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Images of 'Mademoiselle De Montpensier' found, 57

The Great Miss
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Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans (1627-1693) Duchess of Montpensier called the Great Mademoiselle, here training children in the garden of Versailles drawing by Job Delagrave 1913
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Anne-Marie-Louise D'Orleans, Duchesse de Montpensier (enamel)
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Portrait of Anna Maria Luisa d'Orleans, known as La Grande Mademoiselle (Paris, 1627-1693), Duchess of Montpensier, engraving by van Schupen, 1666, France, 17th century
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Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, Duchess of Montpensier called the Great Mademoiselle (1627-1693) during the Fronde (Battle at the Faubourg Saint-Antoine on 2 July 1652)
Mademoiselle de Montpensier entering Orleans during Fronde, by Alfred Johannot (1800-1837), France, 17th century
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Portrait of Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, Duchess of Montpensier (Mademoiselle de Montpensier dit la grande Mademoiselle) 1627-1693.
Illustration from the book "Turenne", by Theodore Cahu (1854-1928), 1898 (engraving)
Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans,  1818 (engraving)
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Fronde, July 4, 1652: The Grande Mademoiselle (Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans de Montpensier, 1627-1693) had the cannon fired from the bastille ramparts in Paris on the troops of the king of France Louis XIV dit Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) (Fronde, July 4, 1652: La Grande Mademoiselle (Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans Montpensier, 1627-1693) fired the cannon from the ramparts of the Bastille in Paris on the troops of King Louis XIV of France) Engraving from “History-Populaire-de-France” by Lahure, 1866 Collection privee
Minority of Louis XIV 1643-1661: the ministry Mazarin and the Fronde - chapel and college of the 4 nations (Institut de France) - Palais Mazarin (Hotel Tuboeuf) - Anne of Austria, Duchess of Chevreuse, Mademoiselle de Montpensier, Cardinal of Retz (Jean Francois Paul de Gondi (Jean-Francois-Paul de Gondy) (1614-1679) Archeveque de Paris), Duke of Beaufort - arrest of Brousel - the Duchess of Montpensier makes the canons of the Bastille shoot on the royal army - Planche 58 of the book published under the direction of Gustave Gautherot, professor at the Institut Catholique de Paris: Histoire de France illustrated with 88 paintings in 5 colours, Maison de la Bonne Presse, 5 rue Bayard in Paris, 1935.
Fronde, July 4, 1652: The Grande Mademoiselle (Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans de Montpensier, 1627-1693) had the cannon fired from the bastille ramparts in Paris on the troops of the king of France Louis XIV dit Le Roi-Soleil (King Soleil or Louis le Grand, 1638-1715) (Fronde, July 4, 1652: La Grande Mademoiselle fired the cannon fired the cannon from the cannon from the cannon from the ramparts of the Bastille in Paris on the troops of King Louis XIV of France) - engraving from “” L'histoire de France racontee à mes grandenfants”” - by Francois Guizot - 1872-1876
Design of the cornice for Mademoiselle de Montpensier's portrait, by Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc (1814-1879), watercolor drawing
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Duchess of Montpensier called La Grande Mademoiselle in walking dress. Engraving by Antoine Trouvain
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