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Images of 'Industrial Activity' found, 686

Slaves Fell the Ripe Sugar, Antigua, 1823 (print)
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Titlepage from 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African', published 1789 (print)
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A pair of spinning mules
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Planting the sugar cane. Slaves working on a plantation in Antigua.
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Jamaica cutting (sugar) canes in their working dresses.
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Cutting canes. Black people cutting the cane crop and loading it into a cart
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Gaia Caecilia or Tanaquil and other women, at a loom, spinning.
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An amorous encounter
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Plan of a slave ship
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The boiling house. A scene in Antigua.
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A document relating to slavery.
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Psalm 89; Sheep pen. Decorated initial 'D'; marginal decoration; Lower margin, sheep in a wattled pen with a woman milking a ewe. Outside, two women carry away milk, one in an earthenware jar, the other in a wooden vessel, balanced on their heads.
Dyers soaking red cloth in a heated barrel.
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[Whole folio] Psalm 97. Border decoration with grotesques. Lower margin; a harvest cart loaded with sheaves, is drawn by three horses. It is being driven uphill. Two men push hard; one at the wheel, while at the back, another is keeping the sheaves in place with a pitchfork
Interior of distillery. Slaves loading Rum Barrels. A scene in Antigua.
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Slaves from Guinea digging for gold and silver in mines, for the Spanish in Hispaniola.
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A steam train engine floating on a pontoon on the River Jumna.
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Ginning industry: Female labourers working in Ginning Factory (M/s P.S. Sparling & Co, 9 Clive Row) [Calcutta]. View of women sitting beside mounds of cotton separating the seed from the fibre, watched by European staff.
(Whole folio) Calendar miniature for June showing two men shearing sheep, with a cottage in the background.
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[Detail] Lower margin. A harvest field. Two women bending forward reap with sickles; on left is a bound sheaf, while a man with a sickle in his belt, prepares another for binding
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Top left, Prowess, a crowned female figure standing on a bull. Top right, Idleness, represented by a ploughman sleeping beside his neglected plough and team. Bottom left, David and Goliath, typifying Prowess. Bottom right, Labour, represented by a sower
Milkman and wife
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A slave ship
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The Mill Yard. Grinding sugar cane in a windmill. A scene in Antigua.
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The Agricultural Court (Messrs. Garratt & Sons' stand).
The Garrett & Sons Leiston Works farm machinery stand.
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Plan of a slave ship
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Soldiers mining under a mantlet (miniature)
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Calendar page for June. (Below) Sheep shearing.
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Elswick Works, in the Study, 1886 (w/c and gouache on paper)
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[Whole folio] Psalm 93. Lower margin; the plough is drawn by a team of four yoked oxen, a man guiding it from behind. A second man walks behind the oxen on the far side with a long green whip, looking round at his companion. Border decoration with grotesque
The exterior, coals etc
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Digging the Cane-holes. Slaves on Antigua, planting and tilling.
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Factory buildings made of red brick on the left; figures carrying tools and drying fabric; a wooden bridge over the river; a smoking chimney; a large mill in the centre of the scene
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Marchand d'Esclaves de Goree.
A slave owner of Gorée island.
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Map of the Island of Buss in the North Atlantic. Images of Whaling and whaling ships.
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An Indonesian woman involved in the process of batik.
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View from Left Training Bund. Completing Spans Nos 2 & 3, [Curzon Bridge construction, Allahabad].
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80-feet entrance. View of back of gates and north culvert openings - Group of engineers and contractors, &c. [Victoria Dock construction, Bombay]
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Bombay University buildings. A view from Watson's Hotel looking towards the Convocation Hall (completed in 1874), with the University Library and the Clocktower (the latter completed in 1878, and here seen shrouded in scaffolding) beyond. Part of the Esplanade and Back Bay can be seen in the background
Miniature of Cuthbert digging a water pit with a monk for his hermitage on the island of Farne, from Chapter 18 of Bede's prose Life of St Cuthbert.
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Slaves being traded
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Magistrate freeing a slave
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Children mining
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Woman spinning cotton Using a small wooden wheel with a handle.
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Indigo factory, Bengal. In this view, the plants (Indigofera tinctoria) were soaked in large tanks or vats of water to releasing their blue colour, and would then float to the top to be retrieved and dried
Calendar scene for September: Ploughing, sowing and harrowing. (Below): playing with marbles and stilts
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Marchand d' Esclaves de Goree.
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Pamphila, daughter of Plates, collecting the cocoons of silk-worms from trees, and spinning the silk.
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Indigo industry: General view of the Factory. A general view of factory buildings, with bullock carts in the foreground
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A slave being held by two men
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Title page of a book on the subject of slavery.
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March through a swamp
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Two young men drag a cart full of coal through a mine.
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A negro being abducted
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