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Images of 'Border Demarcation' found, 171

Conclusion of the German-Soviet Friendship Treaty, 1939 (b/w photo)
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Border stone at the trijunction between Poland, Germany and Danzig, around the 1920s
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Border at the demarcation line, 1941 (b/w photo)
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Border guards at the demarcation line in France, 1941 (b/w photo)
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Border guards at the demarcation line in France, 1941 (b/w photo)
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German border policeman at the demarcation line to Vichy France, 1941 (b/w photo)
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Vierzon train station, c.1940-44 (postcard)
Korean refugees crossing the North-South border, refugee camp with adults and children sleeping and eating. 1950
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Second World War: Western Front. Demarcation line between North- and South France, 1940-42 (b/w photo)
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German border policeman at Bischofswerder, 1939
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New photo of the small border traffic between East Prussia and the Memel area, 1936
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Barrier and sign on the Polish-German border near Kurzebrack, 1939
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German-Polish border crossing in Bischofswerder, around the 1920s
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Polish-German border on the Weichseldeich, around the 1920s
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East Prussia's free access to the Vistula, 1939
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Border bridge at Filehne over the Notec, around the 1920s
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Polish barrier at Marienwerder, 1927
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Barrier on the Polish-German border near Tirschtiegel, around the 1920s
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The Vistula Bridge at Dirschau, 1939
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Border crossing at Kurzbrack, around the 1920s
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The Queen Luise Bridge over the Memel at Tilsit, around the 1920s
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French positions along the demarcation line to Vichy France, 1941 (b/w photo)
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German border guard on the demarcation line to Vichy France, 1942 (b/w photo)
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German-Lithuanian border at Tilsit, around the 1930s
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Children play at the Ossa border river, 1939
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Border crossing at Bischofswerder, around the 1920s
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Border stone at the trijunction between Germany, Poland and Danzig, 1939
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Border traffic between Poland and Germany, around the 1920s
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Trijunction stone between Poland, Germany and Gdansk, around the 1920s
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Barrier at the German-Polish border in Filehne, around the 1920s
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Map of the border crossing on the Vistula, 1939
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Border bridge between Germany and Poland in Filehne, around the 1920s
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Border stone at Gross-Nebrau, 1939
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German-Polish border stone at Schneidemuehl, 1930
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Board written forbiding Jews to cross demarcation line to go in occupied area, France, 1941 (b/w photo)
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German-Polish border in the governorate Schneidemuehl, around the 1920s
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Trijunction stone between Germany, Poland and Gdansk, around the 1920s
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Plowing farmer on the German-Polish border near Konradswalde, around 1939
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House on the Polish-German border in Grossweida, around the 1920s
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New railway station in Bischofswerder, around the 1920s
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View of the border town of Klein-Thymaur, 1939
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Trijunction near Weissenberg on the Vistula, 1939
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German-Polish border near Klastawe, 1938
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Berlin post WWII - communism, Walter Ulbricht, refugee camps, Berlin at demarcation line, 1945
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Border stone at Gross-Nebrau, 1939
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Reichsgrenze (frontier of the German Reich) near Bischofswerder, 1939
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German-Polish border near Gross-Nebrau, 1939
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A pond divided by the border at Danzig, around the 1920s
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The returning East Germans are be welcomed at the Schleischen Bahnhof (Silesian Railway Station) in Berlin around 1920
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Border house between Poland and Germany at Gross-Weide, around the 1920s
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Arbitrary border crossing in the East, 1931
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Map of Eastern Europe: German-Soviet border, 1940 (b/w photo)
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Call of the German military administration in France, 1941 (b/w photo)
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View of the Westpreussenkreuz, 1939
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Tripont: Gdansk, Poland, Germany, 1939
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German soldiers on the German-Russian demarcation line in the occupied Poland, 1941
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German-Russian demarcation line, 1941 (b/w photo)
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Border problems in the Upper Silesian Gliwice, 1930
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Volhynia German resettlers at the border crossing over the Bug, 1940 (b/w photo)
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