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Images of 'Legal Event' found, 86

The Magna Carta. The Great Charter of English liberties, first issued by King John at Runnymede on 15 June 1215. This document is one of the four surviving exemplifications
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Napoleon at St. Helena
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Born out of World War II, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights represents the first global codification of rights to which all human
beings are inherently entitled. The framers of the Declaration drew on previous models of rights and a few of its articles look back as far
as Magna Carta; for example, Article 9 of the Declaration, relating to freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention and exile, echoes the essence
of clause 39 in the 1215 Magna Carta. Following the adoption of the Declaration by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948,
the influence of Magna Carta was acknowledged by Eleanor Roosevelt, Chairman of the United Nations Committee on Human Rights.
She declared in a speech to the Assembly that, 'this Universal Declaration of Human Rights may well become the international Magna Carta
of all men everywhere'.
The People's Charter frontispiece. Outline of an act to change and create universal suffrage. Political reform.
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Execution of criminals, Java
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The head-piece to a survey by Richard Pollerd and Thomas Moyle, Henry VIII's commissioners, of the lands of St John's Abbey, Colchester, compiled shortly after the dissolution of the abbey. The scene (top-right) is a copy of Lucas van Leyden's engraving of the Triumph of Mordecai, apparently intended to symbolise the judge leaving the town after the trial for treason of the last abbot, John Beche. The execution, which took place on 1 December 1539, is represented in the background
Pablo Neruda receiving the Nobel Prize, for Literature, from King Carl XVI Gustaf, 1971 (b/w photo)
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The Trial of Queen Caroline, 1820
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The Execution of King Charles I
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Napoleon Bonaparte
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Measure for measure.
Act II, scene I.
Angelo's House. Escalus, A Justice, Elbow, Froth, Clown, etc.
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'From the bar of the gin-shop to the bar of the Old Bailey it is but one step'
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'A sketch at the central criminal court during the late trial of O'Connor'.
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In 1670 the Quaker and future founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn (d. 1718), was arrested on a charge of being part of an 'unlawful and tumultuous' assembly in London. Having been tried at the Old Bailey, Penn was initially acquitted by the jury, whose members were then chastised, fined and imprisoned for having returned a verdict of not guilty. Invoking Magna Carta, an incredulous Penn called from the dock, 'It is intolerable that my Jury should be thus menaced; Is this according to the fundamental Laws? Are not they my proper Judges by the great Charter of England?' Penn published this transcript of his trial, representing his cause as a defence of the ancient liberties embodied in Magna Carta, to which was added a lengthy analysis of 'the Material Parts of the Great Charter of England'
In 1670 the Quaker and future founder of Pennsylvania, William Penn (d. 1718), was arrested on a charge of being part of an 'unlawful and tumultuous' assembly in London. Having been tried at the Old Bailey, Penn was initially acquitted by the jury, whose members were then chastised, fined and imprisoned for having returned a verdict of not guilty. Invoking Magna Carta, an incredulous Penn called from the dock, 'It is intolerable that my Jury should be thus menaced; Is this according to the fundamental Laws? Are not they my proper Judges by the great Charter of England?' Penn published this transcript of his trial, representing his cause as a defence of the ancient liberties embodied in Magna Carta, to which was added a lengthy analysis of 'the Material Parts of the Great Charter of England'
The jurors who refused to convict William Penn in 1670 were fined and imprisoned for contempt of court because they returned a verdict with which the judge disagreed. One juror, Edward Bushell, refused to pay the fine and instead sued for a writ of habeas corpus which was received by the Court of Common Pleas, presided over by Sir John Vaughan (d. 1674). Portrayed here on the frontispiece of a collection of his most famous judgments, Vaughan ruled that the imprisonment of the jury in this case was contrary to the terms of Magna Carta, and so he declared it illegal for jurors to be punished for the verdicts which they had reached. His decision, in what became known as Bushell's Case, became a landmark ruling that ensured the future autonomy of English juries. It also had consequences for jurisprudence in North America, where Penn, inspired by the trial, incorporated Magna Carta into the laws of his new colony
King Charles I death warrant, published by Thomas Tegg (1776-1846)
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The Great Charter of 1832.
