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Images of 'Martian Base' found, 35

The Colonization of Mars-Illustration - Mars Colony - Artist's view of an inhabited base on Mars. A manned habitat on the surface of Mars
Artist's view of a first human crew on Mars - Martian Pioneers - The first human visitors to Mars would face an environment nearly as hostile as the Earth's Moon. While Mars has an atmosphere, it contains no breathable oxygen and is so thin that the surface air pressure is about the same as the Earth's 18 miles above sea level. To venture outside, humans would need hardy suits that would supply pressure, oxygen, moisture, warmth, and insulate them from the fine martian dust that may be both abrasive and caustic. Even with these precautions, humans would still be vulnerable to radiation from solar storms and the continual rain of interstellar cosmic rays
Martian base-illustration - Martian base - Illustratio
Terraformation de Mars-Vue d'artiste - Mars terraforming - Artist view - Illustration made for the cover of a short story by Kim Stanley Robinson, Mars la verte. Cover for “” Green Mars”” by Kim Stanley Robinson shows cliffside dwellings in the canyons of Mars
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La colonisation de Mars-Vue d'artiste - Colonization of Mars - Artist view - Illustration made for the cover of a short story by Kim Stanley Robinson. Cover for Kim Stanley Robinson novel about colonization of Mars
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Terraformation de Mars-Vue d'artiste - Mars terraforming - Artist view - Illustration made for the cover of a short story by Kim Stanley Robinson, Mars la verte. Cover for “” Green Mars”” by Kim Stanley Robinson shows cliffside dwellings in the canyons of Mars
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Experience Mars500 - Mars500 experiment facility in Moscow - Installed at the Russian Institute of Bio-Medical Problems (IBMP) in Moscow, the 550 m Seal Simulator consists of an interplanetary spacecraft and a Martian lander, and features a Martian landscape. The Mars500 experience is a Martian mission simulation that began on June 3, 2010. The crew locked up for 520 days consists of six people. They are Italian-Colombian Diego Urbina (27) and Frenchman Roman Charles (31) selected by ESA, Russian Sukhrob Kamolov (32), Alexey Sitev (38), Alexandr Smoleevskiy (33) and Chinese Wang Yue (26). March 500, the first full-length simulated mission to Mars, started on June 3 2010 when the six-man crew entered their 'spacecraft' and the hatch was closed. The experiment will run until November 2011. Diego Urbina and Romain Charles from Europe, Sukhrob Kamolov, Alexey Sitev, Alexandr Smoleevskiy and Wang Yue from China face a mission that is as close as possible to a real space voyage without leaving the ground. During 520 days, they will live and work like astronauts, eat special food and exercise in the same way as crews aboard the International Space Station
Martian Base - Illustration
Martian base - Illustration - Martian base - Illustratio
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Martian base - Illustration - Martian base - Illustratio
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Experience Mars500 - Mars500 experiment facility in Moscow - Installed at the Russian Institute of Bio-Medical Problems (IBMP) in Moscow, the 550 m Seal Simulator consists of an interplanetary spacecraft and a Martian lander, and features a Martian landscape. The Mars500 experience is a Martian mission simulation that began on June 3, 2010. The crew locked up for 520 days consists of six people. They are Italian-Colombian Diego Urbina (27) and Frenchman Roman Charles (31) selected by ESA, Russian Sukhrob Kamolov (32), Alexey Sitev (38), Alexandr Smoleevskiy (33) and Chinese Wang Yue (26). March 500, the first full-length simulated mission to Mars, started on June 3 2010 when the six-man crew entered their 'spacecraft' and the hatch was closed. The experiment will run until November 2011. Diego Urbina and Romain Charles from Europe, Sukhrob Kamolov, Alexey Sitev, Alexandr Smoleevskiy and Wang Yue from China face a mission that is as close as possible to a real space voyage without leaving the ground. During 520 days, they will live and work like astronauts, eat special food and exercise in the same way as crews aboard the International Space Station
Crew of the Mars500 experience - Mars500 experiment crew - The Mars500 experience is a Martian mission simulation that began on June 3, 2010. The crew locked up for 520 days consists of six people. They are Italian-Colombian Diego Urbina (27) and Frenchman Roman Charles (31) selected by ESA, Russian Sukhrob Kamolov (32), Alexey Sitev (38), Alexandr Smoleevskiy (33) and Chinese Wang Yue (26). March 500 520-day isolation crew (Diego Urbina and Romain Charles from Europe, Sukhrob Kamolov, Alexey Sitev, Alexandr Smoleevskiy and Wang Yue from China) photographed just before the entry to the facility at 13:49 local time in Moscow (11:49 CET) on 3 June 2010. They will stay in the facility for more than 17 months simulating a mission to Mars
Astronaut on Mars-Artist's view - Astronaut on Mars - Illustratio
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Based on an asteroid-Artist's view - Base on an asteroid - Illustratio
