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Photographs from 'Martin-Rietze' found, 211

Anak Krakatau volcano eruption - Anak Krakatau volcano - Anak Krakatau volcano eruption in June 2009. This explosive-type active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific belt of fire. The Anak Krakatau (the “son of Krakatoa”) appeared in 1927 on the remains of the terrible explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. Volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau in june 2009. This active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire. Anak Krakatau, which means child of Kratatau,””” emerged from the sea in 1928 replacing the Krakatau craters destroyed in the 1883 eruption.
Sulphur en fusion - Volcano Kawah Ijen -Java, Indonesia - Natural sulfur burning at Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulphur in natural fusion on Kawah Ijen volcano. Sulphur on fire emits a blue glow. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia, on the Pacific belt of fire. Natural sulfur burning at Kawah Ijen volcano seen at night. Burning sulfur is emitting blue light. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire
Sulfur flow in molten - Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulfur burning flow at Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulfur flow in molten on Kawah Ijen volcano. Sulphur on fire emits a blue glow. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia, on the Pacific belt of fire. Sulfur burning flow at Kawah Ijen volcano seen at night. Burning sulfur is emitting blue light. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire
Anak Krakatau volcano eruption - Anak Krakatau volcano - Anak Krakatau volcano eruption in June 2009. This explosive-type active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific belt of fire. The Anak Krakatau (the “son of Krakatoa”) appeared in 1927 on the remains of the terrible explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. Volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau in june 2009. This active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire. Anak Krakatau, which means child of Kratatau,””” emerged from the sea in 1928 replacing the Krakatau craters destroyed in the 1883 eruption.
Anak Krakatau volcano eruption - Anak Krakatau volcano - Anak Krakatau volcano eruption in June 2009. This explosive-type active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific belt of fire. The Anak Krakatau (the “son of Krakatoa”) appeared in 1927 on the remains of the terrible explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. Volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau in june 2009. This active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire. Anak Krakatau, which means child of Kratatau,””” emerged from the sea in 1928 replacing the Krakatau craters destroyed in the 1883 eruption.
Stromboli volcano eruption - Stromboli eruption - Stromboli volcano eruption. 7 May 2009. Strombolian eruption with rockfall. May 7, 2009
Anak Krakatau volcano eruption - Anak Krakatau volcano - Anak Krakatau volcano eruption in May 2008. This explosive-type active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific belt of fire. The Anak Krakatau (the “son of Krakatoa”) appeared in 1927 on the remains of the terrible explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. Volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau in May 2008. This active volcano is located in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire. Anak Krakatau, which means child of Kratatau,””” emerged from the sea in 1928 replacing the Krakatau craters destroyed in the 1883 eruption.
Volcano Stromboli: Lava flow on Stromboli volcano - A lava flow from Stromboli volcano enters the sea. Stromboli lavaflow with sea entry
Mud pond in Namaskard in Iceland - Hot mud pool in Namaskard, Iceland - Hot mud pot in Namaskard, Iceland. Hot mud pool in Namaskard, north of Iceland
Eqi Glacier, Greenland - Eqi Glacier, Greenland - View of Eqi Glacier, west coast of Greenland. Eqi glacier, west Greenland
Sulfur flow in molten - Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulfur burning flow at Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulfur flow in molten with acid lake of Kawah Ijen volcano in the background. Sulphur on fire emits a blue glow. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia, on the Pacific belt of fire. Sulfur burning flow at Kawah Ijen volcano seen at night with the acid lake below. Burning sulfur is emitting blue light. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire
Strombolian village - Strombolian village - Night sky illuminated by lava flows of Stromboli Brightened sky from Stromboli lavaflo
Marine iguana - Marine iguana - Marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus), lezard of the Iguanid family, on the island of Santa Cruz, Galapagos. Marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) in Santa Cruz island. This lizard is found only in Galapagos islands