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Images of 'Corpsmen' found, 36

Canadian soldier is attended by a medic near Falaise, France. A burning overturned German tank is the in rubble nearby, during the Battle of the Falaise Pocket. August 6-17, 1944, in Normandy, France, World War 2
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Medical orderlies with dogs in World War I, 1914 (b/w photo)
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Military hospital in Africa, 1942 (b/w photo)
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Removal of a wounded Austrian soldier, 1916 (b/w photo)
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The interior of a hospital train, 1940 (b/w photo)
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A wounded German soldier (b/w photo)
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Transportation of wounded soldiers on a narrow-gauge railroad (b/w photo)
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Transportation of wounded soldiers (b/w photo)
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U.S. Medics remove a casualty from the battle field to an aid station. Near Brest, France, August 28, 1944. World War 2
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Marine on the stretcher at a dressing station on Tarawa smokes as he is attended by medics. He has a wounded arm and leg. Nov. 20-23, 1943 during World War 2
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Navy doctors and corpsmen treat seriously wounded Marines on Iwo Jima. Feb. 19-March 26, 1945, during World War 2
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Navy doctor and corpsman treat a wounded Marine on Iwo Jima. Feb. 19-March 26, 1945, during World War 2
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Medics treat a wounded U.S. soldier on D-Day. During the Normandy landings in Nazi occupied France, June 6, 1944, World War 2
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Evacuation of U.S. soldiers wounded in the Battle of Saint Lo, July 1944. Normandy Campaign, France, World War 2
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Medics treat a wounded U.S. soldier on D-Day. During the Normandy landings in Nazi occupied France, June 6, 1944, World War 2
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Doctors and medics giving first aid to a combat engineer injured by a land mine. At lower right, a soldier sweeps the area for mines. June-Aug. 1944. Along a hedgerow in Normandy, France, World War 2
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Wounded U.S. soldier lifted onto a helicopter for evacuation to a base hospital. He is at the 21st Infantry Regiment collecting station at Painmal, Korea, one mile south of the 38th Parallel. April 3, 1951. Korean War, 1950-53
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U.S. Navy Corpsmen prepare three Marines for evacuation evacuated via helicopter. May 23, 1951. They were wounded at Kari San Mountain at the beginning of the UN spring offensive of May 22-July 8, 1951. Korean War, 1950-53
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Medics carry a wounded U.S. soldier away from a rescue helicopter. His next stop will be the mobile surgical hospital at a Fifth Air Force fighter strip only a short distance from the battle lines Korean War, 1950-53
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U.S. soldiers receive medical treatment at a first aid station near South Korean battle front. July 25, 1950. During the Battle of the Pusan Perimeter in the first month of the Korean War
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Seriously wounded soldier prepped for surgery at the 121st Evacuation Hospital, in Yongdong-pukn. August 17, 1951. Korean War, 1950-53
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U.S. Marine is given a drink of water as he waits for evacuation to a rear area aid station. Nov. 1952. He was wounded in bitter fighting on Hook Ridge, where Marines threw back an attack by 800 Chinese soldiers. Korean War, 1950-53
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Medic gave a blood transfusion to wounded soldier during the flight from the front lines. The casualty was enclosed in an outboard metal capsule attached to the side of an Air Rescue helicopter. Korean War, 1950-53
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Surgery is performed on a wounded soldier at the 8209th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. The MASH unit is twenty miles from the front lines. August 4, 1952. Korean War, 1950-53
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A seriously wounded U.S. Marine is rushed to helicopter by the Corpsmen. He will receive emergency treatment at an aid station located in the Teng-Mak area in Korea. Feb. 25, 1953. Korean War, 1950-53
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U.S. soldier is lifted from a Air Force C-47 in Japan from an airstrip near the battle front in Korea. Other wounded soldiers stand by the plane's wing. Air evacuation saved lives of many soldiers with wounds that killed in World War 2. Korean War, 1950-53
Medics administer a plasma transfusion to a wounded soldier on Omaha Beach on D-day. He is a survivor of a landing craft sunk in the Allied invasion of Normandy. June 6, 1944, World War 2
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Soldiers aided by corpsmen after their tank hit a land mine during the Philippine invasion. Oct. 20, 1944, Leyte Island. World War 2, Pacific Ocean
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Peace Corps volunteers boarding a Trans Caribbean Airways jet bound for San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 16, 1962. The 54 new Peace Corpsmen trained at Camp Radley, near Arecibo, P.R
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U.S. Navy hospital corpsmen Arturo Narvaez of San Diego, California (L) and Oscar Bernal of Long Bea.., 2002-01-24 (photo)
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US corpsman at 'Combino' maneuver in Germany, 1951 (photo)
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U.S. Navy doctors and corpsmen operate on two wounded Marines on Cape Gloucester. The tented operating room was set up in a mobile army surgical hospital (MASH). Dec. 26, 1943 thru April 22, 1944, during World War 2
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