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Images of 'Evanion Collection' found, 422

Sanger's amphitheatre
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Mrs. Daffodil Downey's séance presented by Maskelyne & Cooke at the Egyptian Hall, c. 1885
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What is it?
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Zazel, the human cannon ball. Royal Aquarium, Westminster. Zazel is shown in flight from the cannon
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Royal Aquarium
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The World's Fair c. 1890. National and International event. Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington. General view. Circus. Variety show. Works of art exhibition. Performing pony & wizard. Richard Son's show. The impalement. Marionettes. Dogs & monkeys. Illustrations include portraits of H. Read, F. Bailey, T. Read and Capt. Dudley Vane, the lion tamer.
Modern Witchery
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Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Circus, c. 1880. A circus perormer balancing on a horse.
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Maskelyne and Cooke's "The Fakirs of Benares" at the Egyptian Hall, 1884 (colour litho)
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Royal Polytechnic Institution, Westminster. Professor Pepper's Ghosts, c. 1885. 309 Regent Street. Professor Pepper's ghosts exhibited & explained daily.
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Royal Aquarium, Westminster. Samson, the strongest man on Earth. 1889. Strong man breaking chains with his bicep.
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Music Hall, Barnstaple. Miss Annie De Montford mesmeric seances, the wonder of the age
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General Election Campaign, 1892. The Tories profess to have carried Liberal measures do not believe them. In the present Parliament they have opposed: Home Rule for Ireland ... They have supported: Perpetual coercion for Ireland ... The Tory party is still the party of privilege. If they touch Liberal measures it is to spoil them. A central oval portrait of William Gladstone, the leader of the Liberal party and champion of the Home Rule Bill, at head of poster, surrounded by the Royal Standard flag of the United Kingdom on the left side and the Union Jack on the right
East London Aquarium, City. Menagerie and Waxwork Exhibition, 1881. Bishopsgate Street. Admission one penny. Bear & Monkey Room. Lions perform daily. Rifle gallery, bird shows &c. Cave with illuminated views. Wax works, new addition with room over. Fountain, the tanks with seal &c.
Jock & Jenny
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Egyptian Hall poster showing Master McKean, an eight year old prodigy, 1832 (engraving)
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Gatti's Hall of Varities
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Imperial Theatre, Westminster. Royal American Midgets. A life-size illustration of General Mite, the smallest perfect man the world has ever produced
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Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Grand International Cirque, c. 1885.
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Lithograph illustrations of Miss Agnes Beckwith skipping, waltzing, walking the water, hands & feet tied
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Royal American Midgets at the Piccadilly Hall, Piccadilly c. 1880
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Earl's Court, Kensington. A poster for Buffalo Bill's Wild West, America's national entertainment
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More free than welcome. A lithographic illustration of two ladies and a gentleman in a railway carriage; the gentleman has fallen asleep and, to the annoyance of the younger lady, is leaning on her shoulder. Advertisement.
A poster for the Japanese Native Village, Albert Gate, Hyde Park
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Maskelyne and Cooke - The Royal Illusionists, Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 1876 (litho)
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Canterbury Theatre of Varieties
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"The Mahatmas Outdone", presented at the Egyptian Hall by Maskelyne and Cooke in 1891 (colour litho)
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Augustus Harris's pantomime. Puss in boots. Drury Lane. Chromolithograph of Puss pulling on his boots
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Royal Aquarium. Chang the great Chinese giant. At 2.30, 5.30 and 9.30. Admission - one shilling. Printed in red, blue and black ink. With a lithograph illustration of Chang
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Elephant & Castle Theatre, Southwark. The new version, in five acts, of Harrison Ainsworth's Jack Sheppard, specially licensed by the Lord Chamberlain, and entitled Jonathan Wild. Dramatised from the famous work now being published by Mr. Charles Fox. With a central illustration of a scene from Owen Wood's workshop in Wych Street
Harry Liston, the ventriloquist and entertainer, who appeared at the Egyptian Hall in 1878 (litho)
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Tannaker's Japanese Native Village. Albert Gate, Hyde Park. A coloured lithographic illustration of the native village drawn inside a fan
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Granville Gardens, Kent. The marble skating rink in the Granville Gardens, St. Lawrence-on-Sea, near Ramsgate. With a lithograph illustration of the skaters on the marble skating rink
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Baldwin's drop from the sky. Thomas Scott Baldwin, the first american to descend from a balloon by parachute. This was his tenth jump.