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Base sur Mars - Illustration - Mars Ice Home concept - Artist's view of an inhabited base on Mars. Inflatable housing concept surrounded by a layer of ice. The “” Mars Ice Home”” is a large inflatable torus, a shape similar to an inner tube, that is surrounded by a shell of water ice. The Mars Ice Home design has several advantages that make it an appealing concept. It is lightweight and can be transported and deployed with simple robotics, then filled with water before the crew arrives. It incorporates materials extracted from Mars, and because water in the Ice Home could potentially be converted to rocket fuel for the Mars Ascent Vehicle, the structure itself doubles as a storage tank that can be refilled for the next crew. Another critical benefit is that water, a hydrogen-rich material, is an excellent shielding material for galactic cosmic rays - and many areas of Mars have abundant water ice just below the surface. Galactic cosmic rays are one of the biggest risks of long stays on Mars. This high-energy radiation can pass right through the skin, damaging cells or DNA along the way that can mean an increased risk for cancer later in life or, at its worst, acute radiation sickness
Base Martienne-illustration - Martian base - Illustration - Astronauts install a relay antenna near a Martian base. Astronauts set up a relay antenna near Mars colony
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Permanent base on Phobos-Vue d'artiste - Phobos base - Artist view - Artist view of a base on Phobos, one of the two satellites of Mars. A spaceship orbits above a domed base on Mars' inner moon
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Base Martienne-illustration - Martian base - Illustration - Astronauts install a relay antenna near a Martian base. Astronauts set up a relay antenna near Mars colony
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Exploration of Mars-Illustration - Exploring Mars - Artist view - Astronauts explore an ancient river bed on Mars. In the sky the satellites of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. Astronauts survey site for base in ancient river valley on Mars
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Mars surface seen by the rover Curiosity 03/2014: The formation “” Kimberley “” seen by Curiosity on March 25, 2014. The strata indicate a flow of water towards Mount Sharp (in the background). A view from the “” Kimberley”” formation on Mars taken by Nasa's Curiosity rover. The strata in the foreground dip towards the base of Mount Sharp, indicating flow of water toward a basin that existed before the larger bulk of the mountain formed. The colors are adjusted so that rocks look approximately as they would if they were on Earth, to help geologists interpret the rocks. This “” white balancing”” to adjust for the lighting on Mars overly compensates for the absence of blue on Mars, making the sky appear light blue and sometimes giving dark, black rocks a blue cast.
Mars surface seen by the rover Curiosity 04/2015 - Martian surface seen from the rover Curiosity 04/2015 - Panorama of the surface of Mars on Mount Sharp. Mosaic of images obtained by the rover Curiosity and his camera Mastcam on 10 and 11 April 2015. A southward - looking panorama combining images from both cameras of the Mast Camera (Mastcam) instrument on Nasa's Curiosity Mars Rover shows diverse geological textures on Mount Sharp. Three years after landing on Mars, the mission is investigating this layered mountain for evidence about changes in Martian environmental conditions, from an ancient time when conditions were favorable for microbial life to the much - drier present. Gravel and sand ripples fill the foreground, typical of terrains that Curiosity traversed to reach Mount Sharp from its landing site. Outcrops in the midfield are of two types: dust - covered, smooth bedrock that forms the base of the mountain, and sandstone ridges that shed boulders as they erode. Rounded buttes in the distance contain sulfate minerals, perhaps indicating a change in the availability of water when they formed. Some of the layering patterns on higher levels of Mount Sharp in the background are tilted at different angles than others, evidence of complicated relationships still to be deciphered. The scene spans from southeastward at left to southwestward at right. The component images were taken on April 10 and 11, 2015, the 952nd and 953rd Martian days (or sols) since the rover's landing on Mars on Aug. 6, 2012, UTC (Aug. 5, PDT). Images in the central part of the panorama are from Mastcam's right - eye camera, which is equipped with a 100 - millimeter - focal - length telephoto lens. Images used in outer portions, including the most remote portions of the mountain in the scene, were taken with Mastcam's left - eye camera, using a wider - angle, 34 - millimeter lens
Martian base (illustration)
Martian base (illustration)
Martian dunes in summer - Mars: Summer view of Dunes: Detail on dunes near the northern polar cap of Mars in summer. Image obtained by the HIRISE camera of the Mars Reconnaissance probe orbiter on 1 September 2008. HIRISE is a 50 cm telescope that observes visible and near infrared. This dune field formed near the base of the North Polar cap. Dunes require a source of loose particulate material to form. The source of the northern dune fields around the polar cap may be from the layers of dusty ice that are eroded by strong polar winds. This image was taken during the Martian northern summer, so there is no frost present on the dunes. The dunes closest to the base of the polar cap are long and parallel, indicating strong winds from the direction of the cap. As they get farther away from the polar cap, they start to form more crescent shaped dunes, called barchan dunes. Repeated observations by HiRise of dunes like these show measurable changes in some locations. This discovery adds to the growing evidence that there are active processes happening all over the surface of Mars today