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Images of 'Lord Mansfield' found, 47

Lord Mansfield, Chief Justice of England, 1775 (oil on canvas)
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The Spaniard's Inn, Hampstead, London
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'No Popery' rioters accost Lord Mansfield, 1780
The Political Cartoon for the Year 1775, 1775 (engraving)
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A Warm Birth for the Old Administration, 1783 (engraving)
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Argus, 1780 (engraving)
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Miniature of Lord Mansfield, 1788
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American Revolution. 'The Able Doctor, or, America Swallowing the Bitter Draught,' a British political cartoon published on May 1, 1774. America is represented by a half clad Indian women, who is restrained by Lord Mansfield, while Lord North pours hot tea down her throat. Lord Sandwich, a notorious womanizer, restrains her feet and peeks up her skirt. At left, a Frenchman and Spaniard, look on while at right, Britannia weeps, as Boston burns in the distance
A figure showing half a man and half a woman.This represents Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste Andrè Timothèe d' Éon De Beaumont (5 October 1728- 1810), usually known as the Chevalier d' Éon, a French diplomat, spy and soldier whose first 49 years were spent as a man, and whose last 33 years were spent as a woman.
American Revolution. The Political Cartoon for the Year 1775. George III and Lord Mansfield, ride in an open chaise drawn by two horses labeled 'Obstinacy' and 'Pride,' about to lead Britain over an abyss representing the war with the American colonies. The Earl of Bute, rides standing behind them, offering 'places, pensions and reversions'. Lord North, stands to the right of Anglican clergy. At far right Lords Chatham and Camden attempt to stop the cart. In lower right members of Parliament offer bribes to the crowd (engraving)
David Garrick (1717-1779), English actor, playwright, theatre ma, 1769 (engraving)
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