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Images of 'Calamite' found, 217

Landscape of the Devonian - Calamites & Asteroxylon - Landscape of the early Devonian, about 390 million years ago, with calamites and asteroxylon (in the foreground). This is how a forest of Calamites and Asteroxylon may have appeared just about anywhere on the Earth 390 million years ago. The Calamites are the slender “” Christmas tree””” shaped plants. They grew as tall as many of today's conifers, though they are the ancient ancestors of the much smaller modern horsetails. The snake - like curlicue plants in the foreground are the now - extinct Asteroxylon, which emerged at the beginning of the Devonian period about 417 million years ago
Calamity at Krakatoa. A tidal wave bearing down on a village
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Carboniferous fire - Carboniferous firestorm - Fire in a forest of ferns, sigillaria (sigillaria), calamites, cordaites and asterophyllites. In the foreground giant invertebrae try to take refuge in water. Fire rages through a prehistoric forest of towering Sigillaria and Cordaites, Asterophyllites, Calamites, and ferns. In the foreground a potpourri of giant Carboniferous invertebrates flee the conflagration, heading for the only real estate not subject to burning: water. On the left is a giant, 3 foot centipede; in the center is a giant Arthropleura, the largest known arthropod ever to walk the earth; on the right is a two - foot - long scorpion, and in between are dozens of prehistoric “” roachoids,””” some taking briefly to the searing air. On the far left submerged in the relative comfort of the water is a Dendrerpeton awaiting the prospect of an easy meal. 300 million years ago the Earth's atmosphere may have held considerably more oxygen than today; the air may have been as much as 35% oxygen (the air we breathe now is 21% oxygen). Such high oxygen levels may help to explain why so many terrestrial invertebrates - - insects, arachnids and some crustaceans - - grew to such enormous sizes. These invertebrates “” breathe”” by adsorbing oxygen directly through their skin. Another consequence of such an oxygen - rich environment would be an increased propensity for organic matter to combust. Forest fires sparked by lightning or volcanic activity must have burned with a special ferocity
Calamity Jane (1852-1903), was a scout for Indian fighter, General Crook. Orphaned by her pioneer parents, she lived as an independent women in a variety of jobs. She gained fame in the 1870s and later toured in Wild West shows. c. 1985
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The Fire in the Borgo, Stanza dell'incendio del Borgo, 1514 (fresco)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Extinct arborescent horsetail, Calamite genus.
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Carboniferous landscape - Calamites & Drepanophycus - Carboniferous landscape with calamites of different sizes and a variety of Drepanophycus, a smaller plant that appeared 20 million years ago, and coexisted with calamites for 35 million years. Calamites of varying size (10 to 50 feet tall) populate lowlands near the brackish waters of an inland sea. Closer to the ground at about 6 feet tall is a variety of Drepanophycus, ancient plants that preceded the Calamites by about 20 million years and coexisted with them for another 35 million years
Carboniferous fauna and flora - Calamites & Meganeura - Meganeura, giant dragonflies whose wingspan could exceed 80 cm, fly among calamites and asterophyllites. Giant Meganeura, resembling and related to present - day dragonflies, flutter between Calamites and Asterophyllites in a Carboniferous scene from over 300 million years ago. Now extinct, Calamites and Asterophyllites are related to today's horsetails, though they grew much larger. The Calamites resembled modern “” Christmas tree”” conifers, while the Asterophyllites looked somewhat like modern Thuja (arborvitae)
Detail from The Fire in the Borgo, Stanza dell'incendio del Borgo, 1514 (fresco)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Volunteers for Mexico, 1846 (newsprint)
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Bufo calamita/Calamite Toad/Natterjack Toad
Bufo calamita/Calamite Toad/Natterjack Toad
Bufo calamita/Calamite Toad/Natterjack Toad
Bufo calamita/Calamite Toad/Natterjack Toad
Calamite Toad or Red Toad, Epidalea calamita - Lithography by Richard Polydore Nodder (1774-1823) published in The Naturalist Miscellany, 1812
Fire-bellied toad and calamite toad (or junk toad) - Strong water by Gottlieb Tobias Wilhelm (1758-1811), from Encyclopedie of Natural History: Amphibians, 1794 - European fire-bellied toad and natterjack toad -
Allegory of calamite. She sits on breezes whose fragility is the image of the instability of fortune and the miseries of life. Engraving in “” Iconologie oder Ideen aus dem Gebiete der Leidenschaften und Allegorien bildich dargestellt fur Zeichner, Mahler, Dichter, Gelehrte, Erzieher und freunde Hoherer Geschmacksbildung” (Iconologie ou idees de la sphere des passions et des allegories...), Vienna 1801. Book containing 225 illustrations. Private collection.
