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Images of 'May 1968' found, 3,056

Student throwing stones during demonstration in Paris, 25th May 1968 (photo)
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French President Charles De Gaulle during Speech at Television on May 24, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Martin Luther King making a speech outside Memorial Lincoln, Washington, 1957 (b/w photo)
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Demonstration in Paris on May 6, 1968 : Demonstrators Against Members of Riot Squads (b/w photo)
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French Prime Minister Georges Pompidou Announcing The Draft Agreements Between Government Trade Unions and Employers May 27, 1968 (In The Background Is Jacques Chirac Estate Secretary of Social Affairs in Charge With Employment Issues) (b/w photo)
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Francoise Hardy wearing A Rabanne's Dress, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Resolutely Down With Liu Shaoqi!, November 1968 (colour litho)
Cgt (French Trade Union) Demonstration on May 29 1968 in Paris (photo)
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Members of the French riot police with helmet and shiled behing pile of cobblestones during demonstration in Paris on may 1968
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Riot Squad Behind Cobblestone Thrown By Demonstrators, Paris, May 11, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Daniel Cohn-Bendit during A Demonstration For Student Protest on May 9, 1968 in Paris (photo)
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Francoise Hardy wearing A Rabanne's Dress, 1968 (b/w photo)
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French President De Gaulle and his Wife Arriving at Elysee Palace in The Ds Car For Minister Council May 30, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Jean-Luc Godard Filming Demonstrations of Students on May 7, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Poster, France, May 1968: Sois jeune et tais toi (de Gaulle muselle un adolescent) (serigraph)
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Nanterre University, France, March 23, 1968 : Start of May 68 Events (b/w photo)
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Daniel Cohn-Bendit One of Student Leaders here during A Demonstration on Paris on May 8, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Manifestation d'etudiants mai 68
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Poster of May 1968 published around 31 May 1 June 1968 “Be young and shut up”
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On May 24, 1968 : Common Demonstration (Workers and Students) in Paris (b/w photo)
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One of The Leaders of The Student Protest Movements during Demonstration May 13, 1968 in Paris : Alain Geismar (3Rd From L), Jacques Sauvageot, Daniel Cohn Bendit (b/w photo)
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Students during A Demonstration in Front of The Sorbonne, Paris, May 9, 1968 : on R : Daniel Cohn-Bendit (b/w photo)
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Demonstration of Students in Paris : Daniel Cohn-Bendit May 9, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Communist Demonstration in Paris on May 1968 : Demonstrators Brandishing Portrait of Mao Zedong (photo)
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Students Occupying Odeon Theatre in Paris, May 16, 1968 (b/w photo)
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May 1968: Jean Luc Godard supporting and filming the demonstration, Paris (b/w photo)
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May 68: the Grenelle agreements,Jacques Chirac with Georges Pompidou, 1968 (photo)
A banner is against the politics of the President of the French Republic Charles de Gaulle and the Fouchet plan in a demonstration of young students and workers, who do not want to interrupt the general strike for what was granted by the trade unions in terms of minimum wage and civil rights (""Contre les ordonnances, contre le 5eme plan, contre le plan Fouchet""). Paris (France), May 30, 1968 (b/w photo)
At Sorbonne University in Paris on May 14, 1968, Students Playing Music (b/w photo)
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Placards Announcing General Strike in Parisian Railway Station May 19, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Mai 68 : les leaders chantent l'Internationale
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Jean-Luc Godard Filming Demonstrations of Students on May 7, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Strike at Renault Car Factory in Boulogne-Billancourt, France, May 1968 (b/w photo)
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Poster, France, May 1968: Nous irons jusqu'au bout
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Demonstration of Cgt (French Trade Union) on May 29, 1968 in Paris : Banner Against De Gaulle (b/w photo)
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Poster: "Workers United - French Immigrants" France, May 1968 (litho)
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Poster, "He (Charles De Gaulle) is she mess!", France, May 1968 (colour litho)
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Poster, France, May 1968: la beaute est dans la rue (une jeune femme jette un pave  (serigraph)
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James Baldwin during a demonstration at the American Church, Paris, France, 1963 (b/w photo)
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cartoon poster about censorship in France may 1968
Council of Ministers at Matignon Hotel in Paris on May 27, 1968 : Jacques Chirac (b/w photo)
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Robert Poujade, Michel Debre and Andre Malraux during the demonstrations to encourage President De Gaulle, Paris, 30 May 1968 (photo)
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Journalist Michel Droit Listening To French President General De Gaulle during Radio and Tv Interview at Elysee Palace June 7, 1968 About The Events of May 1968 (b/w photo)
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Demonstration of Women of Cgt (French Trade Union) in Paris on May 29, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Strikers Outside The "Maison De La Radio " on June 7, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Banners against the President of the French Republic Charles de Gaulle (A bas de Gaulle) in a demonstration of young students and workers, who do not want to interrupt the general strike for what was granted by the trade unions in terms of minimum wage and civil rights. Paris (France), May 30, 1968 (b/w photo)
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May 68 : Students Demonstrating in Paris Near The Sorbonne, Paris, Under Look of Policemen, May 9, 1968 (b/w photo)
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May 68 : Students in The Courtyard of The Sorbonne, Paris, For A Meeting, May 13, 1968 (b/w photo)
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