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Images of 'Militaire Soldat Soldier' found, 4,648

Headquarter of french Gestapo ensured complete arrest of the group 1er rang - 1st row: Fritz Bittner (1), Karl Doring (2), Sattler (3), Boemelburg (4), Hans Kieffer (5), Reiser (6), Fritz Mohr (7), Arthur Katzemich (8) 2e rang - 2nd row: Roeding (1), Hans Hoppen (2), Joachim Kleist (3), Hans Damelo (4), Adolf Tippner (5), Hans Hofmann (7), Grenzmeier (9), Richard Becke (11), Hans Knittel (12), Herbert Richter (13), Paul Thummel (14), Vogt (15), Willy Muller (16), Georg Froitzheim (17) 3e rang - 3rd row: Willi Netzer (1), Richard Baldeweg (2), Joseph Daumelang (3), Willi Meissner (4), Ludolf Kroenke (5), Karl Braun (6), Hans Oppelt (7), Konrad Metscher (8), Richard Hamann (9), Heinrich Einfeld 10), Alfred Saalberg (11), Grunewald (15) 4e rang - 4th row: Lackert (1), Noehring (3), Richard Schroeter (4), Otto Schwab (5)
Maurice Genevoix (1890-1980) French novelist here wounded during ww1
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Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : Women and American Soldiers in Front of The Eiffel Tower (photo)
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The General Henry Martin (2nd in right) during the official ceremony for the surrender of the tribe near Kherrata, on May 22 1945. On May 8, 1945, colonial army organized massacres in Setif, Guelma, Kherrata against algerians who wanted a beggining of independance
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Preparation for the Normandy Landings, Slapton Sands, Devon, 1944 (b/w photo)
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French officer marshal Ferdinand Foch on his way to Paris back with the Armistice treaty signed in Rethondes with Germany November 11, 1918
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l-r: Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970) captain in the french army, here with his brothers Jacques (1893-1946), the elder Xavier (1887-1955), the younger Pierre (1897-1959): they meet again in 1919 during a leave in Paris
Speech of De Gaulle in Algiers June 4, 1958 during The War in Algeria (photo)
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Operation Barbarossa : german tanks (Panzer II) august 20, 1941 going to Moscow
Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : Paul Casanova, French Soldier of The 2Nd Armoured Leclerc Division, Greeted Joyfully By Young Women : Jacqueline Jordane Embracing Him, Paulette Modarresse To Whom He Offered A Chocolate Bar (photo)
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Getting bandages from kit of British Dog ww1
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Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : Women and American Soldiers in Front of The Eiffel Tower (b/w photo)
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French president Georges Clemenceau visiting troops in the trenches, near Maurepas (Somme) 1917
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Vercingetorix (72-46 avJC) gallic leader, surrending to roman emperor Cesar in Alesia (France), illustration by Job, 1930
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fernch policeman and SS officer, collaboration in France during occupation, ww2
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French soldiers in a former german trench, 1st world war
Patrol in The Streets in Kasbah of Algiers February 01, 1957 , during The War in Algeria (b/w photo)
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French prime minister Georges Clemenceau visiting his troops in Maurepas (Somme) on the front of the war in France, spring 1917
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Pierre Loti
Nazi Party Rally at Nuremberg september 1938 : nazi standard
Vietminh poster celebrating the victory of Dien Bien Phu, 1954 (poster)
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Departure of the conscripts for the great war, c. late august early september 1914 . notice the graffitis written on the train : "long live Paris!", long live France!", "long live Belgium!" (Belgium was attacked by Germany and Austria on late august), "Back home after the victory or within three years" (they believed in the blitzkrieg or lightning war, and anyway the military duty lasted three years at that time), "To Berlin" (the French thought they could easily invade Berlin)
French Soldiers in Algiers during Military Operation during War in Algeria on May 4, 1957 (To Find Terrorists) (b/w photo)
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Free French Forces evacuating Bir-Hakeim june 13, 1942: french troops arriving in the english lines in BirHakeim during Libyan campaign Resistance resistant
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Occupation of Hong-Kong by japanese forces in 1941
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German marshal Erwin Rommel in Bir Hakeim during Libya campaign 1942
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Honore d' Estienne d'Orves (1901-1941) French officer one of the 1st martyr of the Resistance during ww2, here in 1921
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De Gaulle in the desert
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during War in Lebanon : in The South of Beirut : The Members of The Hezbollah ( Shiite Fundamentalist Movement Created in 1983 To Create An Islamic State) (b/w photo)
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Charles Delestraint (1879-1945) French general Delestraint member of Resistance one of the heads of the secret army in 1942 arrested in june 1943 and sent to Natzweiler-Struthof concentration camp and later to Dachau he was shot a few days before Liberation 1945 France
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French soldier wearing the blue uniform during the great war
Cnaeus Pompeius Magnus (106-48 BC) roman general and statesman, marble bust
Fernand de Langle de Cary (1849-1927) french officer during ww1 (Verdun), photo by Eugene Pirou
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Marechal Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929), Division general in the frecnh army then ordering armees Alliees in North, head of general staff of the French army and generalissimo of the troops Alliees in March 1918, he obtains the rank of marechal in 1918
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Italian fasciste leader Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) in the center, with his black-shirted Fascist followers at the time of the March on Rome, 1922 : Emilio de Bono, Benito Mussolini, Italo Balbo, Cesare Maria de Vecchi
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De Gaulle a Londres
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Senegalese infantrymen of French colonial army in 1914 during WW1
French soldiers at the time of mobilization august 1914
De Gaulle et Giraud
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General Marie-Pierre Koenig (1898-1970) in August 1944 . Command of the Free French force that took part in the D-Day landings in France. On 21st August 1944, General DeGaulle appointed Koenig military governor of Paris (photo)
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Somme battle in july 1916 : german soldiers in trenches with machine gun
Parade for Waffen SS soldiers 2nd world war
Benito Mussolini, italian fascist leader, during italian war conquest in Ethiopia here during reView troops
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France under German occupation : shooting of a resistant by German soldiers
US troops landing on Utah Beach, 1944 (photo)