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Images of 'Fulgens' found, 88

Painted daisy, Chrysanthemum coccineum var. fulgens plenissima (Pyrethrum roseum var. fulgens plenissima). Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1867-1868.
Tetrapterys phlomoides
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Metrosideros fulgens
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Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Red panda. Ailurus fulgens, from Histoire Naturelle des Mammifères (colour litho)
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Red panda Ailurus fulgens resting on branch, illustration
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Red panda Ailurus fulgens on branch, illustration
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Red Panda
Lobeliaceae, Cardinal Flower (Lobelia fulgens Willd). Temperate greenhouse perennial plant for flower beds, native to Mexico, by Angela Rossi Bottione and co-workers, watercolour, 1837
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Spider illustrations
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Magnificent hummingbird, Eugenes fulgens (Duke of Rivoli's humming-bird, Trochilus rivolii). Handcoloured steel engraving by William Lizars from Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library: Ornithology: Hummingbirds Volume 2, Edinburgh, W.H. Lizars, 1833.
Red panda, Ailurus fulgens, endangered 4, northern Christmas lily, Proiphys amboinensis 3. river snail, Viviparus viviparus 1, and spider, Palpimanus species
Lychnis chalcedonica
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Scarlet Plume (Euphorbia fulgens), Euphorbiaceae, Temperate greenhouse suffruticose plant native to Mexico, watercolour, 1841-1843.
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Rosa bourbon “” Fulgens””
Decorative botanical print with snapdragon, lobelia, valerian, veronica and Peruvian lily
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Bulbil bugle-lily, Watsonia meriana (Watsonia iridifolia). Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. Handcoloured lithograph from Louis van Houtte and Charles Lemaire's Flowers of the Gardens and Hothouses of Europe, Flore des Serres et des Jardins de l'Europe, Ghent, Belgium, 1856.
Decorative botanical print with primrose, cyclamen, sage, dahlia and chrysanthemum
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Echeveria fulgens (Blunt-leaved echeveria, Echeveria retusa). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by G. Barclay after Miss Sarah Drake from John Lindley and Robert Sweet's Ornamental Flower Garden and Shrubbery, G. Willis, London, 1854
Echeveria fulgens.
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Flame anemone, Anemone hortensis.
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Cardinal flower, Lobelia cardinalis
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Fuchsia fulgens
Fuchsia fulgens
Metrosideros fulgens
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Rosa bourbon “” Fulgens””
Leucospermum fulgens/Protee
Houseplant/Aechmea ramosa x fulgens
Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Red panda (Ailurus fulgens), looking at camera
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Red panda (Ailurus fulgens) in zoo enclosure
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Ranunculaceae, Anemone fulgens, 1951 (w/c on paper)
Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Luninous insect cage used as lamp/Waupin/Eater fulgens
Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Ailurus fulgens/Small panda/Red panda/Red panda
Ailurus fulgens/Small panda/Red panda/Red panda
Ailurus fulgens/Small panda/Red panda/Red panda
Ailurus fulgens/Small Panda/Red Panda/Red Panda
Houseplant/Guzmania/Vriesea splendens/Codiaeum/Croton/Aechmea ramosa x fulgens
Dahlia x/Dahlia 'Red Devil'/Fuchsia fulgens/Cucurbita pepo/Squash/Coloquinte
Aphelander (Acanthacees) - Aphelandra fulgens (Botanique), 1855 - Emmanuel Le Maout - Organography and Taxonomy - Natural History of Plant Families and Principal Species -
Coralberry, Aechmea fulgens (Two-coloured or crab's eye aechmea, Aechmea discolor). Handcoloured botanical illustration drawn and lithographed by Walter Fitch from Sir William Jackson Hooker's “Curtis's Botanical Magazine,” London, 1847.