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Images of 'Long Ago' found, 903

Earth at the end of Permian - Ring arcs over the Permian Earth - A ring of rocks and dust is orbiting the Earth. The massive continent below is Pangee and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is what Earth was supposed to look like at the end of Permian, about 260 million years ago, before the first dinosaurs appeared. This ring around the Earth was of earthly origin, constitutes debris thrown into orbit by collision with a meteorite or comet. Over time, these debris have either fallen or fallen back to Earth in a meteorite rain. A dusty ring arc orbits four thousand miles above Earth's equator. The massive continent below is Pangea and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is how the Earth may have appeared during the end of the Permian period, a time just prior to the appearance of the dinosaurs, when continental drift was pulling Pangea apart into the seven continents we know today. 260 million years ago the Earth may have been host to ring arcs similar to the incomplete rings that currently circumscribe the planet Neptune. Unlike Neptune's rings, the ring arcs around the Earth were of terrestrial origin, debris thrown into orbit by a collision with a large meteorite or comet. The debris consisted of tiny pebbles that were once molten droplets of ejecta, long since cooled in the vacuum of space. The orbit of the ring arc would eventually decay, returning the debris back to Earth as a shower of meteorites. This debris is found on Earth's surface today in the form of dark, glassy objects known as tektites
Ichthyosaurus (w/c on paper)
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Plesiosaur (w/c & gouache on paper)
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Arthropleura - An arthropleura crawls among ferns in a carboniferous forest 310 million years ago. The Arthropleura is considered to be the largest arthropod of all times measuring 2-3 metres in length. He is a distant relative of arthropods such as a thousand-legged. A four foot long Arthropleura crawls amidst seed ferns from the genus Neuropteris in a Carboniferous forest 310 million years ago in what is today Scotland. Growing up to 8 feet long and 18 inches wide, Arthropleura was the largest known terrestrial arthropod of all time. A combination of a higher percentage of atmospheric oxygen and relatively few terrestrial predators may have enabled Arthropleura to evolve to such an enormous size. Despite its fierce appearance, Arthropleura is currently believed to have been a vegetarian. In the shadows on the upper right are “” roachoids,””” primitive ancestors of modern cockroaches
Horses in Miniature, from 'Beasts from Long Ago', 1970 (gouache on paper)
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Diplodocus (w/c & gouache on paper)
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Jim Crow. Sheet music for 'Long Time Ago,' also known as 'Shinbone Alley,' believed to be an African American tune of the antebellum period. Engraving c. 1833
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Psittacosaurus and pond - The psittacosaur (Psittacosaurus) is a ceratopsian dinosaur from the early Cretace that lived in Asia about 130 to 100 million years ago. A Jurassic Psittacosaurus prepares to dine on a scrubland cycad 130 million years ago in what is today central Asia. Psittacosaurus was one of the earliest known ceratopsians, a family of horned, frilled dinosaurs that includes the better known Triceratops. Psittacosaurus was about 3 to 6 feet long and weighed 50 to 175 pounds, depending on species. At least one species had long, quill-like structures on its tail and lower back. With a parrot-like beak it is believed that Psittacosaurus was a plant-eater
Ichthyostega - Devonian tetrapods - View of atist depicting two Ichthyostega, tetrapods, 385 million years ago, to the upper Devonian. Half-fish, half-terrestrial animal, the Ichthyostega was about 1 metre long. Between them are represented in the water several trilobites and in the background a Bothriolepis. The vegetation consists mainly of ferns and archaeopteris, considered the first trees. A pair of four - limbed, Upper Devonian vertebrate animals of the genus Ichthyostega confront one another 365 million years ago at the edge of a freshwater pond. Basically half fish, half land animal, these tetrapods are each about three feet long. Between them in the water are several marine arthropods known as trilobites. Further beyond in the water is a 12 inch long Bothriolepis. Most of the plant life is varieties of fern, including the tall trees known as Archaeopteris
Apatosaurus (w/c & gouache on paper)
