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Images of 'Manned Spaceflight' found, 1,716

The Colonization of Mars-Illustration - Mars Colony - Artist's view of an inhabited base on Mars. A manned habitat on the surface of Mars
Apollo 11: Decollage of Saturn V - Apollo 11 launch July 16 1969 - Decollage of the Saturn V/Apollo 11 rocket. 16/07/1969. The huge, 363 - feet tall Apollo 11 (Spacecraft 107/Lunar Module 5/Saturn 506) space vehicle is launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center (KSC), at 9:32 a.m. (EDT), July 16, 1969. Aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft were astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot. Apollo 11 is the United States' first lunar landing mission. This view of the liftoff was taken by a camera mounted on the mobile launch tower. While astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin descend in the Lunar Module (LM) “” Eagle””” to explore the Sea of Tranquility region of the moon, astronaut Collins will remain with the Command and Service Modules (CSM) “” Columbia””” in lunar orbit
Exit in space of Thomas Pesquet - Thomas Pesquet EVA: French astronaut Thomas Pesquet during his first extravehicular ride. January 13, 2017. ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Thomas Pesquet is photographed during a spacewalk in January 2017. During the nearly six hour spacewalk, the two astronauts successfully installed three new adapter plates and hooked up electrical connections for three of the six new lithium-ion batteries on the International Space Station. Astronauts were also able to accomplish several get-ahead tasks including stowing padded shields from Node 3 outside of the station to make room inside the airlock and taking photos to document hardware for future spacewalks. January 13 2017
Artist's view of a first human crew on Mars - Martian Pioneers - The first human visitors to Mars would face an environment nearly as hostile as the Earth's Moon. While Mars has an atmosphere, it contains no breathable oxygen and is so thin that the surface air pressure is about the same as the Earth's 18 miles above sea level. To venture outside, humans would need hardy suits that would supply pressure, oxygen, moisture, warmth, and insulate them from the fine martian dust that may be both abrasive and caustic. Even with these precautions, humans would still be vulnerable to radiation from solar storms and the continual rain of interstellar cosmic rays
Apollo - Soyuz: handshake between T. Stafford and A. Leonov - Apollo - Soyuz: T. Stafford and cosmonaut A. Leonov handshake - Thomas Stafford (foreground) and Aleksey Leonov make their historical hand hand on board the Apollo and Soyuz ships. 17/07/1975. Astronaut Thomas P. Stafford (in foreground) and Cosmonaut Aleksey A. Leonov make their historic handshake in space on July 17, 1975 during the joint U.S. - USSR Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) docking in Earth orbit mission. This picture was made from a frame of 16 mm motion picture film
International Space Station (ISS) 10/2018 (photo)
Exploration of Mars-Illustration - Mars rover rendezvous - The exploration of Mars by men will require vehicles that can take a crew long distances and will have to provide them with all the necessary protection against this hostile environment. A pair of manned Mars rovers rendezvous on the martian surface. Humans may one day explore the martian surface with the help of pressurized rovers that would provide a shirt sleeve environment while protecting them from the deadly extremes of the martian environment. In this image each rover provides transportation and life support for two crew members. By traveling in pairs each rover can provide backup for the other, and if necessary a single rover could serve as refuge and transportation for all four explorers
Apollo 11: Artist view - Apollo 11 - Artist view - Apollo 11 astronauts deployed the American flag on July 20, 1969. Apollo 11 astronauts unfurl the U.S. flag on July 20, 1969. Acrylic and gouache study for Hamilton Collection commemorative plate, 1993
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Lunar base - Illustration - Lunar base - Illustratio
International Space Station (ISS) 10/2018 (photo)
Apollo 11: N.Armstrong and E.Aldrin deploy the flag - Apollo 11: the deployment of the US flag - Deploiement of the United States flag by astronauts Neil Armstrong (left) and Edwin Aldrin. Image obtained by the camera mounted on the LEM. The deployment of the flag of the United States on the surface of the Moon is captured on film during the first Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Here, astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander, stands on the left at the flagship's staff. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., lunar module pilot, is also pictured. The picture was taken from film exposed by the 16 mm Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) which was mounted in the Lunar Module (LM)
Martian base-illustration - Martian base - Illustratio
