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Images of 'Justice Proces Trial' found, 1,165

Trial of doctor Marcel Petiot (serial killer) march 1946 : Marcel Petiot in the dock, in the background : the cases and trunks where he put the valuables he stole his victims)
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Trial of French Serial Killer Marcel Petiot (1908-1946) in March 1946 (b/w photo)
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Violette Noziere after her arrest in august 1933
Trial of French Serial Killer Marcel Petiot (1908-1946) in March 1946 (b/w photo)
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Henri Desire Landru (1869-1922) French serial killer, known as 'the modern Bluebeard'; photographed in the dock during his trial in 1921
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Trial of Pauline Dubuisson Who Killed her Former Lover Felix Bailly Who Was To Marry Someone Else in 1951 here during Trial November 1953 Sentenced To Life Hard Labour in 1953 Released in 1959 She Committed Suicide in 1963 (b/w photo)
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The trial of Rene Hardy (accused of treason after the Caluire meeting which led to the-arrest of Jean Moulin in June 1943) in Paris on May 2, 1950 : Lucie Aubrac (witness) (b/w photo)
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Henri Desire Landru (1869-1922) French serial killer, known as 'the modern Bluebeard'; during his trial in 1921
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Trial of Emile Zola, 1898 (engraving)
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Marshal Philippe Petain during his trial, Paris, 1945 (photo)
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Violette Noziere during her trial in 1934, with her lawyer Vesinne Larue
The Spanish Inquisition late 15th century : torture by fire, engraving
Trial of Pauline Dubuisson Who Killed her Former Lover Felix Bailly Who Was To Marry Someone Else in 1951 here during Trial November 1953 Sentenced To Life Hard Labour in 1953 Released in 1959 She Committed Suicide in 1963 (b/w photo)
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Henri Desire Landru (1869-1922) French serial killer, known as 'the modern Bluebeard'; during his trial in 1921
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Trial of French Serial Killer Marcel Petiot (1908-1946) in March 1946 (b/w photo)
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Trial of Mathilde Carre (1910-1970) Nicknamed La Chatte (The Cat) Was A French Resistance Agent during World War Ii Who Turned A Double Agent, here in January 4, 1949 (b/w photo)
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Trial in 1921 of Henri Desire Landru (1869-1922) French serial killer, known as 'the modern Bluebeard' : here Landru in the dock and his lawyer Vincent de Moro Giafferi
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Trial of French Marshal Philippe Petain in Paris July-August 1945 : here Marshal Petain (b/w photo)
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Proces Petain : maitre Isorni
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Rene Hardy (Accused of Treason After The Caluire Meeting Which Led To The-Arrest of Jean Moulin in June 1943) here during his 2Nd Trail, May 1950 (b/w photo)
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Marguerite Steinheil in 1908 at her trial where she was accused of the murder of her husband (painter AdolpheSteinheil) and her mother
Jacques Fesch Trial (He Killed A Policeman) France March 3, 1954 here With his Wife Pierrette (b/w photo)
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Mrs Henriette Caillaux, wife of politician Joseph Caillaux, she killed Gaston Calmette, director of paper Le Figaro, here during trial in 1914
Nuremberg trial (1945-1946) : Herta Oberheuser (1911-1978), doctor in Ravensbruck concentration camp of women, is sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment because she made medical experiments on women of the camp
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Paris, 1918 : French politician Joseph Caillaux judged for agreement with german ennemy
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Dominici Affair : Writers Armand Salacron and Jean Giono during The Trial of Gaston Dominici 1954 France  (b/w photo)
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Proces de Robert Brasillach (1909-1945) collaborateur francais en fevrier 1945 au terme duquel il sera condamne a mort (il sera fusille le 6 fevrier 1945)--- Trial of Robert Brasillach (1909-1945) French collaborator in february 1945 (he will be sentenced to death)
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Proces de Nuremberg (1945 - 1946) : devant le tribunal international pour juger les chefs nazis accuses de crime de guerre : de haut en bas et de gauche a droite : Hermann Goering (condamne a mort), Wilhelm Keitel (condamne a mort), Alfred Jodl (condamne a mort) Joachim Von Ribbentrop (condamne a mort) Julius Streicher (condamne a mort) Wilhelm Frick (condamne a mort) Ernst Kaltenbrunner (condamne a mort) Alfred Rosenberg (condamne a mort) Fritz Sauckel (condamne a mort) Rudolf Hess (prison a vie) Erich Raeder (prison a vie) Walter Funk (prison a vie) Hans Frank (condamne a mort) Arthur Von Seyss Inquart (condamne a mort) Albert Speer (20 ans de prison) Constantin Von Neurth (15 ans de prison) Hjalmar Schacht (acquitte) Franz Von Papen (acquitte) Karl Doenitz (10 ans de prison) Baldur Von Schirach (20 ans de prison)\r--- Nuremberg Trials, 1945-1946 : the nazis war criminals : Hermann Goering, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Julius Streicher, Wilhelm Frick, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Fritz Sauckel, Rudolf Hess, Erich Raeder, Walter Funk, Hans Frank, Arthur Von Seyss Inquart, Albert Speer, Constantin Von Neurth, Hjalmar Schacht, Franz Von Papen, Karl Doenitz, Baldur Von Schirach
1st trial of Rene Hardy (accused of treason after the Caluire meeting which led to the-arrest of Jean Moulin in june 1943): with his lawyer Maurice Garcon in january-march 1947
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Trial of Pauline Dubuisson Who Killed her Former Lover Felix Bailly Who Was To Marry Someone Else in 1951 here during Trial November 1953 Sentenced To Life Hard Labour in 1953 Released in 1959 She Committed Suicide in 1963 (b/w photo)
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Pierre Laval (1883-1945) member of Vichy system arriving in courtyard of law courts in Paris on august 3, 1945
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Jacques Fesch Affair (Murderer of A Policeman), France : here Audience at Trial April 2, 1957 (b/w photo)
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Doctors' Trial, Nuremberg, 1946 - 1947 : Karl Brandt, AdolfHitler's doctor, one of the 23 nazi doctors, he will be condemned to death, photo NARA
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Rene Hardy
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revolutionary law court during French Revolution, 1789-1799, engraving
Arrest of members of the Flensburg Government on may 23, 1945 : Albert Speer, Karl Donitz and Alfred Jodl
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Therese Humbert
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Trial of doctor Marcel Petiot (serial killer) march 1946 : Marcel Petiot boring in the dock, in the background : the cases and trunks where he put the valuables he stole his victims). In front of the box : his lawyer Rene Floriot
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Trial of doctor Marcel Petiot (serial killer) march 1946 : Marcel Petiot in the dock
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Interrogation of Charles Humbert during a trial of the Humbert affair : the all affair began in 1882 Frederic Humbert French deputy and businessman and his wife Therese were sentenced in 1903 for forgery use of false documents and swindle on an imaginary inheritance from the Crawford -one branch of Therese's family
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Guillaume Seznec accused of Pierre Quemeneur murder, councillor forFinistere in 1923, here during his trial when he was sentenced to hard labour in 1924
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Jeanne D'Arc
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Trial of Marshal Philippe Petain (Seated in The Background) : Evidence of Pierre Laval on August 3, 1945 (photo)
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French Writer Simone De Beauvoir Arriving at Law Courts As Witness in Ben Sadok Trial, December 10, 1957, Paris (b/w photo)
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Petiot case: the trial
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French woman accused to have collaborated with the germans during the war, have her head shaved by a young French patriot in humiliation to show her treason, after the liberation in Bourg Blanc, Brittany, France august 1944