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{"event":"custom_event","event_name":"view_search_result","event_category":"browse_catalog","keyword":"daughters of officers","search_type":"standard","search_bridgeman_artists":"false","search_mode":"automatic","search_zero_result":"false","search_results":18,"search_results_page_number":1}

'Daughters Of Officers' Bilder und Clips Suchergebnisse page 1 of 1

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Bilder zu 'Daughters Of Officers' gefunden, 18

Tales for children, 1904 (oil on canvas)
Magda Goebbels and two of his daughters surrounded by two SS officers, 1943 (photo)
Various scenes of the Romanov Family at processions and ceremonies in Moscow and Livadia, in1912
  • Content within this clip may require additional clearances (eg: trademark, audio rights and/or property/personality releases) depending on Licensee’s specific use of material.
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Death of Adolf Hitler and other leaders, end of war, German prisoners, 1945
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Nicholas II with his daughters, ca. 1913
  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Unveiling of a monument in East Prussia, 1913 (b/w photo)
  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Nicholas II in countryside with his daughters and army senior staff, Russia, 1910s
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in France
Queen Elizabeth honors the best cadet, 1941 (b/w photo)
  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Grant Wood
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  • No more than 5 minutes per clip available for licensing
Myrna Simpson, mother of Joy Gardner who died in hospital after a struggle involving police officers.., 1993-08-11 (photo)
Zusätzliche Genehmigungen
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book covers). Please contact us
  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
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  • Minimum fee applies to this image;Only available to clients invoiced in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, French Southern Territories, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States
Queen Elena of Savoy posing with her daughters Jolanda and Giovanna in the gardens of the Royal Palace in Rome, surrounded by a group of Red Cross nurses and medical officers. Before the Queen, seated in a carriage, is a small disabled person
Kidderpore Bridge, Calcutta.
The river represented in this view leads from the Hooghly into the Sunderlands, which are the intercourse with Chittagong and the eastern parts of our Indian empire ...
The principle object of the picture, (is) the suspension bridge, over which passes the road to Kidderpore ... The house in the distance is an establishment for young ladies, orphan daughters of the officers of the Indian arny ... The male figures in the foreground are collies and water carriers.
The Italians of Montreal, 1969 (16mm positive, scan 2K/Sound)
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in Italy
Spezielle Anweisungen
  • Screener copy. Hi-resolution master available upon request. Additional fees may apply.
The wreck of the 'Halsewell', Indiaman, c.1786 (oil on canvas)
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