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Images of 'Jainist' found, 44

Jain symbols on the wall of a temple (photo)
Add Or 1812 Diagram of the universe follows the tradition found in the 'Puranas', the 'Mahabharata', ancient Buddhist texts and the Jain tradition, c.1822-40 (w/c on cloth)
Parsvanath or Chaumukha Temple (photo)
Jain pilgrimage, made in Rajasthan, c.1750 (opaque w/c & gold on cloth)
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Buddhist, Jainist and Hindu caves at Ellora, 600-1000 AD (photo)
A Jain at Toomcoor
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A Jain at Toomcoor
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A Jain at Toomcoor
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A Jain
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Illustration from a Jain Kalpasutra Manuscript, Western India, late 15th century (w/c & gold on paper) (verso of 499236)
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Shree Mahavirji, place of Jain pilgrimage (photo)
Illustration from a Jain Kalpasutra Manuscript, Western India, late 15th century (w/c & gold on paper) (recto of 499237)
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Shri Mallinath, the nineteenth Tirthankara, 1182 (stone)
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Interior of a Jain cave (photo)
Segment from a Svetambara Jaina shrine, 1113 (copper alloy)
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  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
Sculpture of Parsvanath removed from Nagarabastikere by Colin Mackenzie in 1808. 'Statue of Parsa Naat belonging to the Jain religion. Sent home to the E.I. Company in Octr 1808'
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Kalaka Becomes a Jain Monk; Kalaka Abducts the Nun, two leaves from a dispersed Jain manuscript of the Kalakacharya-katha, Uttar Pradesh, c.1465 (w/c & gold on paper)
A Svetambara Jain monk of the Dhundhiyas sect with a brush and mask
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Head of a statue of the Bhagavan Gomateshvara Bahubali (photo)
Harinegameshin carrying the embryo, fragment of a leaf from a dispersed Kalpasutra (w/c & gold on paper)
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Dhundiya', a member of the strict 'Sthanakavasi' sect of Jains. Wearing a mouthcloth to protect microscopic life from harm, he carries a brush to clear insects from his path.
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The entrance of Indra Sabha. Indra Sabha is the largest of the Jain caves at Ellora and dates from the 9th century Rashtrakuta period. A simple gateway leads into an open court in the middle of which stands a monolithic temple with a pyramidal superstructure and an octagonal roof. There is a free-standing elephant and a column with a capital composed of a group of Tirthankaras (Jain foudners). At the back of the court there is a double-storeyed excavated temple. The sculptural panels represent Ambika, a Jain favourite goddess and Mahavira, Gomateshvara and Parshvanatha, three of the Jain saints
Or 13937 f.1 A Diagram of the Universe, with Sanskrit and Gujarati text (w/c on cloth)
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View of Indra Sabha, looking outward. The monolithic shrine, with a pyramidal superstructure topped by an octagonal roof, stands in the middle of the inner court of Indra Sabha cave. Beside it are a free-standing elephant and a column with Jain figures seated on top. The sides of the court are decorated with lion and elephant friezes and Tirthankaras
Detail from a marble column (photo)
Bedstead legs; wood, painted and lacquered. 1. From Srinagar, Kashnir. 2. From Bikanir; inlaid with ivory. 3. From Bikanir; raised ornament. 1. Drawn by Kana, Potter. 2 and 3. Drawn by Chandra, Saraugi or Jain
Lord Mahavir being bathed in a Jainist ceremony (photo)