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Images of '3rd Company' found, 1,017

WWII - Invasion of Poland 1939
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India: Brahmi script. Ashoka's rock edict at Girnar, 3rd century BCE
Reinforcement for the Eastern Front, 1944
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Lieutenant-Colonel James Skinner (1778-1841) c.1836 (oil on canvas)
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Oliver Stone in Vietnam, having arrived 9/14/67 in the 2nd platoon, Bravo Company, 3rd battalion, 25th infantry
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Girl with shame poster "Pole's prostitute" (b/w photo)
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German ferry boat in Norway, 1945
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Vietnam War. African American Marine on patrol 8 miles south of the city of Da Nang. Oct. 30, 1969
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Forced labor in occupied Ukraine, 1943
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German grenadiers on the Eastern Front, 1944
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Guerre du Vietnam: Vietnam War. US Marine takes a break during a ground movement 25 miles north of An Hoa, North Vietnam. 1969.
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Changing of the guard at the German Military Commandant's office in Paris, 1940
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Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia as a hunting guest of Freiherr von Diergardt, 1903
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Roll call in the Dachau concentration camp
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German infantry in the area of Rzhev, August 1942
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Walter Giehrl, 1942
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Release of prisoners in the Dachau Concentration Camp, Christmas 1933
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Forced labor on the Eastern Front, 1942
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WWII - Reich Labor Service 1942
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Panzer IV (tank) on the Volkhov, 1941
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Beskid Front, 1944
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Transport of the wounded in the Carpathians, 1944
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Hungarian soldiers on the Carpathian Front, 1944
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German Wehrmacht in the Carpathians, 1944
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Artillery position at the Don Bend, 1943
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German soldier on the snow-covered Eastern Front, 1942
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Repair of chain damage, 1943
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Midsize flak (antiaircraft gun) on the Eastern Front, 1943
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German soldiers on the Mius-Front, 1943
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Shell hit in the Baltic states, 1944
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Gebirgsjäger (Mountain troops) in the Carpathians, 1944
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German soldiers on the Beskid Front, 1944
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Daluege, Wolff, Himmler, Bonin, Milch, Heydrich, Krueger, Schuetz, 1936 (b/w photo)
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Beskid Front, 1944
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Defensive battles in the area of Newel (Belarus), 1944
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German "Flak- Batterie" (anti-aircraft battery) on the Eastern Front ", 1944
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Armored infantrymen on the Eastern Front, 1944
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Retreat on the Eastern Front, 1944
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German soldier at the Don Bend, 1943
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My ennemy's ennemy by Kevin Macdonald, 2007
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Battle of Toski
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Presentation of a Silver Bugle to the 3rd Company of the Kent Volunteer Rifles (engraving)