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Advert for Swan & Edgar, dressmakers, 1885 (print)
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Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Sands, the Wonder of the Age. Go and see Sands the wonder of the age walking on the ceiling"¦
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Piccadilly Hall. M Verbeck assisted by Mlle. De Marguerit, 1886. Seances of prestidigitation and mesmerism given by M. Verbeck. A portrait of Mlle. de Marguerit
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St. James's Hall, Piccadilly. Mr. Charles Du-Val in his world-famous monologue, 'Odds & ends'. The most brilliant success since the days of "Patter v. Clatter." The Tilly Family (children artistes) in their choregraphic performance during the en'tracte. A central illustration of Du Val and other characters from the entertainment: Mrs. Clearstarch, Col. Peppard, the light-weight jockey, Miss Dashaway, the showman, Capn. Rattlecash, Marguerite, Mephistopheles, Faust, Mr. Blake & his pupil, Professor Dullbore
The original clown cricketers' international star combination at the Carter Street Lecture Hall, London
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Herr Winkelmeier the tallest man in the world will appear every evening at 10.45 p.m. at the London Pavillion, Piccadilly
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Carter Street Lecture Hall, Walworth, London. Mr. Rodney Golding's company of funny folks. "Oh! Iv'e got such a cold."
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Entertainment by Fleming Norton at the Egyptian Hall, 1873. An illustration of Fleming Norton as Zachariah Chucklehead
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Captain Boyton off Clevedon Pier, Somerset. Illustrations of Capt. Boyton captioned: 'the umbrella sail', 'signalling', 'paddling', 'fog signals', 'Capt. Boyton in full dress', 'firing rocket' and 'luncheon'
Royal Aquarium, Westminster. A synopsis of the amusements and pantomime. A multiple folded sheet with colour lithograph illustrations showing scenes from the entertainments
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A notice advertising the Collie Club's first grand show to be held at the Royal Aquarium, Westminster
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Theatre programme
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Town Hall, Shoreditch. Saturday Entertainments, 1873. Henry & Walter Wardroper the twin-like mimics, in their refined and realistic mimicry. Original songs, and marvellous changes of costume voice & manner. A jester holding a poster.
A poster for entertainment by Minnie Bell at the Egyptian Hall Drawing Room, 1882
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The Tillys
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Egyptian Hall. A poster for a magic show by John Nevil Maskelyne (1839 - 1917), English magician and his friend, another magician, George Cooke (1825 - 1905). Their acts parodied the deceits involved in some séances.
Vote for Laycock Peace! Prosperity! And reduced taxation
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The appearance of Mr. Newman, the original and unrivalled ventriloquist, and Henry Evans Evanion, the Royal illusionist, at the Egham Literary Institute, Surrey. An illustration of 'Evanion's extraordinary flag illusion'
Grand marionette pantomime of Beauty and the Beast at Wellington Hall, Islington. Capt. H. Ward "¦ in his marvellous feats of swordsmanship "¦ assisted by the accomplished Miss Lena Charles. Prof. Rebmuh, the world's wizard "¦3d. All day "¦ including all the grand waxworks, 1895
C. A. Sampson, the strongest man on earth appearing at the Royal Albert Hall, London
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Samson the strongest man living, performing at the Royal Aquarium, London
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Prospectus of the air brush an invaluable tool for lithographers and photographic artists. This illustration is an example of the stipple effect achieved by using the air brush on a lithography stone
Canterbury Theatre of Varieties, Lambeth. The battle of the giants ... Four champions Antonio Pierri, Steadman, Creste, and Louden, of the various styles of wrestling "¦
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Harry Liston's 'Merry Moments' at the Egyptian Hall, 1878. A central portrait of Harry Liston, mimic, ventriloquist, and character delineator, surrounded by illustrations of his many characters and impersonations