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Images of 'RDA' found, 15,996

Berliners from East and West celebrating the opening of the border at the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 9th November 1989 (photo)
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Steve McQueen at the race "Six Days" in Erfurt, 1964 (b/w photo)
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East German border guards watch protestors in the Lenne-Dreiecks area, 1988 (b/w photo)
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Crowd celebrating the opening of the border between West Berlin and the GDR on top of the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, 10th November 1989 (b/w photo)
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The first parts of the wall are demolished by citizens near the Brandenburg Gate, around midnight between 09-10.11, 1989 (photo)
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People from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, 9 November 1989 (photo)
Border control check the passes of citizens returning to the GDR after having visit West Berlin, Checkpoint Charlie, Bezirk, Kreuzberg, 10th November 1989 (b/w photo)
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The first parts of the wall are demolished by citizens near the Brandenburg Gate, around midnight between 09-10.11, 1989 (photo)
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The great famine of 1788, c.1900 (engraving)
Berliners from East and West celebrating the opening of the border at the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 9th November 1989 (photo)
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Protesters holding a banner on the balcony of the Palast der Republik, during a demonstration in Alexanderplatz, Berlin, East Germany, 4th November 1989 (b/w photo)
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Construction of the Berlin Wall
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Berliners celebrate with sparklers on the Berlin Wall on November 11th, 1989 (photo)
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Berliners from East and West celebrating the opening of the border on the Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 9th November 1989 (photo)
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Kurt von Schuschnigg, c.1936 (poster)
Berlin Wall, 1987
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May 68: anti gaullism
The Fall of the Berlin Wall, 9th November 1989 (photo)
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Everything is allright, Mrs the Marquise
French Revolution of 1848
Hotel Royal Danieli, Venice
Hindu gods Shiva and Ganesh, 18th century (miniature)
Hand of Fatimah, Hamsa, Amulet, 20th century (object)
Women at The Border Between West Berlin and East Berlin Speaking To Each Other Behing A Chicken Wire, 1961 (b/w photo)
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setting of the Berlin wall April 22, 1962
Etretat, Casino, c.1920 (postcard)
Trabant car passes the control point at the Bornholm Bridge to go west, 11 November, 1989 (photo)
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From 24th December West Berliners could go to and from the DDR without needing a visa, 1989 (b/w photo)
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Berliners from East and West celebrate the opening of the border on the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate on the night of November 9, 1989 (photo)
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Police control traffic at the Brandenburg Gate, Boundary between West and East Berlin, c.1961 (b/w photo)
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Signing of the Warsaw Pact on 14 May 1955 (photo)
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Franz Beckenbauer and Bernd Bransch, 1974
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Saint Margaret and the dragon, 15th century (miniature)
Turkey, parliamentary elections of 1923.
Erich Mielke (1907-2000) German communist politician, leader of the Stasi in 1957-1989, here in 1986
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Book of good manners, 1947 (print)
Esperanto's schoolbook, cover, 1909 (illustration)
Felix Mayol
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Indexing Stasi archives
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Some of The American Tanks Deployed at Key Points Along The East - West Border in Berlin in Reply To The Mounting There of Soviet Tanks October 28, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Dynamo Club Membership Card
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Riding club stables backing onto the Berlin Wall, 1985 (b/w photo)
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Child playing, dismantling pieces of the Berlin wall in the former military zone, Bernauer Strasse, Wedding, June 1990 (photo)
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US Correspondent conducting a news report, in front of crowd celebrating the opening of the border between West Berlin and the GDR, Brandenburg Gate, 10th November 1989 (b/w photo)
Thousands of Berliners gather on the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, November 10, 1989 (photo)
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A sign on the German-German border (b/w photo)
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East Berliners visiting West Berlin for the first time following the opening of the border, 9th November, 1989 (b/w photo)
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A mother helps her son to peep to the East from a hole made in the Berlin wall, 11th November, 1989 (b/w photo)
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People sit on the Berlin Wall one day after the opening, Berlin, 10 November, 1989 (photo)
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Angela Merkel visiting fishermen in Baabe, Rugen island, November 2, 1990
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Pietro Mennea in a 200 metres race at the Olympic Games
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Man with a hammer and a chisel at the fall of Berlin's wall, 1989 (photo)
"Earth filled with Spring", propaganda poster from the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1970 (colour litho)