After decades of popular agitation for reform, Parliament finally bowed to pressure in 1832 and passed the Representation of the People Act,
commonly known as the Great Reform Act. The Act granted a limited extension of the franchise, based largely on a broadening of the property
qualification in the counties and the creation of a uniform franchise in the boroughs. It also redistributed electoral constituencies, increasing
representation for the rapidly growing industrial towns, to begin to reflect the major population changes of the period. The Great Reform Act was presented as a new Magna Carta in popular prints and in other mass-produced items, including cordial bottles and figurines. Published soon after the Act was passed, this book, entitled The Great Charter of 1832, presents it as another Magna Carta. In the introduction, the anonymous author traces the history of constitutional reform, claiming that Magna Carta was a milestone in the advance towards fairer parliamentary representation.
A Declaration of the General Court holden at Boston 4 (9) 1646, concerning a Remonstrance and Petition exhibited at last Session of this Court by Doctor Child, Thomas Fowle, Samuel Maverick, Thomas Burton, John Smith, David Yale, and John Dand'
A Declaration of the General Court holden at Boston 4 (9) 1646, concerning a Remonstrance and Petition exhibited at last Session of this Court by Doctor Child, Thomas Fowle, Samuel Maverick, Thomas Burton, John Smith, David Yale, and John Dand'
Orders for the Governor and Council of St Helena.
In 1708, Captain John Roberts was appointed by the East India Company to replace the recently deceased Captain Stephen Poirier as Governor of
St Helena, a remote but commercially significant island in the South Atlantic. Upon taking up the post, Roberts and the island's council received
orders from the directors of the company, reminding them to 'take Effectuall care' that 'the Old Standing constitutions, which are as it were the Magna Carta of the Island, be religiously preserved & maintained'. The orders form part of a compilation of laws and ordinances sent to St Helena by the East India Company, which since 1683 had provided the island with a complete 'System of Laws and Constitutions'.
Introducing trial by jury and due process, the laws were influenced by, and regularly compared to, Magna Carta; that association was consciously nurtured by the company, which presented the laws as the basis of a fundamental
and independent constitution for St Helena.
The trial of James Creassy was met with indignation by many British residents in Bengal, who published this commentary on the case to accompany the petition to the House of Commons in 1779. Ignoring Creassy's crime,
the authors of the commentary criticised the Supreme Court of Judicature for denying trial by jury to British subjects. In support of Creassy's
request for a jury, the commentary argued that the 'indubitable and unalienable Privilege' of British law extended to Britons living in India; this privilege, it claimed, had been rejected by Sir Elijah Impey (d. 1809), the Chief Justice, who argued that 'the Bill of Rights and Magna Charta' had 'merely a local Influence' confined to Britain, and that Creassy 'was running his Head against a Wall, and would dash his Brains out' if he persisted in the appeal. The petition and its accompanying commentary eventually forced Parliament to reform the Bengal Supreme Court in 1781.
The trial of James Creassy was met with indignation by many British residents in Bengal, who published this commentary on the case to accompany the petition to the House of Commons in 1779. Ignoring Creassy's crime,
the authors of the commentary criticised the Supreme Court of Judicature for denying trial by jury to British subjects. In support of Creassy's
request for a jury, the commentary argued that the 'indubitable and unalienable Privilege' of British law extended to Britons living in India; this privilege, it claimed, had been rejected by Sir Elijah Impey (d. 1809), the Chief Justice, who argued that 'the Bill of Rights and Magna Charta' had 'merely a local Influence' confined to Britain, and that Creassy 'was running his Head against a Wall, and would dash his Brains out' if he persisted in the appeal. The petition and its accompanying commentary eventually forced Parliament to reform the Bengal Supreme Court in 1781.
The Statutes of the Realm was a ground-breaking publication which, for the first time, brought together printed editions of Magna Carta as
issued in 1215, 1216, 1217, 1225 and 1297. The text of each document was reproduced to show abbreviations, corrections and variants between the surviving copies. Most remarkably, facsimiles were also published of selected
manuscripts, including the Lincoln Cathedral version of King John's 1215 Magna Carta. The editors based their text of the 1215 charter on this Lincoln copy, collated with the two then held by the British Museum (now at the British Library) and the text in the Red Book of the Exchequer (now at the National Archives). The Salisbury Cathedral manuscript of Magna Carta was rediscovered after 1810, when this publication was prepared. The House of Commons had first proposed the publication of the statutes in 1800, and this is the copy presented to the King's own library.
