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Images of 'Written Document' found, 3,123

Mistletoe. A hemi-parasitic plant, c.1664 (litho)
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A botanical illustration of a plant. A holly branch with prickley leaves and red berries.
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Botanical illustration, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Burning of the Grand Master of the Templars, James of Molay, and Geoffrey of Charney at the stake on the Ile-des-Javiaux, a small island in the River Seine. Text beginning with decorated initial 'E'. (vellum)
Botanical illustration of plants with a leopard, a mouse and a corpse, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Cotton Nero D. II, f.177, Battle of Evesham and death of Simon de Montfort, 4th August 1265, from 'Chronica Roffense' by Matthew Paris (vellum)
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Indentured servant agreement between Richard Lowther and Edward Lyurd, 31st July 1627 (ink on paper)
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Botanical illustration, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of plants and a panther, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Manuscript text and drawing/s.
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Illustration of a lion, a leopard, a rabbit and an elephant, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of a plant and a wolf, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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The Three Graces
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Portion of the Temple Scroll, Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran (parchment)
Botanical illustration, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Incipit page to St. Matthew's Gospel. Text with decorated letters 'LIB'. Decorated borders, from the Lindisfarne Gospels, 710-21 (vellum)
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Botanical illustration, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of plants, including a mandrake plant with a naked male body as the root, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of a plant, with a cricket, a crane, and a salamander, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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The Counterfeiters of Paris (La Cave se rebiffe) directed by Gilles Grangier written by Michel Audiard, 1961
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Botanical illustration, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of plants and a snake, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration, c.1440 (parchment), c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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(Detail) Initial E: King Edward III granting the Black Prince the principality of Aquitaine.
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Illustration of field horsetail [hyppuris], and iris [? jacintus]; figures representing aspects of human sexuality, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of plants,a snake and a deer, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of plants and a bull, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Botanical illustration of plants and a snake, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Initial 'N': bloodletting; grotesque animal above.
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Botanical illustration of plants and coral with a snake and a deer, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Christine de Pisan presenting her book to Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France. The opening of the dedicatory poem, ''Epître à la Reine Isabelle', beginning with decorated initial 'T'. Borders of foliate decoration.
Drawing of Stonehenge, co. Wilts.
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Royal 14 E. III, f.6v Scribe copying from an exemplar, illustration from 'L'Estoire del Saint Graal', c.1315 (vellum)
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The young Roland knighted by the King, in the presence of a bishop and attendants
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Writing the Constitution, 2009 (w/c on paper)
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Diagram of the spheres of the elements and planets, supported by four angels
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Royal 14 E. I f.3 Vincent de Beauvais reading at his desk, from 'Speculum Historiale, Book I', by Vincent of Beauvais and Jean de Vignay (vellum)
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Illuminated frontispiece of the Dasam Granth, a scripture of Sikhism containing many of the texts attributed to tenth Sikh guru, Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708).
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Vivian and others take oath
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Verso: The foetal blood supply of the cow, c.1508 (pen & ink on paper) (verso of 3899941)
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(Whole folio) Black-robed friars singing in choir; decorated borders
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Letter from Prince Edward to Katherine Parr, thanking her for encouraging his studies
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Botanical illustration of a plant and a demon; the herb Ypericon is supposed to repell demons, c.1440 (ink & colour on vellum)
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Jane Seymour to Lord Privy Seal (Cromwell) announcing the birth of Edward VI. On 12 October 1537, Jane succeeded where Katherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn had failed and presented Henry VIII with a much longed-for son. Born on the eve of the feast of St. Edward the Confessor, England's royal saint, the infant was named Edward. This is the pre-prepared letter, sent to Thomas Cromwell, Lord Privy Seal, in which Queen Jane proudly announced that 'by the inestimable goodnes and grace of Almighty God we be delivered and brought in child bed of a Prince conceived in moost lawfull matrimony betwene my lord the Kinges Maiestie and us'. Henry was overjoyed. After nearly 30 years of waiting he at last had a son and heir
(Miniature) Two knights slaying a unicorn. A lady holds its horn with her hand raised in blessing.
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End of Psalm 18. Psalm 19 beginning with initial 'E', David kneeling in prayer. Border decoration with grotesques, including a man playing a shawm, and opposite, a man about to heave a large stone, apparently at the musician. In the lower margin, the martyrdom of St Andrew, who is bound to a green saltire cross by two executioners.
Text; with drawings of gems, rings and cameos in the treasury of St Albans
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A large whale and a sailing boat, illustrating the text that a whale was so large and could go to sleep for so long, that men might mistake its back for an island, land on it, and try to light a fire before the whale would wake up and dive below the surface.
Common Sense by Thomas Paine, 1775-76 (litho)
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