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Images of 'Blessed Augustine' found, 93

Coronation of the Virgin (San Marco Altarpiece), 1490-92 (tempera on panel)
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Madonna Enthroned, 1480 (oil on panel)
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Madonna of The Canopy, 1506-1508 (oil on canvans)
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The Virgin Enthroned with Saints Jerome, Gregory, Ambrose and Augustine, 1446 (oil on canvas) (post restoration) (see 160894-99)
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The miracle of the baby who fell from the balcony, detail from the altarpiece entitled Blessed Agostino Novello and stories of his life, ca 1330, by Simone Martini (1283-1344), oil on canvas, 200x256 cm
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Madonna Enthroned with Ten Saints (oil on panel)
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Madonna with Infant Jesus Enthroned, St. Augustine and St. Sebastian, c.1506-08 (oil on canvas)
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Polyptych of the Presentation in the Temple with Pieta and Twelve Figures of Saints, 1335 - 1340 (tempera and oil on panel)
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Virgin and Child Enthroned with the Doctors of the Church and the family of Ludovico il Moro (“Sforza Altarpiece”), 1494-95 (oil & tempera on panel)
Miracle of baby who fell from crib, detail from altarpiece entitled Blessed Agostino Novello and stories of his life by Simone Martini (1283-1344), oil on canvas, 200x256 cm, circa 1330
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Virgin with Child on a throne and saints, by Bartolomeo Passarotti, also known as Passerotti, 1560 - 1565, 16th Century, oil on board, 300 x 200 cm
The Virgin Enthroned with Saints Jerome, Gregory, Ambrose and Augustine, 1446 (oil on canvas)
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Miracle of child bitten by wolf, detail from altarpiece entitled Blessed Agostino Novello and stories of his life, by Simone Martini (1283-1344), oil on canvas, 200x256 cm, ca 1330
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The Virgin Enthroned, central panel from The Virgin Enthroned with Saints Jerome, Gregory, Ambrose and Augustine, 1446 (oil on canvas) (post restoration) (see 160893-99)
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The Flagellation, detail of the predella panel from the altarpiece of the Trinity with Madonna and Child and SS. Augustine and Anastasius (panel)
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Crucifixion du Christ, 1442 (fresco)
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St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', Fol 151 verso, c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', Fol 243 verso, c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', Fol 106 recto, c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', Fol 2 recto, c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', Fol 18 recto, detail, c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
St Augustine of Hippo 'Opera', Fol 2 recto, detail, c.1200 (pen & ink on parchment)
Coronation of the Virgin with angels and st John the evangelist, st Augustine, 1489-90 circa, (tempera on wood)
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Madonna enthroned with Child, two angels and Saints, c.1410-15 (tempera on panel)
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Triptych, enthroned Madonna and Child with angels (centre), angel of the annunciation and saint Augustine (left), Virgin annunciate and saint Monica (right), 14th century (oil on panel)
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Virgin and Child with four saints, Polyptyc of the Silvestrini, c.1472-93 (tempera on panel)
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Madonna and Child enthroned with saints, 1487 -86 circa, (tempera on wood)
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Miracle of baby falling from balcony, detail from Altarpiece with Blessed Agostino Novello by Simone Martini (circa 1284-1344), tempera on panel, 200x256 cm, 1328
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The Holy Virgin with the Christ Child and Saints Augustine, Paul, Peter and Domenico (or Polyptych No 28), circa 1305, by Duccio di Buoninsegna (ca 1255 - pre-1319), tempera and gold on wood, 138.6 X241.5 cm
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The immaculate conception, detail of the virgin surrounded by the trinity, 1500-50 (oil on canvas)
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Madonna and Child with Saints Augustine, Tobias and the Archangel Raphael
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Annunciation, by Master of St. Augustine, 16th century, fresco.
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Madonna and Child, with Saint Jerome and Saint Augustine
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Madonna and Child with St. Nicholas of Tolentino and St. Augustine
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