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Images of 'Self Daffed' found, 104

The pyre of Girolamo Savonarola in Piazza della Signoria, Florence in 1498 (painting)
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Reign of Philip IV Le Bel - Attack of Anagni 8 September 1303: Sciarra Colonna slaps Pope Boniface VIII - delivrance of the Pope - fortress and religious and military costumes of the Templars - portrait and torture of Jacques de Molay (Molai) (butcher) - Plate 36 of the book published under the direction of Gustave Gautherot, professor at the Catholic Institute of Paris: Histoire de France illustrated with 88 paintings in 5 colours, Maison de la Bonne Presse, 5 rue Bayard in Paris, 1935.
Pope Leon X (Leone Leo) (1475-1521) observing the autodafe of Martin Luther's books after 1521. Engraving.
The execution of the heretic Jan Hus (or Jean Huss, 1371 - 1415) on the beaker and the collection of its ashes , 15th (zylography)
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In the evening of May 10, 1933, as part of a campaign “against the anti-German spirit”, the Nazis organized a gigantic autodafe in Berlin's Opera Square (Opernplatz), in the presence of Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister for Popular Education and Propaganda. 20,000 books by German or foreign authors, Jews or non-Jews, are burned.
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Astrakhan's rip in Russia: a Russian doctor burns alive. Engraving in “” Le petit parisien”” on 31/07/1892. Private Collection
Bucher de Savonarola (Savonarola) in Piazza della Signoria in Florence in 1498. Museo di San Marco, Florence. Anonymous, late 15th century
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Representation of the pyres of the Inquisition.
Autodafé and Inquisition in Spain, grav, of 1881
Autodafe: book about Art History burning on a book butcher. Photo by Patrice Cartier -
The death of Sardanapale (Assurbanipal, 669-627 BC), Assyrian king, on a burial butcher of aromatic wood, surrounds his tresors, concubines and eunuchs - Engraving by Gabry, extracted from The Book of Perfumes by Eugene Rimmel (1820-1887), England, 1865 - Death of the Assyrian Rian king Sardanapalus on a funeral pyre of aromatic woods along with his gold, concubines and eunochs - Woodcut engraving by Lambert from Eugene Rimmel's The Book of Perfumes, London, Chapman and Hall, 1865
Human Sacrifice, 1640 (Watercolour)
Socinianism and Little Polish Church: the inhabitants of Krakow burn the works of Faustus Socinus (Faust Socin or Fausto Sozzini) (1539-1604) in the public square obliging him to attend the autodafe in 1598 (Socinianism and Polish Brethren: the burning of the books of Fausto Sozzini (Faust Socyn) italian ologian in Krakow, Poland, 1598) Engraving from “” The Mysteres of Freemaking”” by Leo Taxil (1854-1907), 1887 Private Collection