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A ring of rocks and dust is orbiting the Earth. The massive continent below is Pangee and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is what Earth was supposed to look like at the end of Permian, about 260 million years ago, before the first dinosaurs appeared. This ring around the Earth was of earthly origin, constitutes debris thrown into orbit by collision with a meteorite or comet. Over time, these debris have fallen or fallen to Earth in a meteorite rain - A dusty ring arc orbits four thousand miles above Earth's equator. The massive continent below is Pangea and the ocean to the west is Panthalassa. This is how the Earth may have appeared during the end of the Permian period, a time just prior to the appearance of the dinosaurs, when continental drift was pulling Pangea apart into the seven continents we know today - 260 million years ago the Earth may have been host to ring arcs similar to the incomplete rings that currently circumscribe the planet Neptune . Unlike Neptune's rings, the ring arcs around the Earth were of terrestrial origin, debris thrown into orbit by a collision with a large meteorite or comet. The debris consisted of tiny pebbles that were once molten droplets of ejecta, long since cooled in the vacuum of space. The orbit of the ring arc would eventually decay, returning the debris back to Earth as a shower of meteorites. This debris is found on Earth's surface today in the form of dark, glassy objects known as tektites.: La Terre à la fin du Permien - Ring arcs over the Permian Earth
Mars and Deimos - Illustration - Mars and Deimos - Illustration - Artist's view of Deimos, the smallest of Mars's two satellites. This is how Mars and its even smaller satellite Deimos might appear from a distance of about 100 miles from the surface of Deimos. Deimos is over Acidalia Planitia, an albedo feature that has been observed by Earth - bound astronomers since the 19th century. To the southwest are the fog - filled canyons of Valles Marineris, the westernmost of which are still in darkness. Beyond Mars, immediately to the left of its night side, is Phobos at a distance of 20,000 miles. The two bright objects in the lower left are the stars Beta Gruis and Al Nair in the southern constellation Grus. Like it's larger companion Phobos, Deimos does not possess enough mass to pull itself into a sphere; its shape instead is oblong with a length of about 10 miles and only 6 miles wide at its smallest dimension. Like Phobos, Deimos may be an asteroid long ago captured by Mars' gravity. Orbiting 14,600 miles above Mars' surface, Deimos completes one revolution every 30 hours
Pan, companion of the nymphs
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Devonian Landscape, England, 2011 (photo)
Country town cinema long ago
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'Long ago', 2018 (oil on canvas)
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Once Upon a Time... lights and lamps from long ago
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Cretaceous marine predators - Cretaceous marine predators - Artist's view of three marine predators evoluting in the Sea of Niobrara, the inner sea of North America, 75 million years ago. From left to right there is an invertebra pursued by a 1.2 metre Enchodus, followed by a 5 metre Dolichorhynchops followed by an 18 metre Mosasaurus. Three primary marine predators that shared the ocean waters of the Western Interior Seaway of North America 75 million years ago are illustrated here. Left to right is a non-descript invertebrate pursued by a 4 foot long Enchodus, followed by a 17 foot long Dolichorhynchops, followed by a 55 foot long Mosasaur
Cerberus, guard of Hades
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Carboniferous forest canopy - Artist's view of a forest 350 million years ago in North America. Lepidodendron aculeatum, Sigillaria scutellata and Cycadales are represented. This is how a Carboniferous forest of Midwestern North America 350 million years ago may have appeared from ground level looking up towards the sky. This image features vascular, arborescent (tree - like) plants of the species Lepidodendron aculeatum (resembling feather dusters on long sticks), spore - bearing, arborescent plants of the species Sigillaria scutellata (resembling toilet bowl brushes), and pinnate - leafed seed plants of the order Cycadales. Some Lepidodendron grew as tall as 150 feet