Carboniferous flora and fauna - Carboniferous riverbank - Carboniferous landscape with its ferns, giant lycopods, sigillaria (sigillaria), calamites. Among the fauna are an amphibian, a scorpion and insects that dominated the landscape, such as the Meganeura, giant dragonfly with a wingspan of more than 80 cm, or the 2-metre-long arthropleura climbing here in a tree. Ferns, seed ferns, and giant lycopods (primitive moss - like plants with long slender leaves) flourished during the Carboniferous period, from about 360 to 300 million years ago. Some lycopods, such as the arboreal Sigillaria illustrated here, grew as high as 130 feet. (100 feet is considered tall for a modern Maple tree). Other tree - like plants included many varieties of the Calamites, extinct ancestors of modern horsetails. While the first dinosaurs were not to appear for another 130 million years, the Carboniferous forests were home to a plethora of terrestrial animals, including many species of invertebrates and some of the first walking vertebrates, including amphibians resembling modern salamanders. It was the insects however, many of them giants, that dominated the landscape. There were dragonfly - like Meganeura with wingspans up to 30 inches, giant centipedes roamed the forest floor, and some scorpions were over 20 inches long
Souvenirs for sale, Cidade Alte, Historic Centre, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March 2018 (photo)
Souvenirs for sale, Cidade Alte, Historic Centre, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, March 2018 (photo)
The aftermath of a catestrophic volcanic eruption. The Tungurahua, an active volcano, in the Cordillera Central (a chain of mountains, in the Andes) of Ecuador, erupted on July 14th and August 16th of 2006, devastating life in the small towns on its slope and surroundings. A river of fire was formed by over 10 million cubic meters of ash, gravel and incandescent material. More than 3000 people were evacuated from the area with six casualties and around 60 missing. With the alarm of another eruption ahead, the residents enter the emergency zone to work and take care of their homes. By nightfall they return to rest at the volcanos feet. Tungarahua Province, Ecuador. August 17, 2006.  (photo)
UNICEF relief for the cyclone Aila affected people, in Shyamnagar sub-district, under Satkhira district, in Bangladesh. June 12, 2009. Thousands of people in the Cyclone Aila hit coastal area were forced to seek shelter on the embankments or in the buildings available in the area since their houses have been flooded by five to seven feet high tidal surges. Most of these people are still passing their days in uncertainty without enough food and clean drinking water as almost all tube-wells, ponds and other water-bodies have been infiltrated by saline water.  (photo)
Bewailing the Dead. Egypt, Engraving 1879
A group of young men taking a break in their voluntary work, at a town affected by volcanic eruption. The Tungurahua, an active volcano, in the Cordillera Central (a chain of mountains, in the Andes) of Ecuador, erupted on July 14th and August 16th of 2006, devastating life in the small towns on its slope and surroundings. A river of fire was formed by over 10 million cubic meters of ash, gravel and incandescent material. More than 3000 people were evacuated from the area with six casualties and around 60 missing. With the alarm of another eruption ahead, the residents enter the emergency zone to work and take care of their homes. By nightfall they return to rest at the volcano's feet. Tungarahua Province, Ecuador. August 17, 2006.  (photo)
The aftermath of a devastating volcanic eruption. The Tungurahua, an active volcano, in the Cordillera Central (a chain of mountains, in the Andes) of Ecuador, erupted on July 14th and August 16th of 2006, devastating life in the small towns on its slope and surroundings. A river of fire was formed by over 10 million cubic meters of ash, gravel and incandescent material. More than 3000 people were evacuated from the area with six casualties and around 60 missing. With the alarm of another eruption ahead, the residents enter the emergency zone to work and take care of their homes. By nightfall they return to rest at the volcano's feet. Tungarahua Province, Ecuador. August 17, 2006.  (photo)
Survivors of a devastating volcanic eruption. The Tungurahua, an active volcano, in the Cordillera Central (a chain of mountains, in the Andes) of Ecuador, erupted on July 14th and August 16th of 2006, devastating life in the small towns on its slope and surroundings. A river of fire was formed by over 10 million cubic meters of ash, gravel and incandescent material. More than 3000 people were evacuated from the area with six casualties and around 60 missing. With the alarm of another eruption ahead, the residents enter the emergency zone to work and take care of their homes. By nightfall they return to rest at the volcano's feet. Tungarahua Province, Ecuador. August 17, 2006.  (photo)
Bhanu Begum, 60, repairs her home damaged in the cyclone Aila, in the village of Bongshipur, in Satkhira district of Bangladesh. June 9, 2009. Thousands of people in the coastal area took shelter on the embankment and buildings nearby as five to seven feet high tidal surge flooded their homes, when the cyclone swept over the area, on May 25, 2009. About 200 people died and more than thousand are missing. More than 500 shrimp farms washed away in the tidal surge. Thousands of people are made homeless and there is a severe crisis of food and pure drinking water.  (photo)
More than 200 people and hundreds of domestic animals died in West Bengal, India when cyclone Aila struck on May 25, 2009. Indian government declared it as a national disaster. Nearly 1.1 million people have lost their homes. The mostly devastated area is Sundarban where 845 kilometer embankment has been washed away. Heavy rainfall still continues to damage crops and causing floods and landslides with uprooted trees. The affected people are living in open air; few have taken shelter under makeshift plastic shacks. There is no food, safe drinking water and clothes and there is a serious outbreak of diarrhea and cholera in the area. Amlamethi, Sundarban, West Bengal, India. June 2, 2009.  (photo)
More than 200 people and hundreds of domestic animals died in West Bengal, India when cyclone Aila struck on May 25, 2009. Indian government declared it as a national disaster. Nearly 1.1 million people have lost their homes. The mostly devastated area is Sundarban where 845 kilometer embankment has been washed away. Heavy rainfall still continues to damage crops and causing floods and landslides with uprooted trees. The affected people are living in open air; few have taken shelter under makeshift plastic shacks. There is no food, safe drinking water and clothes and there is a serious outbreak of diarrhea and cholera in the area. Amlamethi, Sundarban, West Bengal, India. June 2, 2009.  (photo)
Survivors of a devastating volcanic eruption. The Tungurahua, an active volcano, in the Cordillera Central (a chain of mountains, in the Andes) of Ecuador, erupted on July 14th and August 16th of 2006, devastating life in the small towns on its slope and surroundings. A river of fire was formed by over 10 million cubic meters of ash, gravel and incandescent material. More than 3000 people were evacuated from the area with six casualties and around 60 missing. With the alarm of another eruption ahead, the residents enter the emergency zone to work and take care of their homes. By nightfall they return to rest at the volcano's feet. Tungarahua Province, Ecuador. August 17, 2006.  (photo)