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Images of 'French Movie' found, 12,874

Belmondo during the filming of "Echappement Libre" with Jean Seberg, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Alain Delon and Robert Manuel, celebration for the Film La Tulipe Noire, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Phillipe Noirret and Mireille Darc, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Jeanne Moreau, premiere of Jacques Demy's film La Baie des Anges, 1963 (b/w photo)
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Roger Vadim, Catherine Deneuve, Irina Demick, Darryl Zanuck and Mme, Gala Le Jour le plus long, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Jacques Brel, Filming of the Film La Bande à Bonnot, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Seberg filming of the film Echappement Libre (Backfire), 1964 (b/w photo)
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice
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Brigitte Bardot, film The Bear and the Doll, April 1970 (film still)
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Brigitte Bardot, Film Les Femmes by Jean Aurel, 1969 (b/w photo)
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Brigitte Bardot and Maurice Ronet, on set of the film Les Femmes de Jean Aurel, 1969 (b/w photo)
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Brigitte Bardot, Film Les Femmes by Jean Aurel, 1969 (b/w photo)
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Claude Berri in Paris, November 2000 (b/w photo)
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Jean-Luc Godar came to encourage Isabelle Ehni (right), backstage after Georges Michel's Les jouets,  at the Théâtre Gramont, Paris, France, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Francois Truffaut at the Dior fashion show, Jan 1983 (b/w photo)
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Karl Lagerfeld backstage with Sofia Coppola after Chanel collection (b/w photo)
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Catherine Deneuve François Truffaut, Gala Cher Menteur with Jean Marais Edwige Feuillère, 1980 (b/w photo)
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Roger Vadim and Jane Fonda, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Catherine Deneuve, Roger Vadim, Irina Demick - Daryl Zanuck and his wife at the gala film Le Jour le plus long, 1964 (b/w photo)
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Danile Delorme and her husband Yves Robert with playwright George Neveux, play Jeanne d'Arc, theatre Montparnasse-Gaston Baty, Paris, France, April 1964 (b/w photo)
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Philippe Noiret and Peter Ustinov, 1960s (b/w photo)
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Bob Wilson, October 1982 (b/w photo)
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Jean Cocteau converses with Edwige Feuillère, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Orson Welles, Paris, France, 1979 (photo)
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  • Bridgeman Photographer - A Premium Fee will be applied to the final quote/invoice
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Karl Lagerfeld backstage with Robert Altman for 'Karl Lagerfeld collection', 1986 (photo)
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Gina Lollobrigida in the front row to photograph Dior show with Lynn Wayett and director Marcel Carné, July 1978 (b/w photo)
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Annie Girardot Luchino Visconti, at the Theatre du Gymnase After the Fall of Arthur Miller, 1963 (b/w photo)
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Poster advertising the cigarette paper "Job", 1897 (litho)
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The Swimming Pool directed by Jacques Deray, 1969
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Poster for the Moulin Rouge, 19th century (litho)
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The modern house, c.1902 (poster)
Poster for the cabaret "La goulue" at the Moulin Rouge, 1891 (print)
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Poster for the movie 'Violettes imperiales', 1932 (print)
Hygrade's All Beef Franks, Bushman's Bathhouse at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, 1971
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Boardwalk crowded with people, Hygrade's All Beef Franks, Bushman's Bathhouse at Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, 1971
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Advertising: Phono - cinema - theatre: see and hear famous artists, 1900 (chromolitho)
Lino Ventura on the set of 'Les Tontons Flingueurs' in 1963 (b/w photo)
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L'ours et la poupee by Michel Deville, 1970
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Poster advertising 'La Goulue' at the Moulin Rouge, 1893 (litho)
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La Chasse A L'Homme by Edouard Molinaro, 1964 (film still)
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À coeur joie, Brigitte Bardot, 1967 (film still)
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the Swimming Pool directed by Jacques Deray, 1969
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Le Gendarme de St. Tropez by Jean Girault with Michel Galabru, Jean Lefebvre, Louis de Funes, 1964 (film still)
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Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg on Set of 'Jour De L' An' December 22, 1967 (b/w photo)
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the Swimming Pool directed by Jacques Deray, 1969
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Romy Schneider and Alain Delon, The Swimming Pool, 1968