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Images of 'North Sea Gas' found, 125

Winter Reservoir, 1987 (oil on panel)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Cumbria, UK, 1975 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Norfolk, UK, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Cumbria, UK, 1975 (b/w photo)
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Gas Station. Abandoned garage on Highway Number 2. Western North Dakota
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Iceland, UK and the North Sea at night in 2012 (photo)
Front cover of 'John Bull', April 1952 (colour litho)
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North Sea 19851007. Gas blasting on the oil rig "West Vanguard" on the Halten Bank …, 1985 (photo)
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The North Sea 19950921 Hydro is pumping up oil from Troll B, one of Norway's …, 1995 (photo)
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Jack-up mobile drilling rig moored at a pier in Homer, Southcentral Alaska (photo)
Boston (w/c on paper)
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Jack-up mobile drilling rig moored at a pier in Homer, Southcentral Alaska (photo)
The North Sea 19821123 The Statfjord B. Overview image with helicopter deck, gas flame …, 1982 (photo)
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The North Sea 19740923 platform at the Ekofisk Center, gas flame …, 1974 (photo)
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North Sea 19821123 The oil platform Statfjord B. Signs with Statfjord B, block 33/12 And gas flame …, 1982 (photo)
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North Sea 19740923 The oil industry, overview images of the patterns at the Ekofisk …, 1974 (photo)
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North Sea 19740923 The oil industry, overview images of the patterns at the Ekofisk Center ..., 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea 19740923 platforms at the Ekofisk Center. Helicopter to v …, 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea 19740923 platform at the Ekofisk Center. Helicopter to v ..., 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea 19740923 Oil Industry: Night image of the Ekofisk Center, gas flame …, 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea 19740923 Oil Industry: Night image of the Ekofisk Center, gas flame. …, 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea 19740923 platforms at the Ekofisk Center. Gas flame, supply vessels …, 1974 (photo)
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North Sea 19780508: The Frigg field. Oil fields. Gas flame. Flame. Night picture …, 1978 (photo)
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North Sea 19740923 The oil industry. Platforms at the Ekofisk Center, night picture, gas flame …, 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea 19740923 platform at the Ekofisk Center. Gas flame, supply vessels …, 1974 (photo)
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Graythorp, Graythorp, Hartlepool, UK, 1989 (b/w photo)
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The image shows a German Cargo ship filled with toxic gas as it sinks into the North Sea, thanks to the efforts of the Allied troops (b/w photo)
A trip to Hamburg, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
Explosion on the British oil rig "Piper Alpha" 180 km off Scotland, 1988 (photo)
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Ruins of the Mayan temple grounds at Tulum, 2022 (photography)
A thick brown tide seaweed covers the coasts caribbean Cancun, 2022 (photography)
RP Memorable News Pictures Of 1946 clip 34, 1940s
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B-29 lands on water and burning B-29 bomber after crash landing, firefighters, Pacific War, 1945
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North Sea, 19740926: Laying the gas pipeline from Ekofisk to the Emden in Germany. …, 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea 1968. The findings of gas and oil in the Norwegian part of the North Sea are referred to by many as adventurous ..., 1968 (photo)
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North Sea, 19740926: Laying the gas pipeline from Ekofisk to the Emden …, 1974 (photo)
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The North Sea, 19740926: Oil and gas industry,- laying the gas pipeline from Ekofisk to the EMD in Germany …, 1974 (photo)