The Beheading of the Rebel Lords
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The Statutes of the Realm was a ground-breaking publication which, for the first time, brought together printed editions of Magna Carta as
issued in 1215, 1216, 1217, 1225 and 1297. The text of each document was reproduced to show abbreviations, corrections and variants between the surviving copies. Most remarkably, facsimiles were also published of selected
manuscripts, including the Lincoln Cathedral version of King John's 1215 Magna Carta. The editors based their text of the 1215 charter on this Lincoln copy, collated with the two then held by the British Museum (now at the British Library) and the text in the Red Book of the Exchequer (now at the National Archives). The Salisbury Cathedral manuscript of Magna Carta was rediscovered after 1810, when this publication was prepared. The House of Commons had first proposed the publication of the statutes in 1800, and this is the copy presented to the King's own library.
The European Convention on Human Rights is a pan-European treaty, drafted by a committee of the Council of Europe in which the British Conservative politician and lawyer, David Maxwell Fyfe (d. 1967), played an instrumental role. Ratified in 1950 and in force since 1953, the Convention provides the first collective commitment of states to comply with the obligations outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Certain of its statements, though distilled through time, relate to key clauses in Magna Carta. For example,
Articles 5 and 6(1) of the Convention, which address individual freedoms and legal rights, reassert principles found in clauses 39-40 of the
1215 Magna Carta. The Convention states that, 'Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save "¦ in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law'. The Convention established
the European Court of Human Rights which enforces its terms.
The European Convention on Human Rights is a pan-European treaty, drafted by a committee of the Council of Europe in which the British Conservative politician and lawyer, David Maxwell Fyfe (d. 1967), played an instrumental role. Ratified in 1950 and in force since 1953, the Convention provides the first collective commitment of states to comply with the obligations outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Certain of its statements, though distilled through time, relate to key clauses in Magna Carta. For example,
Articles 5 and 6(1) of the Convention, which address individual freedoms and legal rights, reassert principles found in clauses 39-40 of the
1215 Magna Carta. The Convention states that, 'Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. No one shall be deprived of his liberty save "¦ in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law'. The Convention established
the European Court of Human Rights which enforces its terms.
Heads on Old London Bridge
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Mr. Trotter, the principal witness, standing at the lectern in the centre of Westminster Hall surrounded by figures including peeresses, bishops, lords and admirals. Judges and members of the royal family sit directly in front of Trotter; Lord Melville sitting to the right, facing the witness stand; sunlight falling from the upper left onto the centre of the Hall
Quintilia the quadrigamist; or, the heir and the hounds'. 
Maurora Maudeley; or bigamy & buttons. 
Satires on the sensation novel.
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The Trial of Queen Caroline, 1820
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Miniature of the trial of Bern before a judge, to the left, and Bern setting out in a boat on a river, to the right, from John Lydgate's Lives of Saints Edmund and Fremund
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Hans Frank in the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, 1933 (b/w photo)
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First part of King Henry VI act II scene IV- the Earls of Somerset, Suffolk & Warwick; Richard Plantagenet, Vernon and another lawyer at London: The Temple Garden
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Hans Frank at the Gau meeting of the BNSDJ in Dresden, 1934 (b/w photo)
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German Jurists Forum in Leipzig, 1933 (b/w photo)
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Viktor Bruns at the meeting of the International Law Association in Berlin, 1938 (b/w photo)
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German Jurists Forum in Leipzig, 1938 (b/w photo)
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The exhibition "German Law" in Leipzig, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Napoleon Bonaparte
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Translation of the Magna Carta into Anglo-Norman French
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Le Défenseur officieux
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Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)
Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)
Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)
Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)
Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)
Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)
Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)
The case of the tarts.
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Pride parades for the LGBT community (also known as gay pride parades, pride events and pride festivals) are events celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) culture. The events also at times serve as demonstrations for legal rights such as same-sex marriage. Most pride events occur annually and many take place around June to commemorate the Stonewall riots, a pivotal moment in the modern LGBT rights movement. Caracas, the capital city of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. June 2009.  (photo)