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Images of 'Choking' found, 206

Pompeii, c.1946-99 (b/w photo)
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The Sun Choking (oil on canvas)
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The twelve works of Hercules: “” Heracles (Hercules) Lift the Giant Ante”” Painting by Antonio Benci called The Pollaiolo (Pollaiuolo) (1431-1498), 1475. Dim. 9x16 cm Galleria degli Uffizi (Offices), Florence.
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Dante and Virgil are rowed in the ferry across the River Styx, in the fifth Circle of Hell, which contains the which the Wrathful who spend eternity struggling with one another; the Sullen lie bound beneath the Styx's waters, choking on the mud.
Heracles (Hercules) Lift the Giant Ante, 1475 (bronze sculpture)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
The Good Effects of Carbonic Gas!, 1807 (hand coloured engraving)
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'Das englische Raubtier (The English Beast) by von Paul Reichsgrafen von und zu Hoensbroech', 1919 (colour litho)
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Man standing up while choking at the dinner table.
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Hercules Choking the Snakes, Hercules and the Nemean Lion
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Wrestling of Hercules (Heracles) and Ante, 1570. Fresco by Orazio Samacchini (1532-1577) in the Hall of Hercules (Sala di Ercole), Sala Baganza (Parma).
The works of Hercules, late 19th century (Epinal print)
Oct. 10, 1953 - L.C.C. Judo Clases At Lewisham Choking Life Out Of Her: Twenty five year old typist Doris Mill applies a choke hold to 26 year old staff Nurse Edith Baker of South Kensington - when they attended the new session of London country Council Judo Clases - held at Lewisham.
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Allegory of the fight of reason and appetite. The earthly and carnal appetite is depicted by Ante and Hercules (Heracles) symbolizes reason, strength and courage that takes away and stifles Ante. Engraving in “” Iconologie oder Ideen aus dem Gebiete der Leidenschaften und Allegorien bildich dargestellt fur Zeichner, Mahler, Dichter, Gelehrte, Erzieher und freunde Hoherer Geschmacksbildung” (Iconologie ou idees de la sphere des passions et des allegories...), Vienna 1801. Book containing 225 illustrations. Private collection.
Hercules stifles Ante who opposes his passage in Africa -Hercules overcoming Antaeus who opposes his passage into Africa. Copperplate engraving by W. Walker after an illustration by Charles Eisen from The Copper Plate Magazine or Monthly Treasure, G. Kearsley, London, 1778.
Print depicting Hercules Choking the Snakes
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On the anniversary of the massacre, on the street that was at center of the insurrec…, 1987 (photo)
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Laocoon (fresco, 1st century AD)
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Murder of the children of Edward IV of England (1442-1483) in 1483: Edward V (1470-1483), King of England and Richard Duke of York (or Richard of Shrewsbury, 1473-1483), his brother, locked up in the Tower of London, were stifled while sleeping. Murder of the little princes: the children of Edward the Fourth, Edward the Fifth and Richard Duke of York, were sent to the Tower of London and smothered as they lay asleep in bed.