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Images of 'Ernest George' found, 552

Manchester United football team for 1911-1912 season
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Queen Charlotte, 1779 (oil on canvas)
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The lives of Boulton and Park, extraordinary revelations. The toilet at the station, 1870 (engraving)
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King George V in
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' 'Sweating' on Capt. Spriggs' Pirate Vessel'
The Spanish Civil War
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'The Devil's Disciple'
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George V, 1865 – 1936.  King of the United Kingdom.  From The Year 1910 Illlustrated.
King George V. George Frederick Ernest Albert, 1865 – 1936.   From The Story of Seventy Momentous Years, published by Odhams Press 1937.
The Topiary Arcades and George Column, Hartwell House, Buckinghamshire
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King George III and his Family
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British Minister of Labor Ernest Bevin, General George C. Marshall, Soviet politician and Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, and French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault, at the Big Four Foreign Ministers Conference, Moscow, Russia, March 17, 1947.
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King George V in the year of his coronation 1910 (print)
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german emperor Wilhelm II with his wife Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein (seated), their daughter princess Victoria Louise Hohenzollern and her children Prince Ernest Augustus of Hanover, George William and Princess Frederika of Hanover, c. 1918-1919
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'Fight on a Pirate Ship', print.
'Pirates Killing a Captured Man', print.
English electric cartoon. - The dream of a gas company. Sir HENRY CHATLEY TYLER, UK promoter of the Brush system. - 2. GEORGES OFFOR, Chief Engineer of South Eastern Brush Electric Co. - 3. ROBERT HAMMOND, promoter of Hammond Electric Light and Power Supply C¡. - 4. JOHN SCUDAMORE SELLON, inventor of an improvement in the Faure battery. - 5. ERNEST VOLCKMAR. Same industrial title. - 6. WILLIAM and WERNER SIEMENS. - 8. JOSEPH CILSON SWAN, inventor of the lamp that bears his name. 9. R.E. CROMPTON, constructor and inventor of an arc lamp. - 10. BROCKIE, inventor of an arc lamp. 12. THOMAS ALVA EDISON. - 13. STEVENS HIRAM MAXIM. - 14. ROBERT J. GULCHER, inventor of electrical lamps and machines. - 15. Dr STEPHEN H. EMMENS, Director of a Electrical Lighting Company. - 16. HENRY FRANCIS JOEL (Lamp). - 18. PAUL JABLOCHKOFF. - 19. GEORGE HAWKES (Lamp). - 20. CAMILLE FAURE. W. T. HENLEY, first manufacturer of Alliance machines. - 23. JOHN BANTING ROGERS (Lighting System). - 24 and 23. Louis CLERC and A. BUREAU, inventors of the sun lamp. - 26. GEORGE GUILLAUME AMDRE (Electric lamps and machines). In “” Nature. Review of sciences and their applications to the arts and industry.””
King George V in
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World War II. Front row, from left: Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill talks with US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Back row, from left: John Dill, Hastings Ismay, Charles Portal, Alan Brooke, Dudley Pound, William Leahy, George Marshall, Ernest King, J.T. McNarney, 3rd Washington Conference, Washington, D.C., 1943
Equestrian Portrait of General George Ernest Boulanger (1837-91) (oil on canvas)