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Photographs from 'Jean-Claude-Seine-Quiqu%C3%A9r%C3%A9' found, 186

May 68: the Grenelle agreements,Jacques Chirac with Georges Pompidou, 1968 (photo)
Portrait of Serge Gainsbourg (1928-1991), French singer and composer in Paris in 1966.
May 68: Grenelle agreements, Jacques Chirac, Georges Pompidou, Edouard Balladur, 1968 (photo)
Portrait of Serge Gainsbourg (1928-1991), French singer and composer in Paris in 1966.
Social movements of May 68: barricade of students of the School of Medicine in Paris at night. Latin quatier. Photograph of 1968.
Portrait of Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer playing the Piano at home in Entraigues in 1967.
Social movements of May 68: demonstrators in Paris on the column of July, Place de la Bastille, climbs above “La Liberté”, waving a flag. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: demonstration of the ORTF (O.R.TF) during the general strikes in Paris. Photograph of 1968.
Michel Guerard, 1968 (b/w photo)
Portrait of Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in Entraigues in 1967.
Social movements of May 68 - Paris May 1968 - Students and Workers Demonstration May 1968 in Paris
Social movements of May 68: demonstration and general strike in Paris. On the banner “” Satisfaction of our demands””. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68 - Students Demonstration May 1968 in Paris - Against the scounters for the class struggle live the cgt
Portrait of Serge Gainsbourg (1928-1991), French singer and composer in Paris in 1966.
Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in Entraigues in 1967.
Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in Entraigues in 1967.
May 68: Gaullist demonstration in Paris, Andre Malraux, 1968 (photo)
Social movements of May 68 - Paris May 1968 - Students and Workers Demonstration May 1968 in Paris - Mouvement de la jeunesse communiste de France
Michel Guerard, France, 1968 (b/w photo)
Portrait of Serge Gainsbourg (1928-1991), French singer and composer in Paris in 1966.
Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in Entraigues in 1967.
May 68: Grenelle agreements, Jacques Chirac and Georges Pompidou1968.
Social movements of May 68: clash at night between student protesters with the CRS (C.R.S.) in the streets of the Montparnasse Quarter in Paris. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: air view of banners and protesters during the strikes in Paris. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Student demonstrations in the streets of Paris. The sign reads: “Power to workers””. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: barricade of students of the School of Medicine in Paris. Latin Quarter. Photograph of 1968.
Jean-Luc Godard with Jean Ristat and Jacques Roubaud,during the demonstrations, Paris 1968  (b/w photo)
Social movements of May 68 (May 1968) - Demonstration 24 May in the streets of Paris
Social movements of May 68 - Paris May 1968 - Students and Workers Demonstration May 1968 in Paris - Solidarite FO avec les etudiants
Sheila, TV variety show, 1968 (b/w photo)
Portrait of Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in Entraigues in 1967.
Social movements of May 68: police posts at the theatre of Odeon during the demonstrations of May 68. Photograph of 1968.
Claude Nougaro and Michel Legrand, 1970 (b/w photo)
portrait of Jean wiener, French pianist, jazzman and composer (1896 -1982) at home in paris at the end of the 1970s.
Portrait of Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in 1975.
Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in Entraigues in 1967.
Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in Entraigues in 1967.
Social movements of May 68: Demonstration of workers of the Chausson factory (automotive industry) in Gennevilliers in the Hauts-de-Seine (Ile de France). The workers go with the banners of the CGT, CFDT and FO. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: student barricade in the rue des Saints-Peres in Paris. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68 - Paris May 1968 - Students and Workers Demonstration May 1968 in Paris
May 68: the Grenelle Accords, Georges Pompidou and Edouard Balladur, 1968 (photo)
Social movements of May 68: Youth demonstration of the CGT (C.G.T.) with a lady in the foreground bearing a flag in Paris. On the banner “... for a popular government””. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Gaullist demonstration opposing the movements of May 68 on Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris. Displays people with signs “Enough violence” and “Peace in France”. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: view of the demonstration in Paris with the leaders of the elected. The banner reads “Government, Employers, Immediate negotiations with trade unions. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Youth demonstration in Paris. On the banner: “With us fight to live free””. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Gaullist demonstration opposing the movements of May 68 on Avenue des Champs Elysees, Paris. Displays people with signs “Enough violence” and “Peace in France”. Photograph of 1968.
Portrait of Serge Gainsbourg (1928-1991), French singer and composer in Paris in 1966.
portrait of Jean wiener, French pianist, jazzman and composer (1896 -1982) at home in paris at the end of the 1970s.
Portrait of Jean Ferrat (1930-2010), French composer and singer at home in 1975.
Social movements of May 68: Workers' demonstrations (beauty products industry) in the streets of Paris. On the panel is inscribed: “” Trust = Bourjois, Chanel, Barbara Gould. Increase in our wages. CGT””. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Stake of strike of workers of the Chausson factory (automotive industry) in Gennevilliers in the Hauts-de-Seine (Ile de France). The workers are blocking the factory entrance door. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Stake of the workers of the Lens mine in Nord Pas de Calais. On the sign is written “” Long live the 40h paid 48””. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Greve students of a technical college in the suburbs of Paris. The banner says “Solidarite avec Renault Flins”. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: Workers of the Port of Paris on strike on the docks in Gennevilliers (Hauts de Saine, Ile de France). In the background: the Paris Chamber of Commerce. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: clash at night between student protesters with the CRS (C.R.S.) in the streets of the Montparnasse Quarter in Paris. In the center there is a volunteer from the red cross. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: SYDA office where the newspaper La vie ouvriere was published during the demonstrations in Paris. Photograph of 1968.
Social movements of May 68: picket of strike of workers in the Somme. Photograph of 1968.