Euoplocephalus - Euoplocephalus tutus was a herbivorous dinosaur who lived in Cretace between 85 and 65 million years BC. 7 m long and a weight of 2 tonnes, it was characteristic of the ankylosaurid family. Euoplocephalus tutus was an ankylosaurid -lenght 6m, weight around 2 tons, first ankylosaurid discovered with armored shutters that it could slide down to cover its eyelids -lived between 85 and 65 million years ago, in the Campanian- Maastrichtian age of the late Cretaceous -long tail and heavy club would have made a serious herensive weapon -was an bivore - brain was relatively small and intelligence was low among the dinosaurs -Over 40 fossils have been found in Alberta, Canada and Montana, USA
Zuniceratops (digital)
Futalongkosaurus - Futalongkosaurus dukei, is a titanosaur whose first representative was described in 2007. His fossils were found in Argentina. This herbivorous dinosaur was 32 to 34 metres long, weighed nearly 8 tonnes, and lived about 87 million years ago. The recently described titanosaurid, Futalognkosaurus dukei, has the most complete skeleton known (all cervical and dorsal vertebrae and hip bones) for a sauropod of its enormous size (estimated at around 34 m), and was recovered from Argentinian Coniacian Cretaceous deposits that also yielded a wealth of other contemporaneous plant and animal fossils
Dilophosaurus - Dilophosaurus amidst Williamsonia - An adult male dilophosaur (Dilophosaurus) among ferns, cycas and Williamsonia gigas (first flowering plants). Dilophosaur is the first known predatory dinosaur, it appeared at the beginning of the Jurassic almost 200 million years ago. A colorful adult male Dilophosaurus explores a hilltop that is host to Williamsonia gigas, Sago Palms, and ferns. The tree-like Williamsonia gigas was a seed plant belonging to the order of Bennettitales and reigned for 130 million years before becoming extinct. Williamsonia gigas produced what appears to be large flowers, which were really a group of seeds surrounded by a crown of leaf-like structures known as bracteae. True flowers didn't begin to dominate the landscape until relatively recently - about 50 million years ago. The 0ther flora illustrated here live to this day, including the coniferous Araucaria, ferns, and Sago Palms (which in reality are not palms but a type of gymnosperm). The first known predatory dinosaur appeared 190 million years ago during the early Jurassic period. Christened Dilophosaurus (meaning “” two-crested lizard,”” because it had a pair of distinctive bony crests on its head) this bipedal saurischian grew up to 20 feet long, stood 8 feet tall, and weighed as much as a half ton. Dilophosaurus roamed the Earth 100 million years before its larger and more celebrated cousin Tyrannosaurus Rex roared onto the scene
Impact on the Moon at the Cretace - Cretaceous lunar strike - Artist's view of an asteroid impact on the Moon illuminating a nocturnal landscape of the cretace. In the foreground, a spinosaur, a theropod dinosaur who lived in what is now Egypt 95 to 93 million years ago. What may appear here as a diamond ring effect from a solar eclipse is in fact a brilliant and momentary flash of light signaling a massive asteroid impact on the Moon. The Moon and all the inner planets of the Solar System show evidence of a long and violent history of encounters with meteorites and asteroids - leftover debris from the formation of the Solar System. This image depicts an asteroid colliding with the Moon about 95 million years ago. The perspective is from the surface of the Earth in what today is Egypt. The impact would have released millions of times more energy than today's largest nuclear weapon, creating a flash of light that would be far brighter than any star in the sky. In the foreground of this image stands a wary Spinosaurus, an enormous meat-eating dinosaur that lived during the late Cretaceous period. Its typical length from tail tip to snout was 40-50 feet, and is believed to have weighed at least 8 tons or more
Jupiter seen from his satellite Ganymede - Illustration - Ridges, grooves, and craters on Ganymede - Artist's view of the surface of Ganymede, Jupiter's largest satellite. An impact crater about 15 km in diameter differs from the striated surface of the satellite. In the sky are represented Jupiter, the Europe satellite on the top right, and Io on the left of Jupiter. Jupiter's largest satellite Ganymede has a varying surface, some of which is characterized by rumpled bundles of ridges and grooves that run for hundreds of miles over a frozen surface of water - ice. They probably formed long ago when tectonic forces pulled apart Ganymede's upper crust; similar sets of faults occur in rift zones on Earth, as in eastern Africa. Subsequent meteoritic impacts have peppered - - and broken in places - - the continuity of the running formations. In this image an impact crater about 10 miles in diameter dominates a scene otherwise defined by a dozen long ridges. In the middle of the crater is a central peak, formed when the energy of the impact liquefied the crust long enough for it to rebound upward and solidify once again. Immediately above the horizon, Jupiter is still a majestic spectacle, even at a distance of nearly three times that between the Earth and its moon. Much closer on the upper right is Ganymede's sister satellite Europa. At a distance of 307 thousand miles from this vantage point, Europe is only a quarter again as far as the Earth is from its moon. To the lower left of Jupiter at nearly a million miles is Jupiter's volcanic satellite Io
