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Images of 'Anniversaries 2015' found, 308

King John hunting a stag with hounds
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Portrait plate - "Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey" from "A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey's narrative. Being an account of how she nursed her husband, Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey ... mortally wounded in the great battle."
Alice meets the blue caterpillar
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The Magna Carta. The Great Charter of English liberties, first issued by King John at Runnymede on 15 June 1215. This document is one of the four surviving exemplifications
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Great Seal of King John, 1215 (metal)
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A charter of King John, confirming to Robert de Braybroc and his heirs several grants of land from various persons in the counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham and Leicester
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Coloured facsimile copy of the Magna Carta, now catalogued as Cotton Charter XIII.31a, published following the Ashburnham fire of 1731, framed with shields bearing the arms of the barons, and authenticated by the trustees, etc. of the Cottonian Library.
The Mad Hatter's tea party
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A coloured geological map of England and Wales.
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Alice talking to the Blue Caterpillar who is sitting on top of a giant mushroom, smoking a pipe.
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Alice with a long neck
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The shower of cards
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The angry Queen. The Queen of Hearts.
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Alice and the Pig-Baby
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The playing cards
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Articles of the Barons
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Portrait plate - Lady de Lancey. Frontispiece from A Week at Waterloo in 1815. Lady de Lancey's narrative. Being an account of how she nursed her husband, Colonel Sir William Howe de Lancey ... mortally wounded in the great battle.
London. In the Centre, is seen principally Wateloo Bridge, to the right, part of Somerset House and the Adelphi - in distance, Westminster Abbey and Bridge, Lambeth Palace &c, and in Middle Distance, the Theatres, Whitehall, St Martins, and other Parish Churches.
The Battle of Waterloo
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[Reverse] Impression of the Great Seal of King John, showing the king on horseback. Originally attached to the Articles of the Barons [Magna Carta], June 1215.
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To the memory of a great Englishwoman'. A tribute to Edith Cavell.

Edith Louisa Cavell (/ˈkaevəl/; 4 December 1865 - 12 October 1915) was a British nurse and patriot. She is celebrated for saving the lives of soldiers from all sides without distinction and in helping some 200 Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during World War I, for which she was arrested. She was subsequently court-martialled, found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. Despite international pressure for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. 

A picture of General Moritz Ferdinand Freiherr von Bissing (30 January 1844 - 18 April 1917), who signed the warrant for the execution of Edith Cavell.
Death of Major Gen. Ponsonby
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The Cheshire cat
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Alice with the Gryphon and the Mock Turtle
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Alice and the Duchess
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Alice with a long neck.
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Alice eats cake and grows tall
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A line of verse in the chapter 'and a long tail'.
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The Cheshire Cat begins to fade away, its his smile the last to go.
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The Mad Hatter and March hare trying to put the Dormouse into a teapot.
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The Lobster Quadrille
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Alice and the Shower of Cards
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Illustration of the Mad Hatter and the Mad March Hare climbing into a tea pot, 1922 (engraving)
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Alice and the Duchess during the game of croquet
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Portrait of Alice Liddell
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Alice and the Caterpillar
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Alice and the Queen of Hearts play croquet, from 'Alice's Adventures Under Ground', 1862-64 (pen & ink on paper)
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The White Rabbit
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Illustrated front cover, showing the White Rabbit checking his fob watch, 1903
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"Alice in Wonderland" at the opera comique. Scenes from the story.
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A shield, other items and seal.
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Title page.
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Defence of Hougomont. "Who succeeded in gaining great part of the wood".
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Top half of the geological map of England Wales.
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Lower half of the geological map of England and Wales.
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Richard Hannay's journey.
A map showing the route take by Richard Hannay.
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Illustrated page.
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'Bonaparte from a drawing done at St. Helena in 1817 by Mr Jackson, Royal staff corps. Redman, lithog. 
Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte at Saint Helena, standing full-length, in profile to left, his left hand in his pocket, wearing uniform consisting of cocked hat, green jacket with badge, and yellow breeches.
'The memorial service for Nurse Cavell'. Photograph of the memorial service at St. Paul's Cathedral for Edith Cavell.
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Maj.Gen. Sir W. Ponsonby's Brig. charging, "the Greys preserved a beautiful line at speed. After considerable resistance, the Eagles of the 45th and 105th regts. were seized".
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A map of Europe in the years of the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars.
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'Queen Mary intercedes for bereaved mother's only son'. Story of Mrs Payne, who lost three sons, killed during the first world war. Another picture shows a German officer, involved in the execution of Edith Cavell. Some Australian soldiers at shown. There is a picture of a French soldier wearing a gas mask.
Approach to the village of Waterloo.
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The farm of La Haye Sainte. Bodies of dead soldiers being gathered and loaded onto a cart.
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A sketch of the operations of the campaign in the Netherlands. June 1815. (The Waterloo campaign).
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A front view of the farm of La Haye Sainte. In the foreground, bodies of the killed, being buried.
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Return of ammunition expended by the Artillery on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of June, 1815
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The observatory, erected by the King of the Netherlands, for the purpose of making a trigonometrical survey of the country.
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The Duke of Wellington and staff at commencement of the action on the 18th of June".
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William Smith's geological map of 1815, called A Delineation of the Strata of England and Wales, with part of Scotland. It was the first geological map of this type.
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Les Quatre Bras, where the battle was fought on the 15th, between a part of the Duke of Wellington's army, and a superior number of the French, under the command of Ney. The Duke of Brunswick was killed on the left, near the wood.
Ligny Castle, shewing the field of battle where the Prussians and French fought on the 16th June. Sombref is seen in the distance, as are also the mill, church, and heights of Brie.
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The ruins of the village of Ligny.
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