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Images of 'La Providence' found, 1,021

Soldiers in Uniform, 1781-84 (w/c on paper)
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The Battle of Minden, c.1760s (coloured etching)
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The Honourable Sir William Howe, 1777 (colour mezzotint)
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Signing and Sealing of the Treaty of Nanking, 1846 (coloured engraving)
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St. Catherine of Siena Dictating Her Dialogues, c.1447-61 (tempera on panel)
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The Berezina Passage (colour litho)
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Sir Austen Henry Layard, 1850 (litho)
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Roger Williams Leaving Salem Under Obloquy (oil on canvas)
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Triumph of Divine Providence (fresco)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
The Capture of the City of Washington, 1815 (coloured engraving)
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Pocket watch, c.1765 (gold & enamel)
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Charge of the 17th - Duke of Cambridge's Own - Lancers at Ulundi, 4th July 1879, 1879 (w/c on paper)
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English Soldiers scaling the Heights of Abraham in 1759, 1903 (oil on canvas)
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Four tarot cards depicting The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength and The Hanged Man (coloured wood engraving)
Four Tarot cards depicting The Hermit, The Wheel of Fortune, Temperance and The Devil (coloured wood engraving)
A little man with a great appetite sitting down to dinner, published by I. Hays, c.1806 (colour litho)
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The Battle of Chiari, 1701-02 (coloured engraving)
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Brass sundial by John Dollond, c.1760 (photo)
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Eight day long-case clock, c.1752 (wood)
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Communion cup, 1632 (silver)
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From Space², Providence, Rhode Island, 1976-77 (gelatin silver print)
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Chair, late 15th century (oak & ash)
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Two Horses, red and blue, 1912 (tempera on paper)
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Second Guard Regiment, c.1784 (coloured engraving)
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Title page of 'Good Newes from New England', by Edward Winslow, 1624 (print)
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Jacques de Gastigny, c.1680 (oil on canvas)
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The French Hospital, Victoria Park, Hackney, from the south-west, c.1876 (w/c on paper)
Communion plate, sterling silver, from the church of All Hallows by the Tower, Thames Street, City of London (photo)
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Communion plate for the Savoy Chapel, 1717-18 (silver)
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7th Queen's Own Hussars under Sir Edward Kerrison, charging the French at Quatre Bras, 1818 (w/c on paper)
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General Marion in his swamp encampment inviting a British officer to dinner, 1840 (coloured engraving)
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Marion crossing the Pedee, 1852 (coloured engraving)
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Death of Major Ferguson at King's Mountain, 1863 (coloured engraving)
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Mutineers turning Lieutenant Bligh and part of the Officers and Crew from His Majesty's Ship the Bounty, 1790 (colour aquatint)
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First page of 'Good Newes from New England', by Edward Winslow, 1624 (print)
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Pages from 'Good Newes from New England', by Edward Winslow, 1624 (print)
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Copy of Calvin's chair (oak)
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The Temple at Charenton (engraving)
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Robert Lewis Roumieu (oil on canvas)
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Sir John Ligonier, c.1738 (oil on canvas)
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Field-Marshal Sir Jean-Luis Ligonier, KCB, c.1745 (oil on canvas)
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Frederic Albert Winsor, c.1800 (oil on canvas)
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Men of War, bound for the Port of Pleasure, 1791 (colour mezzotint)
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Allegory of Charity (Allegoria della Carità), by Giotto, 1303-1305, 14th century (fresco)
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Pierre Ogier, 1761 (oil on canvas)
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The glory of the Barberini: “The Triumph of Divine Providence” Allegory of Providence and Divine Power of the Barberini Family (Pope Urban VIII). Fresco by Stone of Cortona (Pietro Berrettini dit Pietro da Cortona (1596-1669) decorating the ceiling of Barberini Palace in Rome. 1633-1639
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Pirate code or piratical articles. A list as drawn up by John Phillips, captain of the Revenge, who set a code for his men in 1724: 
I. Every Man Shall obey civil Command; the Captain shall have one full Share and a half of all Prizes; the Master, Carpenter, Boatswain and Gunner shall have one Share and quarter.
II. If any Man shall offer to run away, or keep any Secret from the Company, he shall be marooned with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm, and Shot.
III. If any Man shall steal any Thing in the Company, or game, to the Value of a Piece of Eight, he shall be marooned or shot.
IV. If any time we shall meet another Marooner that Man shall sign his Articles without the Consent of our Company, shall suffer such Punishment as the Captain and Company shall think fit.
V. That Man that shall strike another whilst these Articles are in force, shall receive Moses's Law (that is, 40 Stripes lacking one) on the bare Back.
VI. That Man that shall snap his Arms, or smoke Tobacco in the Hold, without a Cap to his Pipe, or carry a Candle lighted without a Lanthorn, shall suffer the same Punishment as in the former Article.
VII. That Man shall not keep his Arms clean, fit for an Engagement, or neglect his Business, shall be cut off from his Share, and suffer such other Punishment as the Captain and the Company shall think fit.
VIII. If any Man shall lose a Joint in time of an Engagement, shall have 400 Pieces of Eight; if a Limb, 800.
IX. If at any time you meet with a prudent Woman, that Man that offers to meddle with her, without her Consent, shall suffer present Death.