Apollo 15: Feather and Hammer Experience - Apollo 15: David Scott watching hammer and feather fall - David Scott realizes the experience of pen and hammer on the Moon. To confirm the law of the fall of Galilee's bodies, David Scott simultaneously released a geologist's hammer held in his right hand and a falcon feather held in his left hand. Both objects fell almost at the same moment on the lunar ground, 1.2 seconds later. TV picture. August 2, 1971. Astronaut David R. Scott, Apollo 15 commander, watches a geological hammer and a feather hit the lunar surface simultaneously in a test of Galileo's law of motion concerning falling bodies, as seen in this color reproduction taken from a transmission made by the RCA color television camera mounted on the Lunar Roving Vehicle. Scott released the hammer from his right hand and the feather from his left at the same instant. This experiment occured toward the end of the third and final lunar surface extravehicular activity. August 2 1971
Apollo 11: E. Aldrin on the Moon - Apollo 11: Portrait of E. Aldrin - Portrait of Edwin Aldrin on the Moon. Neil Armstrong and the LEM are visible in reflection on the visor of his helmet. 20/07/1969. N.B. of the black was added in height and the horizon was straightened from the original photo e - apo11 - 30042. Portrait of E. Aldrin. Armstrong's reflection in visor. Jul 20 1969. N.B. image has been rotated and black has been added in height. See the original photo e - apo11 - 30042
Emblem Apollo 17 - Apollo 17 insignia - Emblem of the mission Apollo 17. 13/09/1972
Apollo - Soyuz: Soyuz ship - Apollo - Soyuz: Soyuz above earth - The Soyuz ship seen from the window of Apollo. 17/07/1975. This scene was photographed with a handheld 70 mm camera from a rendezvous window of the American Apollo spacecraft in Earth orbit during the Apollo - Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission. It shows the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft contrasted against a black - sky background with the Earth's horizon below. ASTP was a cooperative space mission between the United States and the USSR. The goals of ASTP were to test the ability of American and Soviet spacecraft to rendezvous and dock in space and to open the doors to possible international rescue missions and future collaboration on manned spaceflights. July 17 197
Astronaut training - Astronaut training - European astronaut Christer Fuglesang, from the STS-116 mission, photograph in the Houston pool (Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory or NBL) wearing a training suit for space trips (EMU). 7 January 2003. 7 January 2003 Astronaut Christer Fuglesang, STS - 116 mission specialist, wearing a training version of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) spacesuit, participates in an underwater simulation of extravehicular activity (EVA) scheduled for the 19th shuttle mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Fuglesang was joined by astronaut Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. (out of frame), mission specialist, for the simulation, conducted in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (NBL) near the Johnson Space Center. Fuglesang represents the European Space Agency (ESA)
Astronauts in the International Space Station - Astronauts in ISS - Astronaut Nicole Stott and astronaut Frank de Winne are working on the Canadarm2 Arm Control Station in the Destiny module of the International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts use the arm here to catch the HTV cargo ship. 30 October 2009. European Space Agency astronaut Frank De Winne, Expedition 21 commander; and NASA astronaut Nicole Stott, flight engineer, work controls at the Canadarm2 workstation in the Destiny laboratory of the International Space Station (ISS). De Winne and Stott used the station's robotic arm to grab the HTV cargo craft, filled with trash and unneeded items, and to unberth it from the Harmony node's nadir port. The HTV was successfully unberthed at 10:18 a.m. (CDT) on Oct. 30, 2009, and released from the station's Canadarm2 at 12:32 p.m
ISS: astronaut exit and Cupola - Astronaut with Cupola module on ISS - Astronaut Nicholas Patrick participates in a space trip to continue the construction and maintenance of the International Space Station (ISS). He works here on Cupola, the new observation module. 17 February 2010. NASA astronaut Nicholas Patrick participates in the mission's third and final session of extravehicular activity (EVA) as construction and maintenance continue on the International Space Station. During the five - hour, 48 - minute spacewalk, Patrick and astronaut Behnken completed all of their planned tasks, removing insulation blankets and removing launch restraint bolts from each of the Cupola's seven windows. February 17, 2010
Return to the Moon: arrival in lunar orbit - Artist view - The Orion spacecraft in lunar orbit - Artist view - Lunar program Constellation. The module resides Orion docks to the planing module in orbit around the Moon. Orion should be able to take a crew of four to six astronauts to the Moon in 2020. The Orion manned spacecraft, docked to the lunar module, in lunar orbit. The Nasa's Project Constellation plans to send human explorers back to the Moon by 2020, and then onward to Mars; each Orion spacecraft will carry a crew of four to six astronauts
Living base on Venus - Artist view - Venus balloon colony - Artist view: Floating base above the upper layer of the Venusian clouds
Valentina Tereshkova, Russian cosmonaut (colour photo)