Comparison between Earth and Mars - Earth and Mars compared - Comparison at the scale of Earth and Mars sizes. The diameter of the planet Mars is half the diameter of the Earth. Mars' diameter is half that of the Earth's It has ten percent the mass If you weigh 180 pounds on Earth, you would weigh only 68 pounds on Mars. Mars is half again further from the Sun than the Earth The vast deserts of North Africa are no match for the planet-wide desert that is Mars. While the Earth is host to oceans of liquid water and has a relatively dense water-rich atmosphere, Mars is exceedingly dry, cold, and so far as we know, sterile. It is believed that Mars lost most of its water to space a long time ago, and any water that remains is frozen at the poles and locked deep in the ground as permafrost. It is an interesting coincidence that the total surface area of Mars is about the same as the surface area of dry land on the Earth
India: Palace women display their archery skills by shooting arrows through a ring.
Carboniferous fire - Carboniferous firestorm - Fire in a forest of ferns, sigillaria (sigillaria), calamites, cordaites and asterophyllites. In the foreground giant invertebrae try to take refuge in water. Fire rages through a prehistoric forest of towering Sigillaria and Cordaites, Asterophyllites, Calamites, and ferns. In the foreground a potpourri of giant Carboniferous invertebrates flee the conflagration, heading for the only real estate not subject to burning: water. On the left is a giant, 3 foot centipede; in the center is a giant Arthropleura, the largest known arthropod ever to walk the earth; on the right is a two - foot - long scorpion, and in between are dozens of prehistoric “” roachoids,””” some taking briefly to the searing air. On the far left submerged in the relative comfort of the water is a Dendrerpeton awaiting the prospect of an easy meal. 300 million years ago the Earth's atmosphere may have held considerably more oxygen than today; the air may have been as much as 35% oxygen (the air we breathe now is 21% oxygen). Such high oxygen levels may help to explain why so many terrestrial invertebrates - - insects, arachnids and some crustaceans - - grew to such enormous sizes. These invertebrates “” breathe”” by adsorbing oxygen directly through their skin. Another consequence of such an oxygen - rich environment would be an increased propensity for organic matter to combust. Forest fires sparked by lightning or volcanic activity must have burned with a special ferocity
Onekotan volcanic island seen from space - Onekotan volcanic island seen from space - Onekotan Island is an uninhabited volcanic island north of the Kuril Islands chain (Russia). About 40 kilometres long, this island is home to two stratovolcanoes, on the right (north), the Nemo volcano, on the left (south), the Krenitsyn volcano with the caldera Tao - Rusyr. Image obtained from the International Space Station (ISS) on January 9, 2011. Snow cover highlights the calderas and volcanic cones that form the northern and southern ends of Onekotan Island, part of the Russian Federation in the western Pacific Ocean. Calderas are depressions formed when a volcano empties its magma chamber in an explosive eruption and then the overlaying material collapses into the evacuated space. In this astronaut photograph taken from the International Space Station (ISS) on January 9, 2011, the northern end of the island (image right) is dominated by the Nemo Peak volcano, which began forming within an older caldera approximately 9,500 years ago. The last recorded eruption at Nemo Peak occurred in the early 18th century. The southern end of the island was formed by the 7.5 kilometer (4.6 mile) wide Tao - Rusyr Caldera. The caldera is filled by Kal'tsevoe Lake and Krenitzyn Peak, a volcano that has only erupted once in recorded history (in 1952). Extending between northeastern Japan and the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russian, the Kurils are an island arc located along the Pacific Ring of Fire.””