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Major Eldred Pottinger, Bombay Artillery, attached to the Political Service, 1842 (colour litho)




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Largest available format 3415 × 5112 px 16 MB
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Large 3415 × 5112 px 289 × 433 mm 15.9 MB
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Major Eldred Pottinger, Bombay Artillery, attached to the Political Service, 1842 (colour litho)

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lithograph, coloured


1842 AD (C19th AD)

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Major Eldred Pottinger, Bombay Artillery, attached to the Political Service, 1842. Coloured lithograph after Lieutenant Vincent Eyre, Bengal Artillery, 1842 (c). Pottinger (1811-1843) joined the Bombay Artillery in 1827 and after several years of regimental duty transferred to the Political Service. He first visited Afghanistan in 1837 and helped Emir Dost Mohammed’s army defend Herat from the Russian-backed Persians. For these services he was thanked by the Governor-General, Lord Auckland, and awarded the CB. During the 1st Afghan War (1839-1842) he served as a political officer at Herat. When the uprising against Shah Shuja broke out in November 1841, Pottinger took refuge with the 4th Gurkha (Light Infantry) of Shah Shujah’s Force at Charikar. This unit was eventually destroyed and Pottinger escaped with a handful of survivors to Kabul. Soon after his arrival Sir William Macnaghten was murdered and Pottinger succeeded to his position as envoy to the Afghan court. After helping to negotiate the withdrawal of the British garrison to Jellalabad, Pottinger was held as a hostage by Akbar Khan, thus escaping the subsequent massacre. He was released in September 1842 when Major-General Sir George Pollock’s Army of Retribution arrived in Kabul. Pottinger returned to India, but died a year later while visiting Hong Kong. From ‘Portraits of the Kabul Prisoners’, a set of pre-publication coloured lithographs later published by John Murray in 1843. The artist’s original drawings were made during his captivity in Afghanistan after the Retreat from Kabul during the 1st Afghan War (1838-1842).

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Photo credit

National Army Museum, London, UK / Bridgeman Images

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No Additional Copyright
Largest available format 3415 × 5112 px 16 MB
Dimension [pixels] Dimension in 300dpi [mm] File size [MB] Online Purchase
Large 3415 × 5112 px 289 × 433 mm 15.9 MB
Medium 684 × 1024 px 58 × 87 mm 808 KB

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