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Images of 'Morning Call' found, 144

A knocker Upper waking up a client, Manchester, UK c.1912 (photo)
The Waking Call, 2004-05 (oil on board)
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Franco-German student exchange in Sonthofen, 1937 (b/w photo)
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Illustration to the poem A Morning Call from the book Childhood by Millicent and Githa Sowerby, published 1907
English lady receiving surprise visitors in breakfast room, 19th century
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BDM girls during their compulsory year, 1941 (photo)
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Lied Weckruf an Bord,Morning Call,Monte Pascoal,HSDG
Switzerland Sbb Dining Car, 1941 (b/w photo)
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in Liechstenstein;Not available to clients invoiced in Switzerland
The morning call, painting by William Quiller Orchardson (1832 - 1910), oil on canvas
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morning call, oil on gesso, 2020
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Soldiers during the morning roll call, 1938 (b/w photo)
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Movie scene: morning roll call of a Flieger-HJ group, 1942 (b/w photo)
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The Morning Call
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Roll call, 1920 (oil on canvas)
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Tue 03, 1953 - Electrical Housecraft Advisers Conference in London.. Visitor From Denmark: Many modern methods of cooking electrically were demonstrated this morning at the Assembly Hall, Royal Empire Society, London - at the Annual Conference of Electrician, Housecraft Advisers and Senior Demonstrators which was opened by Lord Citrine
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
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Tue 03, 1953 - Electrical Housecraft Advisors Conference in London... Visitor from Denmark... Many modern methods of cooking electrically were demonstrated this morning at the Assembly Hall, Royal Empire Society, London - at the Annual Conference of Electrician Housecraft Advisors and Senior Demonstrators - which was opened by Lord Citrine. Keystone Photo Shows: Left to right: Mrs. Scalian of the Jackson Electric Company, London - and Miss E. Lasson Anderson of Copenhagen - talk over the merits of an electric show - at the Conference This morning.
Tue 03, 1953 - Electrical Housecraft Advisers Conference In London... Visitor From Denmark: Many modern methods of cooking electrically were demonstrated this morning at the Assembly hall, Royal Empire Society, London- at the Annual Conference of Electrician Housecraft Advisers and Senior Demonstrators- which was opened by Lord Citrine.. Picture Shows: Left to Right- Mrs. Scallan of the Jackson Electric Company, London- and Miss E. Lasson Anderson of an electric stoke- at the Conference this morning.
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Members of the FAD at the morning roll call, 1934
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On first day of hunting season, hunters in a goose hunting blind in a field in St. Mi…, 1982 (photo)
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On first day of hunting season, hunters in a goose hunting blind in a field in St. Mi…, 1982 (photo)
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice
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BDM girls during the morning roll call, 1934 (b/w photo)
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Soldiers of the Kriegsmarine at a morning roll call, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Morning roll call of the Italian Young Fascists on the Reichssportfeld in Berlin, 1937
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Strange case of Dr Manning (aka Morning Call) , 1957 (print)
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  • Access rights only to the digital file & only for editorial coverage of this specific motion picture/TV programme. Standard warranties regarding copyrights and moral rights are expressly excluded and third party rights may need to be cleared.
BDM (League of German Girls) (photo)
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Morning roll call in the hangar at the Aviation School Munich-Schleissheim, 1931 (b/w photo)
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The Women's Auxiliary Signal Service members at morning roll call, 1942 (b/w photo)
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Actor Peter Borgelt (GDR) reading a newspaper in the morning,..., 1990 (photo)
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