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Images of 'Anniversary Of Bastille Day' found, 19

First anniversary of Bastille Day, French Revolution
Celebration of the First National Federation on 14 July 1790 on the Altar of the Fatherland in Champs-de-Mars, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the capture of the Bastille: King Louis XVI, surrounded by his family taking an oath on the constitution (first “Federation Day” celebration on the Champs de Mars in Paris, July 1790: king of France Louis XVI, surrounded by queen Marie-Antoinette and dauphin Louis XVII, took the oath on the constitution) Drawing a la plume drawn from “” Historische Memorabilian des In-und Auslandes”” by Anton Ziegler, 1840 Private collection
Fete de la Federation, Paris.
France - colonial troops 1939 (photo)
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Address of the citizens of Paris before the Fête de la Fédération, 1790 (print)