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Images of 'Atomic Theory' found, 56

Bust of Democritus (bronze)
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John Dalton (engraving)
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John Dalton, founder of chemical atomic theory
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Niels Bohr (1885-1962) (b/w photo)
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Bust of an unknown man, 384-322 BC (bronze)
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Bohr atomic model
Niels Bohr (1885-1962) c.1922 (b/w photo)
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John von Neumann (1903-1957), Hungarian-American mathematician whose work on quantum mechanics, computer science, and game theory transformed nuclear energy, computers, and economics. He worked on the Manhattan project that developed the first atomic bomb. 1945
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Democritus lost in meditation
Equipment, Diagnostic Booklet of coloured silk threads, c 1825-1844
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Dr. John von Neumann, a 51 year mathematician before Congress' Atomic Energy Committee. After his appearance he was approved to be on the ACE, Atomic Energy Commission. Von Neumann was a naturalized Hungarian-American
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John Dalton (1766-1844), English chemist developed the atomic theory, that is the basis of modern chemistry
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Albert Einstein (colour litho)
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A is for Atom part 3 - 1952 Cold War-era cartoon about atomic energy
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William Harkins, a nuclear physicist, contributed to the discovery of the neutron, a neutrally charged particle in the atomic nucleus. c. 1930s
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Ernest Rutherford, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, 1908.
The Magician's Mysterious Formulas, 1950 (colour litho)
Atoms, Elements & Molecules, Models Orbital theory and crystal field theory models, 1981
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Periodic Tables etc Dalton's table of elements with his diagram of atoms, 1806-1807
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AVOGADRO, Amedeo (1776-1856). Italian physicist and chemist. He is most noted for his contributions to molecular theory, including what is known as Avogadro's law. Italian physicist and chemist. He is most noted for his contributions to molecular theory, including what is known as Avogadro's law. Together with his portrait, the assassination of Julius Caesar. His last breath was divided into molecules that even today we breathe. Classic example to illustrate the Avogadro Constant and the atomic theory. Oil
Atoms, Elements & Molecules, Models Dalton's wooden atomic models, early 19th century
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Arnold Sommerfeld, German physicist, c 1910-1920
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Atomic & Nuclear Research, 1897-1939 The title page from ÔRadio-Activity: An Elementary TreatiseÕ, 1904
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John Dalton, English chemist, early 19th century
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John Dalton, English chemist, c 1840s Daguerreotype by Dancer
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John Dalton, English chemist, 1814
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John Dalton, English chemist, c 1820s
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John Dalton, English chemist, c 1820s
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John Dalton, English chemist, 1814
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Copper plate used by John Dalton for announcing lectures, early 19th century
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John Dalton, English chemist, early 19th century
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Title page from Dalton's 'A New System of Chemical Philosophy'', 1810
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John Dalton, English chemist, c 1835
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Deux hommes en conversation: docteur Samuel Brown (1817-1856) et le reverend George Gilfillan (1813-1878), photographie vers 1840
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Jons Jacob Berzelius, Swedish chemist, early 19th century
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Equipment, Diagnostic Booklet of coloured silk threads, c 1825-1844
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Jons Jacob Berzelius, Swedish chemist, c 1843
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Jons Jacob Berzelius, Swedish chemist, c 1843
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Equipment, Diagnostic Booklet of coloured silk threads, c 1825-1844
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Equipment, Diagnostic Booklet of coloured silk threads, c 1825-1844
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Wolfgang Pauli and Arnold Sommerfeld, physicists, c 1940
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Scene Royal Institution: Gerrit Moll and John Dalton, c 1831-1840
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Head of a Philosopher, called 'Democritus'
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Atoms, Elements & Molecules, Models Electron ÔdÕ orbital models, c 1977
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Walther Nernst, German physical chemist, 1906
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