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Images of '3e Iiie 3rd Reich' found, 1,076

Headquarter of french Gestapo ensured complete arrest of the group 1er rang - 1st row: Fritz Bittner (1), Karl Doring (2), Sattler (3), Boemelburg (4), Hans Kieffer (5), Reiser (6), Fritz Mohr (7), Arthur Katzemich (8) 2e rang - 2nd row: Roeding (1), Hans Hoppen (2), Joachim Kleist (3), Hans Damelo (4), Adolf Tippner (5), Hans Hofmann (7), Grenzmeier (9), Richard Becke (11), Hans Knittel (12), Herbert Richter (13), Paul Thummel (14), Vogt (15), Willy Muller (16), Georg Froitzheim (17) 3e rang - 3rd row: Willi Netzer (1), Richard Baldeweg (2), Joseph Daumelang (3), Willi Meissner (4), Ludolf Kroenke (5), Karl Braun (6), Hans Oppelt (7), Konrad Metscher (8), Richard Hamann (9), Heinrich Einfeld 10), Alfred Saalberg (11), Grunewald (15) 4e rang - 4th row: Lackert (1), Noehring (3), Richard Schroeter (4), Otto Schwab (5)
Nazi Party Rally at Nuremberg september 1938 : nazi standard
Karl Oberg, SS General leader of Gestapo in France with Joseph Darnand, leader of French militia, at the Invalides in Paris on july 2, 1944. On l is Fernand De Brinon
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German marshal Erwin Rommel in Bir Hakeim during Libya campaign 1942
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93 rue Lauriston in Paris : headquarter of the Gestapo during occupation by Germans
Paul Touvier (1915-1996) was French militian during the war he will be sued for treason collaboration with the nazis and complicity of crime against humanity here c. 1945
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Ernst Junger to Paris
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Adolf Hitler a Vienne
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Proces de Nuremberg (1945 - 1946) : devant le tribunal international pour juger les chefs nazis accuses de crime de guerre : de haut en bas et de gauche a droite : Hermann Goering (condamne a mort), Wilhelm Keitel (condamne a mort), Alfred Jodl (condamne a mort) Joachim Von Ribbentrop (condamne a mort) Julius Streicher (condamne a mort) Wilhelm Frick (condamne a mort) Ernst Kaltenbrunner (condamne a mort) Alfred Rosenberg (condamne a mort) Fritz Sauckel (condamne a mort) Rudolf Hess (prison a vie) Erich Raeder (prison a vie) Walter Funk (prison a vie) Hans Frank (condamne a mort) Arthur Von Seyss Inquart (condamne a mort) Albert Speer (20 ans de prison) Constantin Von Neurth (15 ans de prison) Hjalmar Schacht (acquitte) Franz Von Papen (acquitte) Karl Doenitz (10 ans de prison) Baldur Von Schirach (20 ans de prison)\r--- Nuremberg Trials, 1945-1946 : the nazis war criminals : Hermann Goering, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Joachim Von Ribbentrop, Julius Streicher, Wilhelm Frick, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Alfred Rosenberg, Fritz Sauckel, Rudolf Hess, Erich Raeder, Walter Funk, Hans Frank, Arthur Von Seyss Inquart, Albert Speer, Constantin Von Neurth, Hjalmar Schacht, Franz Von Papen, Karl Doenitz, Baldur Von Schirach
German tank outside Meurice Hotel in Paris (siege of the Kommandantur) c. 1943
Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936 : a german athlete lighting the symbolic fire
Otto Skorzeny, nazi officer, shortly before he went to Vichy France in november 1943
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Admiral Wilhelm Canaris (1887-1945) german officer head of nazi secret services, here in july 1944
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Adolf Hitler entering in Sudeten area in Asch (Czechoslovakia) october 1938
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Ernst Junger to Paris
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Adolf Hitler entering Hradschin in Prague former castle of Bohemia kings on march 15, 1939
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In Strasbourg (Alsace, France) october 1941, meeting of nazi party
Blanche square in Paris in 1940 during german occupation
The form of Hermann Goering (leader of the Luftwaffe) at the archives of criminal of war in Paris
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Nuremberg trial (1945-1946) : Herta Oberheuser (1911-1978), doctor in Ravensbruck concentration camp of women, is sentenced to 20 years of imprisonment because she made medical experiments on women of the camp
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German marshal Erwin Rommel on patrol in armoured vehicle during african campaign , 1941-1943
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German soldiers in front of movie theatre in Paris 1941
Doctors' Trial, Nuremberg, 1946 - 1947 : Karl Brandt, AdolfHitler's doctor, one of the 23 nazi doctors, he will be condemned to death, photo NARA
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Carl Clauberg (1898-1957), nazi gynaecologist doctor who carried out to medical experiments about sterilization on women prisoners in Auschwitz concentration camp
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Gudrun Himmler, Heinrich Himmler's daughter
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Erwin Rommel (1891-1944) german marshal who served in Africa here in 1943 in France
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Louis Renault French car manufacturer, meeting Adolf Hitler in 1935
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Speech of Hermann Bickler, Kreisleitung (head of Kreisleiter, nazi disctrict in Alsace) of Strasbourg october 12, 1941 in Strasbourg
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Wilhelm Canaris and Reinhard Heydrich june 21, 1941
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Leon Degrelle with SS Sepp Dietrich and Richard Jungclaus reViewing troops in Charleroi april 2, 1944
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Benito Mussolini visiting Adolf Hitler at the Wolfsschanze, Hitler's general Headquarters in Rastenburg, Eastern Prussia, on august 25, 1941, photo Heinrich Hoffmann
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Martin Bormann (1900-1945) nazi, friend of AdolfHitler 1942
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WWII - Invasion of Poland 1939
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May 68: anti gaullism
Adolf Hitler wearing uniform, late 30's
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Karl Ernst Haushofer (1869-1946) German army officer political geographer and prominent advocate of the geopolitical basis for Nazi plans for world domination c. 1933
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Rudolf Hess with Henrich Himmler, Josef Buhler, Dr Fritz Todt and Reinhard Heydrich in Berlin on march 21, 1941 at exhibition "Building and Planning in the East"
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Adolf Hitler arriving from Munich, greeting Conrad Heinlein the Nazi leader in Sudetenland, october 1938
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The roof space of Reims cathedral after german bombings in 1914
SS belgian Leon Degrelle during leave with his familly in Belgium april 19, 1943
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The Proces of Adolf Eichmann
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Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler at villa Gaggia in Feltre (Italy) on july 19, 1943
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Wedding of Joseph Goebbels with Magda on december 19, 1931 : on r : Harald Quandt, behind : Adolf Hitler
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very underweight prisoners in Neuengamme concentration camp (germany), 1945
colonel Oscar Reile, member of Abwehr IIIF (german counterespionage)
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Lieutenant Colonel Lucien Lippert (1913-1944) commander of SS Volunteer Sturmbrigade Wallonien
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Elyesa Bazna aka Ciceron (1904-1970) spy for nazi Germany during second world war
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French woman kissing german soldier during ww2
Congres de Nuremberg 1938
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Adolf Hitler during picnic with close friends c. 1935
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Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun in Berghof in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, c. 1940
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Young hitlerian boy captured by americans during 2nd world war, photo NARA
In Vienna, children singing for AdolfHitler 1938