope, 1878
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Star T - Tauri in Orion - Bow Shock around T - Tauri Star in the Orion Nebula - LL Ori is a star T - Tauri located about 1500 years ago - light from Earth in Orion's nebula. This young star emits a powerful stellar wind that hits the surrounding gas creating an arc-shaped shock wave Image obtained by the Hubble space telescope in February 1995. A bow shock can be created in space when two streams of gas collide. The star LL Ori emits a vigorous solar wind, a stream of charged particles moving rapidly outward from the star. Our own Sun has a less energetic version of this wind that is responsible for auroral displays on the Earth. The material in the fast wind from LL Ori collides with slow - moving gas evaporating away from the center of the Orion Nebula, which is located to the lower right in this Heritage image. The surface where the two winds collide is the crescent - shaped bow shock seen in the image. Unlike a water wave made by a ship, this interstellar bow shock is a three - dimensional structure. The filamentary emission has a very distinct boundary on the side facing away from LL Ori, but is diffuse on the side closest to the star, a characteristic common to many bow shocks. A second, fainter bow shock can be seen around a star near the upper right - hand corner of the image. Astronomers have identified numerous shock fronts in this complex star - forming region and are using this data to understand the many complex phenomena associated with the birth of stars. This image was taken in February 1995 as part of the Hubble Orion Nebula mosaic. A close visitor in our Milky Way galaxy, the nebula is only 1,500 light - years from Earth. The filters used in this color composite represent oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen emissions
Neptune seen by Voyager 2 1989 - Image of Neptune obtained by the Voyager 2 probe at 16 million km from the planet. Neptune has an equatorial diameter of about 49,000 kilometres. Its blue color is due to the abundance of methane in its atmosphere. On this photo, on the left, the Great Dark Spot, which is the size of the Earth where winds are blowing at 300 m/s. This spot has now disappeared but other dark spots have been detected since then. Under the Great Dark Spot, a small shiny cloud of irregular shape moving very quickly, nicknames the scooter
Magic lantern made by J H Steward, late 19th century
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Room number 4 in the National Cinema Museum of Turin, 1982 (photo)
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Magic Lantern, first half 19th century, on the background hanged on the wall a plate depicting a man carrying the Magic Lantern, National Cinema Museum, Turin, 1982 (photo)
Room number 4 in the National Cinema Museum of Turin, 1982 (photo)
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Coriolis force
Disco Dance Contest, 1977 (open reel video)
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Newsreel Stories and Interviews, c.1969
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Moving a Hundred-and-Ten Ton Gun
Miners gathering for their shift
Rising air in an unstable atmosphere
Animation of Eadweard Muybridge's 'one woman chasing another with a broom', 1885
Rising air under stable conditions
The Moving Bog Near Dunmore, Ireland, 1873 Engraving
Anthro/Socio (Rinde Spinning), 1992 (see also 172597, 181600, 181602)